Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde


A Mod Real Quick
A little post-mortem of today.

The good - we killed H Kargath, got some 670 gear for a lot of folks. We got through Ko'ragh in around 2 hours total - most fights didn't require an explanation and we only died to Ko'ragh (the other tank didn't know what he was doing). I fucked up the adds a bit, I'm not really good at that stage but I'll get better at it. 6/7N, 1/7H in a few weeks isn't bad - plus we weren't getting carried by Krassus' tanking

The bad - We had to wait a bit for a bunch of people to logon and join the raid, also we had like 1 or 2 healers so we had to pug the rest. Can't really help it if no one wants to heal, but if there is someone out there that wants to spec healing you basically have a guaranteed spot in the raid. We also only had me as a tank and the pug one was just ok, he was confused on every boss even though he said he had done them. Poid said he'd step up as tank, so I'm cool with that unless someone is really dying to do it (Poid does good dps!). A lot of people still using the inn items... +100 stat when greater flask is 250 or whatever (375 for stamina). If a_skeleton_03 makes me a officer this week I can start bringing flasks for everyone, I'd prefer we all used it.

Couple questions for those that come:

1. Is personal loot working? I ask because I'm curious if anyone thinks ML would suit us better in terms of progression.

2. What progression path do we want to take starting next week? Do we want to put in legitimate attempts on Imp or move on to other Heroic bosses? I think a lot of the veterans don't want to work on imp for hours, which is understandable, but I'll leave it up to you guys.

Thanks for coming, hope everyone enjoyed it.

Also I seem to get a million tells while im raiding so if I miss yours just yell at me on mumble.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Sorry for the quick exit, but I was waiting on a delivery and have a lot going on this morning. I was too distracted to stick around.

I think that personal loot is fine, as far as the normal clears. Maybe when we're doing full Heroic runs, it might be better to do master and maybe reserve items for people, etc.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think personal loot helps a bit because we seem to have some regulars, with a mix of random/newness folks coming. We get some BoE junk too.

We may want to consider swapping DPS people in/out though. I got a lot of upgrades these last two weeks, so I might sit out or trade spots with someone to help them gear up. I may stick it out through Brackenspore, then trade up.

On another note, I've asked multiple times but people haven't responded. Paladin healing? Someone give me the full deal this expansion, saw some people complaining about it though. I have an 80 paladin I used to heal with all the time, I could level him up. I have a priest already, but I honestly can't stand playing him. The paladin could always tank too, although I've never really done it before since this was back during the days of single spec WoW. I used to tank on my warrior back in vanilla for everything up to Naxx, but then switched to priest then paladin for healing from Naxx into WotLK.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sorry for the quick exit, but I was waiting on a delivery and have a lot going on this morning. I was too distracted to stick around.

I think that personal loot is fine, as far as the normal clears. Maybe when we're doing full Heroic runs, it might be better to do master and maybe reserve items for people, etc.
Yeah I think for the numbers we generally pull and the fact normal clears is usually for "I have 630 gear and need everything" personal works. But if we want to advance further when we hit Heroic we need to start reserving items for our regular tanks and healers.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Personal is good until you have a bunch of people who really don't need anything, or if you bring in ringers who've already cleared the place that week.

As for Imp, best thing to do imo is see how Ko'ragh goes. If the Ko'ragh kill is even a little shaky then Imp is probably going to be a nightmare.


A Mod Real Quick
Personal is good until you have a bunch of people who really don't need anything, or if you bring in ringers who've already cleared the place that week.

As for Imp, best thing to do imo is see how Ko'ragh goes. If the Ko'ragh kill is even a little shaky then Imp is probably going to be a nightmare.
Yeah I mean I'm mostly asking for everyone else. I'm at 652, so I'm not gear starved or anything.

Our Koragh was a little shaky today, but I think if we have another tank that is pretty consistent and some healers we'll have no problem with him.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm having fun and leveling up my druid to heal also. I hit 650 with the gear drops today so I am getting up there!


A Mod Real Quick
Nice, I wouldn't switch classes unless it's something you truly want to do. I'd prefer people play their main choice - it's not like we're in Mythic. And once we hit heroics we'll be getting up to 670!


A Mod Real Quick
I put up our next week's raid. Same thing as this week but after Koragh I'm going to ask people to leave that don't want to do attempts and form up with those that do. I had shit to do this week,but next week I want us to try him.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Nice, I wouldn't switch classes unless it's something you truly want to do. I'd prefer people play their main choice - it's not like we're in Mythic. And once we hit heroics we'll be getting up to 670!
True, I'm not really looking to switch classes, but if we always have to pug heals that sucks too. I'm sure it'd gear up quickly if I get in on a bunch of raids.

My druid was my main in TBC and WOTLK (to the extent I played in WOTLK) my mage was my ZG alt in Vanilla. Haha


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do we have a semi-scheduled heroic run for the guild? Is that the Tuesday night?
Tues. is the heroic farm for Hist's Sunday mythic group that has a fairly static roster, quite a bit of reserved loot, etc. Hist did say that people with the gear and skill for mythic should talk to him about coming, but I don't think he's adding anyone just for heroic.

If the guild has enough ~ilvl650 people who want to try to do heroic on a weekly basis we should try to get an idea of what night(s) will work. I go with Hist & co. on my DK, but my hunter is geared enough for heroic now that I finally got a bow today, and I can make pretty much any night. Sun/Tues would be a bad idea because of the other group already running, and Wed should probably stay normal HM because there's people who still need that gear too.


Molten Core Raider
What the fuck is it with people doing progression with sub-par consumables/gems/enchants? Just apathy?


The Scientific Shitlord
My hunter hasn't settled down enough in gear yet to start saving the big money sinks into gems yet. I have a JC toon working on getting recipes and doing daily combines, but until I have full on 570+ I can't justify dropping 4k per slot for an extra 15 crit or MS from the AH. My enchanter has a shitload of crystals, though, so my enchants should be done unless I've forgotten I upgraded something. After today's failure of Brack to give me a bow I am biting the bullet and just upgrading a crafted crit/ms gun to 660. Need 11 more gears, but it will be done in the morning. That will also put my hunter at 657 with only 2 slots left that need an upgrade from normals. I have a 640+ mage and other toons in the wings, though if it gets to that point. I am a serial altoholic. Have been since vanilla.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The cheap gems are like 20g per if that. The cheap enchants except weapon are super cheap too. I'm not spending thousands of gold on enchants and gems for 630 gear but I am buying the cheap shit


Molten Core Raider
Okay, I do understand not dropping 15k on a full set of enchants if your guild is all about tinkering through Normal at a snails pace. But "cheap" gems/enchants are VERY cheap, and so are consumables... yet I join fucking heroic imperator groups and half the raid is missing flask and do not pre-pot.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Man, thinking about a balance druid alt because the rotation with the time cycle sounds fun, but fuck I don't know if I could always stand being a weird bear thing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man, thinking about a balance druid alt because the rotation with the time cycle sounds fun, but fuck I don't know if I could always stand being a weird bear thing.
Glyph of Stars

Unfortunately, Stars was cool before WoD but it sucks now, since you have to pick between it andGlyph of the Flapping Owlwhich is a no-brainer. Though if all you do is raid, it's not like slow fall is ever really needed.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Sorry for the quick exit today as well, wife wanted to go spend $$$, and I thought we were waiting until later in the day but she wanted lunch first etc etc etc.

H Kargath went well, glad we gave that a run.

Btw, I love healing, spec'd the priest from OS shadow to holy in case we end up with the multiple disc priest thing again.

About pally healing, Badatwow does well with it. Personally, I dont dig it cause I'm used to pally healing being all insta cast. So if you can handle cast times it seems just as solid as ever.