World of Warcraft: Current Year

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
They made WQ's worse when they should have left that shit alone. Making the rewards not as fulfilling or diverse, while making actual quest actions 10x less diverse (I hated clicking nuts and squirrels, but it did break things up), and significantly reduced the number of them. WQ's is one of the things I enjoyed the hell out of in Legion but in BFA it just feels fucking pointless because the necklace sucks prolapsed asshole.

Time gating is fine in some respects. As long as you have other shit to do that's fulfilling and fun. There's a lot of shit, but it's just not fun or rewarding/fulfilling. I feel like I had a lot of shit and reason to login every day during Legion. Probably because I'd feel "behind" on the artifact weapon, but I had a connection with my weapon. There's no visible aspect to the necklace, and you visit a crystal dwarf that had no real connection to your character, with a story that feels convoluted, and a powering method that isn't enjoyable, engaging, or fun. No Fun Allowed. That should be the guild name.

Even the "secrets" team is giving up. Look at the new "secret" mount aquisition:

Fabious Mount Solved
The Secret Finding Discord has solved Fabious!

  • You'll need to break out your S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera MkII and head to 25, 29 in Nazjatar.
  • Once Fabious spawns, you'll need to take a selfie with the NPC and the mount will be yours!
Groan. I think I'd intentionally avoid getting that one.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Silver Donator>
They made WQ's worse when they should have left that shit alone. Making the rewards not as fulfilling or diverse, while making actual quest actions 10x less diverse (I hated clicking nuts and squirrels, but it did break things up), and significantly reduced the number of them. WQ's is one of the things I enjoyed the hell out of in Legion but in BFA it just feels fucking pointless because the necklace sucks prolapsed asshole.

Time gating is fine in some respects. As long as you have other shit to do that's fulfilling and fun. There's a lot of shit, but it's just not fun or rewarding/fulfilling. I feel like I had a lot of shit and reason to login every day during Legion. Probably because I'd feel "behind" on the artifact weapon, but I had a connection with my weapon. There's no visible aspect to the necklace, and you visit a crystal dwarf that had no real connection to your character, with a story that feels convoluted, and a powering method that isn't enjoyable, engaging, or fun. No Fun Allowed. That should be the guild name.

Groan. I think I'd intentionally avoid getting that one.

Basically 8.2 has been two hours of fun unlocking the two new isles (fuck the guy who designed Nazjatar to be annoying as possible to ride through) and now it's back to grind WQs or 75 rep each for the next 6 weeks.

Spawn rate for "Fabulous"? Once a week usually at 3am like the draenor portal mount?

Well the catch up gear for alts is nice, but people playing M+ regurlarly have way better gear and upgrading from the initasl 385 is super grindy.


Trakanon Raider
I knew it would be more of the same but I tricked myself into thinking I could power through it to save myself time and hassle later on if I ever decided to play again. They really outdid themselves with the time-gating this time around though. They brought dailies back (fucking lol) and limited it to 5? WQs per day in Nazjatar.
Battered wife syndrome.


There is still the 'bee' mount, which may or may not be in the game, so far as secrets go. But they did say that 8.2 would be 'light' on secrets and to look forward to 8.2.5.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It isn’t even that they are WQs which are a terrible addition to the game, it’s that they are Facebook faggot mini games for WQ. Bring turtles to the water, flip and match this dogshit, move dipshit turtle through the flags. Fuck you I didn’t pick this kind of game to play candy crush you fucking American Inventors. New WQs are basically candy crush match the yellow icons, and unravel this web, what the fuck is this shit? Why the fuck are you forcing shit that is so disconnected from the goddamn game down our throats. It’s bad enough you scumfucks made Pokémon into the game and those are now WQs too.
  • 2Salty
  • 1Solidarity
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I for one am enjoying both the zones and it's almost entirely to do with daily quests being reintroduced.

Never thought I'd be relieved to see dailies again, but it's nice that there's a full stop and I don't feel inclined to clear every single WQ every single time I log on making me take hours (if I did them, that is). Mechagon is defintiely the better of the two zones for my type of gameplay.

Also there's so much wpvp going on and I love it
  • 1Seriously?
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Khane Khane

> Warfronts are PvE battlegrounds.
So easier PVP, like I said: game isn't challenging enough.

> Islands are instanced, outdoor dungeons with bad rewards.
So not rewarding. Like I said.

> WQs are still WQs.
Neither challenging nor rewarding. Like I said.

> M+ is a shell of it's former self and the new dungeons are not nearly as fun or interesting.
> They keep phoning in the patch "island" content.

I have no idea what you're talking about here.

There is no attachment (ie: NOT an RPG) to your character because you can either:
1) Level for $60
2) Level in 8 hours

Then when you get leveled you can get gear that is 15 iLvls below max possible by jerking off in LFR raids.

Every quest is now just look at map, go to exclamation point, go to blue circle, go to question mark. In classic, you had to explore the town to find the quests, read each one to do it.

Raids can now be run with 10-25 people instead of a fixed number of 25. So much more easier to fill a raid. But now why bring your slightly bad friends when you could just bring the best players you find in /lfd based on score? Makes the game easier.

Loot? Now everyone has a 40% chance to get loot instead of the entire 40man raid getting 5 pieces. Makes the game less rewarding.

If you want to retain your employees, you need to give them meaningful work with meaningful goals. The same probably applies to retaining gaming customers as well.


found an old pal

  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
The WQ in Nazjatar where you have to match the 5 yellow stones bejeweled style is the games hardest content

I'm actually kind of enjoying myself tbh... my DH was ilvl 343 so this has been great for me, gear raining from the skys, warmode has been really fun around the world bosses/quests
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A Mod Real Quick
Khane Khane

> Warfronts are PvE battlegrounds.
So easier PVP, like I said: game isn't challenging enough.

> Islands are instanced, outdoor dungeons with bad rewards.
So not rewarding. Like I said.

> WQs are still WQs.
Neither challenging nor rewarding. Like I said.

> M+ is a shell of it's former self and the new dungeons are not nearly as fun or interesting.
> They keep phoning in the patch "island" content.

I have no idea what you're talking about here.

There is no attachment (ie: NOT an RPG) to your character because you can either:
1) Level for $60
2) Level in 8 hours

Then when you get leveled you can get gear that is 15 iLvls below max possible by jerking off in LFR raids.

Every quest is now just look at map, go to exclamation point, go to blue circle, go to question mark. In classic, you had to explore the town to find the quests, read each one to do it.

Raids can now be run with 10-25 people instead of a fixed number of 25. So much more easier to fill a raid. But now why bring your slightly bad friends when you could just bring the best players you find in /lfd based on score? Makes the game easier.

Loot? Now everyone has a 40% chance to get loot instead of the entire 40man raid getting 5 pieces. Makes the game less rewarding.

If you want to retain your employees, you need to give them meaningful work with meaningful goals. The same probably applies to retaining gaming customers as well.
There is no attachment (ie: NOT an RPG) to your character because you can either:
1) Level for $60
2) Level in 8 hours

False, you cannot pay to get max level

> Warfronts are PvE battlegrounds.
So easier PVP, like I said: game isn't challenging enough.

False, it is not PvP at all

> Islands are instanced, outdoor dungeons with bad rewards.
So not rewarding. Like I said.

True, shit design

> WQs are still WQs.
Neither challenging nor rewarding. Like I said.

True, shit design

Every quest is now just look at map, go to exclamation point, go to blue circle, go to question mark. In classic, you had to explore the town to find the quests, read each one to do it.

False - Thottbot

Raids can now be run with 10-25 people instead of a fixed number of 25. So much more easier to fill a raid. But now why bring your slightly bad friends when you could just bring the best players you find in /lfd based on score? Makes the game easier.

Out of touch opinion - real raids are mythic and are fixed to 20. Easier to fill? If you think so I have some land to sell you.

Loot? Now everyone has a 40% chance to get loot instead of the entire 40man raid getting 5 pieces. Makes the game less rewarding.

The % of people getting loot isn't the issue with loot in this game. The standardization by removing master loot is a big problem, uninspired "sets", TF/WF, etc. The % equals out to basically a set number of loot dropping per boss, give or take.
  • 1Hodjing
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That's not true one guy called me an asshole for capping the flag before him to get my achievement which is just chatroom pvp
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  • 1Worf
  • 1Rimshot
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Got something right about marriage
You're missing the point sadris. Legion did not bleed subs, it was well received and reinvigorated the game after the disaster that was WoD. BfA is very literally a "harder" version of Legion. Mythic raids are tuned even worse (which is incredible considering how overtuned NH, ToS and the last 2 bosses of Antorus were). M+ dungeons are much more difficult because the trash is way more dangerous + there is more of it. Characters don't get nearly as much power from Azerite armor as they did from a fully unlocked artifact weapon and Azerite armor is much more of a pain in the ass to acquire and grind out neck levels to unlock than the artifact weapon was.

The game is a stale, un-engaging treadmill that is no longer fun to play. It's still very challenging at the highest levels but it's not fun to jump through all the hoops you need to in order to participate.


Got something right about marriage
Then when you get leveled you can get gear that is 15 iLvls below max possible by jerking off in LFR raids.

Also, I have to shake my head at all you nerds who act like this is true. LFR drops gear that is 45 ilvls lower than Mythic, and 60 ilvls lower than max TF. I'm sure you think your character is the Tom Brady of WoW because you can kill 3 mobs at a WQ at once without dying, but your gear sucks and you'll be worthless in anything higher than a normal tier raid or M+5.

The gearing system is boring, and WF/TF is garbage, but you still have to try to at least heroic raid if you want your character to be adequate for anything actually challenging.
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The mythic+ dungeons in BFA just weren't fun, but I never got to really do the Legion mythic+s as a comparison. The effort required on the trash just burned me and my group out. And many of the 2 and 3 tier key affixes were pure cancer and spiked the difficulty from week to week to a ridiculous level.