Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored


Musty Nester
That progressive group you're looking for does exist but it has been absorbed by the democrats. So when you find it you're going to be voting democrat anyway. And if the OWS Party splinters off the parent body like the Tea Party did it will be infiltrated and subverted as quickly as the Tea Party was.

Don't forget that was a legitimate grass roots libertarian organization for... about 2 months.

This country is solidly moderate. We're prosperous and huge -- defending the status quo makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways for a lot of people. We haven't always been a moderate country and we won't always be in the future, but it is a wonderful thing that we currently are and a concerning thing that we're slipping further into radicalization with each election cycle. Prosperity and Moderation are linked. Our very own history shows us that they are. Fringe parties like libertarians and progressives are absorbed into a larger more entrenched body. They are represented and tempered through that absorption -- more than they would be without it. The problem with Republicans is that they canabalized their moderate base during the Bush years and that left the fringe in charge by both design and default. That's happened to Democrats in the past. They 70's and 80's were lean decades for the Democrats.
Now you see how I feel about the Republican party.
i registered as a republican a couple years ago, formerly was a registered democrat.

I'm pretty sure I'm never going to again vote for the president. I will however vote for mayor, senate, rep & gov.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
<iframe src=" esection=breitbartprivate&width=640&height=480" height="480" width="640" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>

Jesus fucking christ black people, get it together. This woman just may be dumber than Rachel Jeantel.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
To be fair, I think that woman is mentally retarded.

Jeantel was just stupid.


My experiment worked for those of you wondering. I sent Soygen a message over Steam saying I was going to be in their neck of the woods and was going to stop by and say hi. Full disclosure, I don't know who they are or where they live or have any intention of ever trying to find out. Then I was googling for information for my hike in a provincial park and as a joke I searched for the best place to hide a body in that specific park, knowing that it is absurd to think that there would be any information on such a thing. Then the day after the hike I'm walking my dog around the corner from my place a police car slowly drove past me. Are the NSA after me?
Every single thing you post is useless and contains zero readable content.

I am dumbfounded every time I do not see "Retard Rehabilitation Program" under your name.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>

More black people shooting white people and Hispanics. Wonder if the reverend's will respond to this one, or if the media will mention it. They'll probably just blame it on the guns again if they even mention it.
It doesnt seem like race had anything to do with that shooting. There's a legitimate black on white racial violence problem in the country, and it deligitimizes that issue that when every black on white crime gets put under the same umbrella


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
These are my big issues with the US race thing this past year:

1. Al Sharpton and friends* turning the race issue up to 11 on Zimmerman when there was zero evidence to support that it was a race related issue.
2. Al Sharpton and friends ignoring a case where race was at least plausibly a factor in the Chris Lane killing.
3. Al Sharpton and friends not putting more effort into dismantling the american thug culture.



Unelected Mod
Issues 1 and 3 I agree with. However,

2. Al Sharpton and friends ignoring a case where race was at least plausibly a factor in the Chris Lane killing.
Complaining about Al Sharpton not talking about the Chris Lane shooting does not make sense. Al Sharpton, if you look at him positively, is a civil rights activist for African Americans. Asking for him to comment on cases like this is just silly. Just as silly as all the anti-gun people complaining that the NRA doesn't come out strongly enough against school shootings or something. Al Sharpton isn't responsible for blacks who kill whites and the NRA isn't responsible for crazies that decide to kill kids. Asking either of them to apologize in proxy for other people doing bad things is dumb.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I guess you could just pair 2 with 3. Thug culture killed Chris Lane.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Issues 1 and 3 I agree with. However,

Complaining about Al Sharpton not talking about the Chris Lane shooting does not make sense. Al Sharpton, if you look at him positively, is a civil rights activist for African Americans. Asking for him to comment on cases like this is just silly. Just as silly as all the anti-gun people complaining that the NRA doesn't come out strongly enough against school shootings or something. Al Sharpton isn't responsible for blacks who kill whites and the NRA isn't responsible for crazies that decide to kill kids. Asking either of them to apologize in proxy for other people doing bad things is dumb.
If he truly wanted to improve the overall standing/image whatever the fuck you call it of black people in this country, you would think he would go after and denounce every little shit that makes black people look bad. If he was anything more than a race baiting parasite he would spend as much time and energy burning those little shits in effigy like he did trying to bring "justice for trayvon".

Of course if black people as a whole didnt feel they where constantly being persecuted and victimized at every turn there would not be someone like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.


Musty Nester
They do both have their place. As much as a slimeball as Jackson has become he started well and I'm sure that with all the scabs he's picked in his career Al Sharpton managed to find an actual injustice once or twice entirely by accident.

They shouldn't be the only voice being heard though. It shouldn't fall on Chris Rock's shoulders to provide the internal counter argument. It shouldn't be that once a black man meets with some success in life he stops being black. Because whites sure as fuck aren't going to claim him either. And that's what happens unless they made that money in the NBA or NFL, or they made that money specifically by pandering to the self-affirmations of the poor.

Might claim his grandchildren, might even respect the man himself, but not gonna claim him. Bill Cosby is black as fuck, yo.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
They do both have their place. As much as a slimeball as Jackson has become he started well and I'm sure that with all the scabs he's picked in his career Al Sharpton managed to find an actual injustice once or twice entirely by accident.

They shouldn't be the only voice being heard though. It shouldn't fall on Chris Rock's shoulders to provide the internal counter argument. It shouldn't be that once a black man meets with some success in life he stops being black. Because whites sure as fuck aren't going to claim him either. And that's what happens unless they made that money in the NBA or NFL, or they made that money specifically by pandering to the self-affirmations of the poor.

Might claim his grandchildren, might even respect the man himself, but not gonna claim him. Bill Cosby is black as fuck, yo.
Would you keep a broken clock in your house just because it happened to be right twice a day?


Musty Nester
Lets not pretend that where they start from is a bad place. People got troubles and it ain't always all their own damn fault, sometimes people DO get a raw-ass deal for no better reason than because. Black people got those sorts of troubles too. It's where they go with it that's bad, not where they start from. They do have a place. Just a smaller one than they currently occupy.