

The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I have that same 'cat tree' that Sean has. They love it. Here are my two cats. Arnold(grey tabby) and Willis(torty). This was a few months ago, so they are a bit bigger now(and a lot more annoying - nothing is safe in my house now!).


<Gold Donor>
Just going to post this again because it seems I haven't since we moved boards, but if you have a store that carries it near you (typically a feed store, but some Petco/Petsmart stores have them too I think, although I can't guarantee it will be anywhere near as cheap), chick start (literally baby chicken feed) is the best fucking cat litter you will ever use. And the cheapest. I pay $15 for a 50-lb bag, and it is comparable to the highest quality clumping litters you can buy. I'm not kidding, google it and you'll get dozens of sites where people say the same thing. I learned about it when my sister went to a rescue on a farm where they had 30+ cats and used chick start because litter was eating up way too much of their budget. And it works better.

I've got two cats, one of which is a fucking 29-lb monster that pisses like a firehose, and this stuff works great. In theory you can dump it in the toilet if you want as well since it is all biodegradable and doesn't have any clay in it to fuck up your pipes (unlike most other clumping litter), but I bag it and throw it away in the hopes that the bums digging through the dumpster in my complex tear it open when trying to dig out soda cans.

I haven't ever precisely measured it but I know that 50-lb bag lasts me at least 3 months, probably over 6 months if it were only one normal sized cat. For $15. Why people still use regular litter after hearing about this stuff, I really don't understand.

EDIT: Granted, I let them mess it up more than most people so they don't get too finicky, but even if it only lasts half as much for someone else, that's cheaper than anything else you can name.


Hah, one of my two 14 year old grumpy bints will come into any room where I am and yowl at me until I change the cat litter if its not to her standard. If I don't do it pronto she will then proceed to either piss in the bath or shit on the floor in front of the litter tray as a gentle reminder.
I go through an 8l bag of litter about every week and a half or so. Still it only costs about 3 bucks (1.69 in UK money).


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, what is he a lion cub? Holy fuck. When my big cat was 20 lbs most people said he was the biggest cat they'd ever seen.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, what is he a lion cub? Holy fuck. When my big cat was 20 lbs most people said he was the biggest cat they'd ever seen.
Nah, he's just a big cat to start with, and is now fat as fuck. He's 11-years old so there isn't a lot that I haven't tried besides starving him, he's just a fatass. He honestly doesn't even eat that much more than a normal cat would. The vet is always amazed of course, and yells at me, but has to admit that he's relatively healthy besides just being fat. I'd love to thin him down some, but exercise and restricting his diet doesn't seem to make a difference unless I practically starve and torture him. I'll hate it when he's gone, and I'll always wonder how much longer he could have lived of course, but he's still going strong it seems.

Anyway, I don't have any good pics to show his size really, and I'm not going to pick him up and let him hang or stretch him out like some of those other big cat pics you see around the internet. He would fuck me up with his frantic struggles, and probably have a heart attack as well. So I took a picture of both cats in their favorite spot...which is my favorite spot too, of course. They both grab that spot whenever they can, and I practically have to push them off to sit down when I want to watch TV.

For comparison, the smaller white one (Amira) is about 10 lbs. or so. The big one is Rocky, and that is a 12" ruler/paint stirrer laying next to him so you can get an idea of size. And yeah he needs brushing. He can't lick all of the spots he used to so I have to keep him brushed, but I wanted to grab this pic while he was in the right spot, so he's a little dirty from rolling around under my bed (he barely fits, but loved it when he was a kitten and still thinks it is awesome I guess). He'll lick Amira, but she sort of hates him and only tolerates him because he just avalanches her when they play/fight, so my hope of them cleaning each other isn't going to happen.


Yeah we had a huge tomcat that was a badass and we named him Arnold Schwartakitty and he would beat up coyotes that came on the back porch.

One week we found him next to his water/food dishes with his head swollen up 3 times as big and drooling. He had been bitten in the face by a snake or stung by a scorpion is all we could figure. We put him in the garage with his dishes and he laid there for three days and then went back to being a badass. He was about as big as that black cat in your pic and was also black with the same white accents, maybe he was reincarnated?


Molten Core Raider
I was in doubt if I should finish reading your story a_skeleton_03, glad to hear he was ok.



Tranny Chaser
He was more than OK I think he took on the essence of that snake as his totem spirit from then on!!

I wouldn't tell a story about a dead cat like that!!
Did you at least take him to the vet? Inflammation is painful, regardless of outcome.


Did you at least take him to the vet? Inflammation is painful, regardless of outcome.
We lived in the country and let evolution take it's course. He was a much stronger cat as a result. We made him as comfortable as possible and didn't put a bullet in his head on day one.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah we had a huge tomcat that was a badass and we named him Arnold Schwartakitty and he would beat up coyotes that came on the back porch.

One week we found him next to his water/food dishes with his head swollen up 3 times as big and drooling. He had been bitten in the face by a snake or stung by a scorpion is all we could figure. We put him in the garage with his dishes and he laid there for three days and then went back to being a badass. He was about as big as that black cat in your pic and was also black with the same white accents, maybe he was reincarnated?
Possibly! His entire underside is white too, which you can't really see in that pic.


Tranny Chaser
We lived in the country and let evolution take it's course. He was a much stronger cat as a result. We made him as comfortable as possible and didn't put a bullet in his head on day one.
I'm glad he survived, can't have been a pleasant experience. I live in the city and tend to think of cats as family members. Evolution means something entirely different to me, specifically 'change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations' (!). How do you judge him stronger from tissue damage and severe pain? No other creature is better of with serious pain, not even ourselves :S A vet can do something about the wound / swelling / inflammation and ultimately ease the creatures pain. Taking him to the vet does not mean putting them down in my book - quite the opposite


I don't disagree the evolution comment was snarky. We never took an animal to a vet ever in our lives. If we saw it was in too much pain we put it down. The coyotes did in most of the animals eventually though.


Tranny Chaser
Awesome, love the race, fur is super soft, gentle temper.

Your parents live in Germany?