Civilization VI


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Red Shell has been patched out again. I guess 2K CEO finally got around to reading the email from his corporate lawyers about GDPR.

BTW, this is the data headers of the data red shell collected


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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
And so this chapter ends, and a new one will begin again with some future spyware that is in 100 games before anyone notices.
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Buzzfeed Editor
The problem with AI in almost all these games is that most of it is still manually written branching logic, even if it is complicated. Some deeper learning techniques would go a long way. Some company should create a way of having the game record the details of a match, send it back home, and throw it in the machine learning bucket and use that data to improve the AI in later patches.

I haven't played a Civ game since 4, really, for this reason. I bought 5 but the AI is clearly just not up to the task of handling the more advanced systems the games constantly come out with. Its a weakness that has been around since forever, but as these games grow more complex it gets worse and worse. Moving around stacks of doom, for example, was just simpler for it than individual units where terrain matters far more.

No matter how nice a new Civ looks, I don't buy them for that reason--because what Civ needs is not a change to the systems, but a major overhaul of what is under the hood. Until I hear people praising the AI in one of these games, I'm pretty much done with them.

I really hope the kind of machine learning will help with these games. Anything so the AI players you face feel more intuitive and experienced.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I haven't played a Civ game since 4, really, for this reason. I played 5 but the AI is clearly just not up to the task of handling the more advanced systems the games constantly come out with. Its a weakness that has been around since forever, but as these games grow more complex it gets worse and worse. Moving around stacks of doom, for example, was just simpler for it than individual units where terrain matters far more.

No matter how nice a new Civ looks, I don't buy them for that reason--because what Civ needs is not a change to the systems, but a major overhaul of what is under the hood. Until I hear people praising the AI in one of these games, I'm pretty much done with them.

I really hope the kind of machine learning will help with these games. Anything so the AI players you face feel more intuitive and experienced.

Yeah, I think the complexity of the district system (a cool idea for humans) in six made it even worse. The AI rarely built them in a synergistic way. To have that on top of (mostly) one unit per tile didn't work well.

So that forced them to give the computer stupid advantages at higher difficulties (I think they start with three settlers at max difficulty). Which then forced you to always do early combat if you want to keep up. Any strategy game that forces you into the same opening moves has a huge flaw.


Molten Core Raider
Now that Red Shell is gone, picked up Civ 6 (Vanilla) for $20. Very interesting differences from the traditional formula. I've read some conflicting (patched?) info on Districts. Should you bother building them all together between several cities? IE: I have four cities in a "cross" that have all their districts in the center. Is this a "bad" thing or "depends"?

Also, anyone purchase and play the iPad version?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Now that Red Shell is gone, picked up Civ 6 (Vanilla) for $20. Very interesting differences from the traditional formula. I've read some conflicting (patched?) info on Districts. Should you bother building them all together between several cities? IE: I have four cities in a "cross" that have all their districts in the center. Is this a "bad" thing or "depends"?

Also, anyone purchase and play the iPad version?

Do you mean you have 4 cities in a diamond?

If you want to min max everything then putting them towards the middle is best, you get bonuses for adjacent districts, and for districts that are within 9 hexes of each other, so the more overlap the better, but i dont think those bonuses pay off that much. I usually put districts by natural features that will help get better bonuses i e. Campuses by mountains or financial district by cow pastures

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Also some powerful wonders like Great Zimbabwe and Oxford U can only be built by being adjacent to their respective districts so you wanna plan ahead and make sure you leave room for them

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Don't listen to Putin.

In general you should try to maximize the adjacency bonuses for the districts which is rarely done by placing them all together. Campuses surrounded by mountains, industrial zone surrounded by mines/quarries, commercial next to rivers, harbors next to water resources, holy sites (lol) next to mountains/natural wonders is what you should be aiming for.

You're probably reading guides from the early versions where you could stack factory bonuses, that's been eliminated so that style of placement is out of date.


Molten Core Raider
Thank you both for your response. It would appear I have been using out-dated information. My only regret is that I can't move districts once built. Didn't realize I had the perfect city for Ruhr Valley until I got the tech (first play through) and my Industrial district was far away from the river I settled on. Live and learn.

Does the expansion add anything worth while?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Thank you both for your response. It would appear I have been using out-dated information. My only regret is that I can't move districts once built. Didn't realize I had the perfect city for Ruhr Valley until I got the tech (first play through) and my Industrial district was far away from the river I settled on. Live and learn.

Does the expansion add anything worth while?

The golden age / dark age system is pretty fun and encourages user to build/do shit they normally wouldnt (unique units, unique improvements) but i have no opinion on just how much chasing those things benefits you. Id say its worth it just for the 6 new civs


Goonsquad Officer
You'll learn that that there are more obese female rulers than you've ever heard of.
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I haven't played a Civ game since 4, really, for this reason. I bought 5 but the AI is clearly just not up to the task of handling the more advanced systems the games constantly come out with. Its a weakness that has been around since forever, but as these games grow more complex it gets worse and worse. Moving around stacks of doom, for example, was just simpler for it than individual units where terrain matters far more.

No matter how nice a new Civ looks, I don't buy them for that reason--because what Civ needs is not a change to the systems, but a major overhaul of what is under the hood. Until I hear people praising the AI in one of these games, I'm pretty much done with them.

I really hope the kind of machine learning will help with these games. Anything so the AI players you face feel more intuitive and experienced.
Yeah, every six months I try to load up a game. Then realize how astoundingly horrid the AI is and have to revert to Europa Universalis.
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Goonsquad Officer
I need to try europa Universalis again.

I loved me some civ IV. i STILL like the caveman to cosmos mod. it's horrible that mod isn't built out in a newer engine :(
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Molten Core Raider
I bought 5 but didn't play it a ton, largely because the AI issues don't give nearly as much of a feeling of danger. Did not yet buy Civ 6 since they kept 1 UPT and the AI was supposedly even worse.

If i get the Civ itch I still play IV. Complain about SoD's all your want, but the danger you felt from them was a thing. 16 Civ Terra huge world is my go to.
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Potato Supreme
Yeah, every six months I try to load up a game. Then realize how astoundingly horrid the AI is and have to revert to Europa Universalis.

The constant attacks on wide-play by the PDX devs has run me off of EU4. I think I'm done with that game. Civ is much better for conquering the map type games now.