

Trump's Staff
How does sacrificing himself prove that he's evil? You trying to say that he'd only do it because he wants to prove Vogel wrong? That doesn't need to be the case; he could have an inner monologue and invalidate that entire line of thought.


Musty Nester
Nah, I mean because in the context of the show it means that he's always had a choice. It would mean that deb was right in season whatever when she tried to cure him. Last season I guess. By mastering the compulsion through self-sacrifice it shows that he's able to master it -- and was always able to master it. I really do mean just within the context of the show. It's presented as a compulsion. His dark passenger. It's always hung on the presumption that Dexter is "incapable of emotion", and they're hammering that shit with Vogel "oh, that's iiiinteresting". It's always been "dexter is something different". Always.

Dexter being capable of too blave kinda shoots the whole thing to shit. He's never been something different.

I mean yeah, there's holes in it. But fewer than in most episodes of dexter.


Life's a Dream
And last season's Blonde chick is going to be back this season. I wonder what her influence will be?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I have said that from the very first episode. I have always hated Deb with a passion.

She sounds like she is about to cry every single time she delivers a line.
in the 1st season,ok we get it,your boyfriend is a psycho so i understand the crying and whining...
but after lundy (S4) was shot,it's like you said "She sounds like she is about to cry every single time she delivers a line. "

whatever the end is,i just want deb dead....


Molten Core Raider
The last ep of this series will be Dexter sitting down in a diner with his family and Deb. Someone who looks like Doakes walks in, fade to black....

Then the writer will criticize us all for expecting a violent ending.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope they get on with Vogel realizing that Dexter doesn't fit her definition of a psychopath. He clearly has developed empathy/feelings and doesn't fit any of what she keeps saying. They have hinted that she knows this but are just dragging it out.


Molten Core Raider
I'm going to be pissed if goofy ass Quinn is the one that ends up capturing/killing Dex.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I know we're not supposed to point stuff like this out on Dexter, but it's nice to know that a drunk woman can walk into the middle of Miami homicide in the middle of the day, get whisked into an interrogation room for half an hour, then be carried out unconscious through the hallway and then the parking lot over a guy's shoulder and not a single person will notice it at all.


I know we're not supposed to point stuff like this out on Dexter, but it's nice to know that a drunk woman can walk into the middle of Miami homicide in the middle of the day, get whisked into an interrogation room for half an hour, then be carried out unconscious through the hallway and then the parking lot over a guy's shoulder and not a single person will notice it at all.
Yeah I filed that one among the many unrealistic things that happen in this show... then again, it's Florida we're talking about so you never know.


Molten Core Raider
It'll probably be a Sopranos style ending. :|
The last scene of the show will be Dexter bringing in poisoned doughnuts into the office like he used to do. All of them poisoned by Hannah. You don't get to see the aftermath. The screen goes black.

Then the closing credits are a duplicate of the opening credits but with Hannah cooking breakfast and getting ready for work. The icing on the cake will be Yvonne Strahovski sliding the clean white t-shirt over he perky naked titties.


It ends with an ambiguous conversation between Dexter and Vogel and as she leaves we realize we are in an insane asylum and the staff and patients are all familiar faces. Vogel has a short chat with someone looking like La Guerta to the tune of "After all these years we're making progress: these last few weeks he has finally been acknowledging my presence". We cut back to Dexter being brought back to his quarters and Emily Browning in a school girl uniform jump in the frame and chop his head off with a katana. "Surprise motherfucker!" Roll credits.