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  1. W

    The Random Thought Thread

    Why can't sleep be like rollover minutes?
  2. W

    Bioshock Infinite

    Just pre-ordered my premium edition. I'd happily pay $20 bucks for a Bioshock art book since the art and ambiance are what has made this series amazing. I absolutely cannot wait to play this game. Why the hate for Bioshock 2? I understand that the first one seemed a bit anti-climactic after Ryan...
  3. W

    "Wool" series by Hugh Howey...

    Loved Wool. Reminded me of Shirley Jackson. I was really pleased because I feel like I haven't read a well thought out dystopia in a while. I started reading First Shift but I just can't get into it as much.
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    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Not a smokescreen, just another way of making the point you just stated. People get married for lots of reasons. If you make a statement like "Men only get married to please women," then pointing out a significant portion of the male population who want to get married even though there are no...
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    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    If men were only getting married to please women, gay marriage would be 50% less of an issue than it is.
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    Traveling to Boston

    For museums you've obviously got the Museum of Fine Arts Boston (Student ID gets you in free, if you happen to have one). Close by that is the Huntington Theater which puts on some good shows if you want to get classy and see a play or an opera. If you like comic books you can hit up Newbury...
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    Life of Pi (2012)

    I don't think this is the point of the story at all. Open ended stories like this say more about the reader than they do about the books true premise. A skeptic will read the book and think "Obviously the story with people is the true one." A person open to believing things that require a larger...
  8. W

    March Book of the Month: Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

    Sounds good to me. I ordered mine today. I was pissed at my Kindle for overcharging the shit out of their e-books so I just got a used copy. Has anyone started it yet?
  9. W

    March Book of the Month: Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

    Sounds a bit like Neuromancer.
  10. W


    I was originally going to pass this show up because I had convinced myself it was more pseudo-historical garbage. I am pleasantly surprised that it's not.
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    Rosetta Stone: Espanol

    I am learning Italian in preparation for a trip this June. I have a bit of an advantage since my father is Italian and honestly, speaking to him in Italian for 1/2 an hour everyday has progressed me farther than anything. Without someone to speak to it's very difficult to understand the little...
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    The Documentary Thread

    This is an interview with Jeffery Dahmer and his father which is pretty informative and creepy. This isn't a documentary per se but it's a collection of original photos, news footage and videos surrounding the Manson family murders. It's also really easy to find documentaries and...
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    Requesting your votes....(Tits Included)

    Keg, I don't know who came up with this troll idea, but I think it's her way of telling you she wants the D.
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    What European country do you profile as?

    Greece. Cheers for being broke and buttsex.
  15. W

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Facial Reconstruction of a Jack the Ripper victim.
  16. W

    Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

    I definitely get that people are hating on Ravven right now but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I don't see anything intensely cuntish about the Furor pm's. Yeah the Coach bag thing was a little materialistic but if the shoe was on the other foot and some girl bought her brother a PS4...
  17. W

    February Book of the Month: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

    I actually liked about 80% of this book. Some of the interludes dragged on a little long and it seemed to meander around the plot sometimes and not quite get to it but I enjoyed seeing the characters and I liked the modern mythology. The emotional detachment didn't really bother me. I felt like...
  18. W

    How many books can you read at a time and the ereader/tablet curse

    Usually two. One on my Kindle and one regular book
  19. W

    Would you ever cheat on your other half?

    I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying. I am not saying these thingsdon'thappen. People make shitty decisions all the time (hell, I once listened to Nickleback), but opting out of responsibility and claiming that you had no choice or that it is excusable because of your biology is...
  20. W

    Would you ever cheat on your other half?

    My point wasn't that there may not be some biological urge. My point was, as Composter pointed out, that we override "biological urges" all the time when it suits us. Especially because human are also wired to adapt our survival strategies to our environment and there is plenty of reason to...
  21. W

    Would you ever cheat on your other half?

    I wouldn't cheat. It's not about opportunity it's about how I view myself as a person. I don't want to be disloyal so I won't be. If meth was offered free on every street corner I still wouldn't do it because I don't want to be a meth addict. That being said, the whole "Monogamy isn't natural...
  22. W

    Does Goliath still have a penis?

    I've played characters of both genders and I usually pick based off what I think will suit the type of character I want to create. If I want a stoic warrior who thinks with his fists and smashes his enemies into tiny bits with a warhammer, I'll choose a male character. If I want a sneaky little...
  23. W

    The Video Thread

    She makes some really great points about modern society but her historical assumptions go so off the rails they make my brain hurt. The "women and children first" rule was not all that prevalent, factually speaking.
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    Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

    First, you are a brave, strong, kindhearted person. Nothing can diminish that. You have done everything that should be expected of you and more. Everyone has pretty succinctly summed up the most important solution and I think you know it too so I won't bother repeating it. Here are some more...
  25. W

    Abortion Really good article that sums up a lot of what is being said here. Interesting statistical bit about how banning abortion does NOTHING to decrease abortion rates.
  26. W

    Do you sneak into movies?

    I think I saw two movies on one ticket once when I was younger. Actually I'm pretty sure it was my moms idea. I never have since because I don't think I could sit through two movies in a row. I definitely sneak in my own food. Oh, and flavored vodka to mix with the blue raspberry slushies.
  27. W

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Alton Brown saved my Thanksgiving.
  28. W

    Movies That Would Be Made, If You Could Make It Happen

    This. I loved the novel and I think it deserves a better rendition than this; Also, I always wanted to see Swan Song by Robert McCammon made into a movie. I thought it was pretty cool as far as post-apocalyptic fiction goes and I liked all the different character arcs.
  29. W

    Have you cheated?

    I've never cheated. Given infinite opportunity I still wouldn't. I'm a hard ass about that, I can't stand disloyalty. It wouldn't just be my relationship, it's my character at stake. If you are going to cheat, just break up with the person.
  30. W

    Thank you Draegan, Goodbye FOH

    Does that mean I get to be special?
  31. W

    Thank you Draegan, Goodbye FOH

    I think that is because the lyrics are "remember what thedormousesaid."
  32. W

    Surgeries and what to expect/ask/consider

    I've only been in for one surgery but I felt better once I asked questions and understood more about my anesthesiologist. They are, to my knowledge, responsible for treating all the changes in vital functions, so if you want to get comfortable with the idea of surgery get to know your...
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    RL Picture Thread

    Clearing my schedule!
  34. W

    RL Picture Thread

    You remind me of a prettier Alanis Morissette
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    What Does Your Car Say About You? (The Car Thread)

    2011 Black Ford Fiesta Hatchback. It says I love good gas mileage and sombreros.
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    Ask the community

    I'm no doctor so I'm just speaking from a similar experience which may or may not be the correct course of action. In my experience, it wasn't anything that meds really helped with. I don't think that his mom is actually a threat but I guess I could look like a real dumb ass for saying that if...
  37. W

    What do you do?

    Where do you work? Freelance at different Opera/Theater Companies What do you do? (Title/keywords) Costume Technician Stitcher/First Hand. I make or alter the costumes or just do repair work on pre-existing garments they have. I have done some work as a crafts person too which means I do...