World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Last night I completed the Jungle Stalker achievement for killing the 60 rares in Tanaan. Now I have to wait for the dude to spawn to get my Predator title. After that I can go back to logging in once a day to queue up gold missions.
I basically had to wait until Tuesday morning reset to get my Predator title. His estimated spawn rate is 24 hours, and you can only check every 15 minutes.

In my opinion, the best way to check him is to grab the Hunter's Seeking Crystal (the blue quality one that checks only within 500 yards) and kill Steeltusk (north of the horde camp in Tanaan). After the pig is dead, use the crystal. Xemirkol is the only choice at the location, so if he's up, you'll get him.

I tried server hopping and a few other tricks, but it's so much easier to just do it on a Tuesday morning.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I do think they made the Tanaan gear progression a bit too fast. I came back as a level 90 right after the release of 6.2 and it didnt take long at all for me to get full 695 gear with my preferred secondary stats purely through doing Tanaan. Between the apexis dailies, random purple upgrade from baleful gear, and killing rares in Tanaan, I was getting a 695 item every few days once I got into Tanaan.
I have 9 alts (in addition to the main, who doesn't need apexis gear), so it's a lot slower. But if you're running only one char, you should get geared insanely fast. The only reason to run LFR is if you don't have time to do the dailies and play only during weekends (and, of course, for your 3 tomes of the week because most bosses have lost their library card, apparently).

Also, what is it with tanks in LFR who have 10% less hit points than my priest? (and keeping aggro, so they are, indeed, in tank spec)
Also, the teleport to rares item is stupid.
At prime time, you click, and it tells you there are no targets "in range" (i.e. anywhere)...


I got extremely lucky this week apparently and got a tome from every single boss in LFR. Will be done with it next week.

I've noticed a lot of tanks having less HP or the same HP as me lately as well, it's kind of terrifying sometimes. To be fair most of the nasty damage in LFR to tanks is the trash so it's usually not that much of a problem, but it's worrisome having a tank with 40k~ less HP than a healer, lmao.


Blackwing Lair Raider
the force was with me as well I only missed getting a tome on one boss over all the LFR wings last week so I should in theory finish that part this week or at worst next week.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Is that me or are the CM becoming deliberately obtuse, sadistic, and avoid answering questions?

Apparently, the switch on PTR from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 isn't because flying is done testing and the patch is going live and now they're working on the rest. It's because they could not add all those Legion-related strings and stuff in the patch, and now they can, and they just threw the 6.2.1 away and they're now working on more fluff and we'll have to wait until they've finished their halloween stuff. But the renumbering was done "to reassure us that they're on track to testing all those extraordinary features" (aka AH-able tokens for character upgrades, so people can purchase overpriced character increases to attempt to sell for gold on the AH)...


To be fair, when you have to answer thousands of raving lunatics who obsess over a PTR build number changing, you might get a little cranky too.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
To be fair, when you have to answer thousands of raving lunatics who obsess over a PTR build number changing, you might get a little cranky too.
It's a bit more of a build number change. It's a bait-and-switch, compounded by absolute failure to communicate clearly, on top of what's obviously a bad production decision.

There is no reason to tag release a PTR unless you are reasonably sure you're going to release it, essentially because it's complete, ok, and maybe waiting for a couple of final Q&A issues. Notice what they didn't say? What little sentence would instantly defuse the whole mess? "No, 6.2.1 is indeed going live ASAP, while we're working on 6.2.2".

They didn't say that because someone decided to reset the clock, and, in the process, appears to have introduced a shitton of additional stuff for Halloween and later. All those features are requiring additional Q&A, meaning more time.

So yes, when people say flying is getting delayed by unrelated features, they are right.

And suddenly, people go back to the interviews on Legion and notice the mention that they LIKED how flying was in Draenor (i.e. not at all, and apparently delayed until the latest possible time).


I still really don't get the delay. It was up and fully functional on day 1 of 6.2.1 PTR excluding like 2 minor areas. Even so, Aviannas Feather has been in live forever now. The only thing I want out of flying right now is herbing my dick off once it comes out. It doesn't really bother me but it's still annoying.

I did see a comment on reddit that made me lol the other day though, someone was asking about flying and someone responded with the bullshit the devs were saying "We really want you to explore the world on the ground first before anything else" and someone just responded "Right so why did you add the crystal that teleports you to mobs in Tanaan"


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I don't know that it will bequitethat bad as you can transmog the artifacts, and there's like 5 different variants of the artifact's appearance. Aside from maybe the monk staff, the artifact variants they show cased at the reveal were pretty bad ass, imo.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
there's like 5 different variants of the artifact's appearance.
And up to 4 recolors per appearance.

Basically, they've put as much effort in making those artefacts as they usually do for "normal" weapons. The only difference is that, when they add new raids... ahem, when they'll add THE last raid, you won't have new looks in it. Or maybe you'll unlock a new base appearance, who knows.

For me, the main problem is if my specs don't have a staff. Because I'm not going to be able to transmog my standard staff appearance if I'm forced to use a mace or a dagger... My current thinking is that shadow will probably have a dagger (+offhand), holy a staff and disc a mace (+book), but the latter might be swapped...


<Bronze Donator>
Think they stated Anathema/Benediction won't be Priest iterations. Believe they said they had "cooler" ideas.