Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Trakanon Raider
I'll be honest, at some point two hours in, I was wishing I was watching a Marvel movie instead. Because those have character development, jokes, etc. Even in the face of the end of the world, The Avengers still crack jokes. There was one joke in the entire movie, and it wasn't funny. This took itself way too seriously, just like MoS did.
This entire movie was one gigantic joke done at the expense of everyone who was dumb enough to pay for it.


I think there was maybe ~20 people in the theater. Movie was pretty mediocre.... the rationale for the fight was pretty bad. Batfleck wasnt bad though.

who the fuck would want to live in that city after this shit happens twice? lol
was half expecting aquaman to save her and find the spear


Mr. Poopybutthole
Saw it. Not 31% bad or whatever. Maybe 6/10, maybe 6.5/10.

Direction was, awful. Just really bad. Batman vs. humans was pretty cool, but all the rest was just bad.

Though I must admit, it was actually fairly "real" in the sense:

During the Doomsday fight Batman basically takes a back seat. He can't really do shit so he just avoids him. Kind of sad, but also realistic. If this was somewhat real Batman would be like "20 foot tall and immune to damage? Nah, I'm out." Superman and Wonder Woman did fine and he was just support.

Batman did actually kick Superman's ass on a level field, but Superman was never trained to fight, he just punches 10000x harder and faster than his enemies.

Overall they tried to be Avengers and they just... weren't. Sorry DC, you still mostly suck.

Batman was kiting it, and hitting it with Kryptonite, to bring it down to a level that Superman and Wonder Woman could hurt it. Also, it was Batman's Kryptonite spear that won the day.

If Batman wasn't there, that fight would have ended entirely different.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Zack started his career so strong...

Dawn of the Dead

Sigh. RIP


Mr. Poopybutthole
I enjoyed MoS quite a bit, but this is just a shit sandwich.
I liked this about as much as I liked MoS. I actually used to like Superman, before they changed him into a dick in that movie. Snyder's done the same thing with Batman. How many people did Batman kill in this movie? When Superman killed people, it was not personal. The building he was fighting in just happened to blow up, with people in it. With Batman, he's killing people one on one, and it makes it personal and intimate (with the viewer). Him killing people was much worse, and intentional.

When my kids start asking me why Batman is being so lethal, something is wrong. The Punisher would be proud at how Batman was laying them down.

DC can still launch the DCU from here, but get Snyder off of this.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Micheal Bay may make bad movies but people love the shit out of his Transformer movies
Yeah we know it's well established that a movie can suck and make bank even when we disagree about which of those highly profitable ones are steaming piles.


Yeah we know it's well established that a movie can suck and make bank even when we disagree about which of those highly profitable ones are steaming piles.
Its not just make bank, the Chinese LOVE Transformer movies. It doesn't sound like ANYONE enjoyed this.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Was anyone pumped for this movie? I haven't seen it yet but was always a wait-for-cable for me. The previews were never inspiring.
Media tried too hard to make a ticket-sale headline out of it, they got too drunk off Star Wars I think.


Trakanon Raider
Bought tickets last week for this Saturday. Will I regret spending 2.5 hours on this? I am starting to feel like it. Sounding more and more like it is a rental instead of a must see. Too bad. They really needed a homerun to mirror a MCU like property. DC/WB got caught trying to keep up with the Joneses.


<Bronze Donator>
?I just don?t think it was a good fit,? he responded. ?I?m very strict with this universe and I just don?t see a version where?that [tone is] not our world.? Snyder is referring here to the relatively light and upbeat tone of The CW?s The Flash, in contrast to the darker, grittier, broodier world of Batman v Superman and its related films..
?While "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will go a long way towards establishing the expanded DC Cinematic Universe, it won't set the tone for the rest of the films. According to producer Deborah Snyder, "Justice League" will have a lighter tone than "Batman v Superman," and that has a lot to do with the characters.

"'Justice League' is a little bit lighter, 'cause some of these characters -- you know, Flash tends to be a little bit more comedic, I'd say," she explained.
?One of the things that lightens it is having Flash or having characters that are more optimistic. This movie is particular to characters who are having a crisis of conscience, which sort of draws them together," added director Zack Snyder..


FPS noob
only movies I am prebuying tickets this year are Civil War, Independence Day 2, and Star Wars Rogue

wait for RT's are Warcraft, Doctor Strange, Assassin's Creed, X-Men Apocalypse, Suicide Squad, Jason Bourne

rest will all be watch at home's


Mr. Poopybutthole
Bought tickets last week for this Saturday. Will I regret spending 2.5 hours on this? I am starting to feel like it. Sounding more and more like it is a rental instead of a must see. Too bad. They really needed a homerun to mirror a MCU like property. DC/WB got caught trying to keep up with the Joneses.
I didn't regret it. But you will leave the movie with a lukewarm feeling. This movie had no soul.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Thinking about Lyrical's review and I don't think I realized before these DC movies have hardly any humor in them. Hardly any lighthearted moments. They simply have no charm.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Thinking about Lyrical's review and I don't think I realized before these DC movies have hardly any humor in them. Hardly any lighthearted moments. They simply have no charm.
Well to be fair, they've gotten some good mileage out of darker and more gritty with the Bale Batman trilogy which did have some humor, but even that was often dark. And it's a way to distinguish their offerings from the MCU.


<Gold Donor>
I liked this about as much as I liked MoS. I actually used to like Superman, before they changed him into a dick in that movie. Snyder's done the same thing with Batman. How many people did Batman kill in this movie? When Superman killed people, it was not personal. The building he was fighting in just happened to blow up, with people in it. With Batman, he's killing people one on one, and it makes it personal and intimate (with the viewer). Him killing people was much worse, and intentional.

When my kids start asking me why Batman is being so lethal, something is wrong. The Punisher would be proud at how Batman was laying them down.

DC can still launch the DCU from here, but get Snyder off of this.
I agree, this is pretty much a character assassination of Batman.

Thinking back on it, there are obviously a few decent parts to the movie because it isn't *all* bad, few movies are. The scene with Superman in the senate hearing
where he is standing amidst the flames looking anguished (and maybe constipated)
was actually a great scene visually and emotionally. The different viewpoint on the events of MoS was well done as well. And I will go on record as saying that, despite my initial protests and misgivings, Gal Gadot was actually pretty good at being Wonder Woman. To the point where I'd be cautiously optimistic going into her movie now, depending upon who writes and directs it of course.

A lot of the rest of the movie though, particularly the attempts to shoe-horn in the bigger DCU,
Batman's fucking visions were the absolute worst, I mean seriously wtf? A casual viewer doesn't know wtf is goin on there. Same with Eisenberg's ranting at the end. And I couldn't even make out half of what he was saying there, even though I caught the gist of it
were by and large terrible. I'd go into detail about more particular scenes, but I'd have to spoiler a lot, and it just isn't worth it. Maybe when more people see it and point them out.

This movie *might* have been a tad bit better if they had gotten anyone but Eisenberg to play Luthor. Talk about character assassination. This was hands down the worst Luthor ever. I fucking hate Eisenberg anyway, but I can still appreciate when his character is ok. This one was absolute shit. I made the Joker comparison immediately after that first trailer, and I wasn't wrong. He's mostly insane, not the cold, calculating Luthor we needed. I am pretty sure that if Pee Wee Herman were Lex Luthor, it still would have been better.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This movie *might* have been a tad bit better if they had gotten anyone but Eisenberg to play Luthor. Talk about character assassination. This was hands down the worst Luthor ever. I fucking hate Eisenberg anyway, but I can still appreciate when his character is ok. This one was absolute shit. I made the Joker comparison immediately after that first trailer, and I wasn't wrong. He's mostly insane, not the cold, calculating Luthor we needed. I am pretty sure that if Pee Wee Herman were Lex Luthor, it still would have been better.
It's scary how much we are agreeing lately. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll screw that up soon.

Anyway, I was not looking forward to Eisenberg as Lex. He actually didworsethan I thought he would.