Duel of Champions (Might @Magic F2p CCG)


Buzzfeed Editor
Wow, Kieran in like the 3rd campaign is not even Fking funny. Mass berzerk you cant remove. Ton of epics, wolf captain and crew, gate to nowhere. Etc.


Trakanon Raider
There's a few ways to beat him. Not sure what your collection is like but the easiest way is to just disable his army (wither, weakness, moonsilk strand/fetter, nether soul) and kill him with cursed chains. Ariana, Gazal, Mother, Kalazaar are all excellent heros to use for that strategy.

Another easy win is use an immolation deck. Best is Asalah. Put some gargoyles out and stack multiple immolations. 3 immolations active will auto kill every unit he plays before it gets to attack. Use scholar, obsidian gargoyle, djinn, Nur, or any unit standing on the academy buildings to be immune to your own immolation. In fact, an immolation deck is a free win against the entire campaign just about.

Another, much cheaper option, is to just use a deck with water magic and focused mind. It makes you immune to berserk, so you can strategically plan your attacks.


Buzzfeed Editor
I was using a hakeem kinda control.

I realized it didnt have to be standard, so I got my zardoc deck out and just trounced him with a swarm of bigger creatures before he could get critical mass of them grouped up.

And no, I lack most of what you listed despite having around 1k cards. Really lucky at bad packs.

EDIT: Im dumb, ariana is way worse/scary. Had more than 4 swarms, starts with tower of gardner and can draw and play more...., spitting decay spiders. Nuts.


Trakanon Raider
The final round of fights against the "Generals" in the last campaign are definitely some of the most challenging. Except Akane, she seemed like a pushover for me with every faction. Wait until you fight Phrias with his never ending Abyssal Lord army, which he usually starts dropping on turn 4 or so, thanks gate to sheogh!

I've been putzing around trying all the factions in BS2. I made a stronghold deck with Kat, going the fortune route instead of spells. First match, I queue against a necro (surprise!). I eventually won the duel, but holy shit incorporeal owns the hell out of fortune stronghold decks. I think the only reason I eventually won (after like 20 turns) was because the necro wasn't using much hard removal like banshee or soulreaver, just water nukes and some death seals. Here's the replay:Replay :: Sinzar vs guest-HL57aw9d | MMDoC King

Not too sure how I can tweak a stronghold deck to handle incorporeal better. I guess I could go magic instead of fortune and rely on nukes. Another issue I found when building a stronhold deck is.... stronghold has very limited options under 4 resources for melee line. There's a ton of archer units, the harpy flyer, and war oliphant. That's basically it? I was even considering using cards like void wraith just to have something to play in the melee row before turn 4. Maybe HoN added a bunch of low melee drops, I'll have to check, though that won't help me for a few weeks.


Molten Core Raider
Took a bit of work and 3 times I was close and then plummeted horribly, typically trying to change up my strat too much but boom, daddy is now champ 3! Funny enough I had just made 1500 elo 15 minutes before the expansion hit but I had been working on my BS2 deck build for a while so i'm pretty happy its shining. Not bad for never having played a card game before, I mess around with heartstone abit but this game is so much more indepth they just don't compare.



Buzzfeed Editor
Ariana was such bullshit. Finally on like 40th game got lucky with just a strong push the bot ignored with stronghold until too late and it threw everything at my bottom lanes. (play fatty and sacrifice to clear way to victory)

Phrias hard? Fah, first try. Basic bullshit that he didnt seem to respond well to. For some reason randomly event card sacrificed a creature and finally on turn 7 played one abyssal lord into a suicide goblin before I won.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Ok, so I'm trying to get into this game, since it has a reasonably well-made iPad app. Can someone explain to me what I should be doing? This game isn't terribly intuitive. I chose Necropolis for my starting deck (did this a few weeks ago), did some campaign mode, and opened a couple packs I think. But I'm confused, this new patch or whatever seems to have changed the way the campaign stuff works, and I'm not entirely sure what changing to Base Set 2 means?

A few things I've noticed and am confused about:

-This morning I logged on on my PC and noticed the deck building area claimed I owned 134 cards, but now on my iPad it's just saying 100 cards

-The iPad version doesn't seem to have daily log-in rewards? I only get those popping up on my PC thus far.

-Why do I have a Sanctuary base starter deck all of a sudden? (This is new as of logging in post-patch, as opposed to a few weeks ago when I actually began and played for a couple days with my Necropolis deck)

-Daily quests unlock starting at Squire rank. What is that? Level 5 as per the achievement description? Or something that's only attainable by doing ranked play?

-Are the PC and iPad versions not fully synched up or something? There seem to be differences (like the 134 and 100 cards owned mentioned above)



Avatar of War Slayer
You got a free deck for logging in, after the season2 patch. That is your sanctuary.

Ipad only have 100 cards instead of 134. Not entirely sure. I don't have an ipad. have android.. but no app for that, to test for you.
But I would guess, perhaps a filter is set? some cards not showing?

Didnt know dailys even had any rank requirement. but yes squire would be a ranking. Levels and rank aren't the same. But yeah, you need to do some ranked play for that. Daily quests are require ranked play to complete as well.

Base set 2 is effectively Season 2. They took all the cards from season 1. which were, base set 1, void rising, herald of the void, forgotten wars, and 5 towers. Banned most of them for season 2(standard) play.
What was left over, was Base set 2.
Season 2 is now, base set 2, and Heart of nightmare.

when making a deck, you have filters for cards on the top. And just above the deck area, their is another tab for open, standard or weekly format. This filter lets you build decks for each.

Open is every card usuable.
Standard is season2, ranked/tourney play.
Weekly is.. I dont know. currently its just bs2. but to what point? no idea. only way to even know its bs2 only, is looking at the cards left over.

Daily quests are also currently... shit.
2 MAJOR flaws.
1. they do not clear, if you don't complete them. so, if you get "win a swiss" daily, and don't win a swiss, that daily will never leave. same if you get a "win 2 games with academy" and don't have an academy deck. really, really stupid design.
2. daily rewards are tiered. so high end players get more gold and wildcards for their dailys, while low teir players get less. no wildcards at all. just gold. this is incredibly stupid, as it gives new players no reason to even care about the dailies, and just makes the gap between new player and old player grow.


Trakanon Raider
The game has another flaw in that right now it's very much in "pay to win" mode. You can only get the expansion cards through spending cash, and decks without expansion cards just don't hold up to decks using them. Eventually expansion cards will be available to us free players, but until that happens, it's shell out cash or go home.


Avatar of War Slayer
yes that too. but didnt feel like harping on the subject more.

Season 2 erected a paywall. A damned shame. Game was just so much more robust then hearthstone. And did really want to encourage new players to try with season 2. but man. that paywall. its hard to recommend with it in place.


Molten Core Raider
Actually some of the base 2 sets still compete very well, inferno actually can be nasty still if played properly. Lurkers/bloaters are some of the best cheap controls in the game and maniac is still probably the best 5 drop non-unique in the game if you are smart on how you use him. Fleshbane deck also is strong with incorp army and a few key spells or fortune route. Stronghold still players very well but you need a few of the epics from the old BS1 to make it be all you can be. One version of strong hold I use that has been fairly competive against the top competion in the game is a strong hold with only 4 or 6 HON cards (fortune).

If I was a new player I'd actually focus on a inferno deck, outside of the new lava guys there isn't anything extremely op that is required to compete.

As far as pay to win, i get abit tired of those comments partially because its a damn game and if players some how feel slighted that they might need to spend a few dollars on an expansion if they don't want to be patient then i'm not sure what to say. Its why i hate the model, people loose sight of the fact the company has to generate revenue and its not the type of game selling reskins and shit is going to cut the mustard. Unless you are in the top tier there are plenty of players in the same situation as you so you have plenty of people that aren't running full HON so i don't see that as a requirement to compete.

Don't get me wrong, i think its a poor model that they are making people wait I really do but I also don't view it as an atrosity against man kind. They fucked up the daily quest hard core, they should have had a rate of WC's coming in and quests resetting that allowed a person to make 20 or so a week which means 1 epic card a week for free players. Since a deck only runs 4 epics at most for the new ones I think that would have been fair for the free loaders. I also LIKE that the dailys can be a bitch, i don't think people should be able to just do a quest with the eyes closed and collect hand outs. But they NEED to have a daily reset. Honestly i haven't done my tier 3 daily once which is 5 WC's because its win 6 matches as haven and i'll be damned if I am going to play the faction I despise the most and that gets beat down hard at the top levels for the most part. Instead I spent 2 days playing all sorts of decks trying to come up with good anti necro combo's /shrug.

Huge flaw and they need to fix, I hate that they aren't communicating right now. I dropped like 500 champ points making crazy decks, so this weekend i'm going to go play my bread and butter strong hold and hopefully climb back to the top 100 or so. If they do a minor tweak/nerf to necro's it will make me rejoice both because its warranted but also because they are my counter deck. I have 3-4 powerful combo's that can literally end the game in a single turn but I need 1 of 2 creatures on the deck and honestly against a necro if I don't have a can't target event up those cards are removed 99% of every game on every drop no matter what so it gets fustrating. I've gotten good at tricking necro's now though into false sense of security; 3 of my last 4 wins tonight were with 5-6 necro creatures and me with 1-3 health and them with 12-15 and i usually had 2-3 creatures if that and I'd come out of no where and 1 shot them because they get lazy on creature placement.

My tweak would be to replace soul reaver with a crippling card of some sort. Still allows for some control but removes insta kills from a scene that was supposed to be creature centric. They still have death seal, enthrall, and banshee and some have 2 other sources of board removal (town portal & necro bitch ladies removal) not to mention AE spells that can kill you when you creature stack to deal with life tapping or hard to kill incorp's etc.

Fuck them! So many fun decks to try out but Ubi really is forcing you in a few specific directions. I still haven't seen a copy cat of my deck yet which is funny because its an absolute killer if played properly.


Trakanon Raider
I agree they have to generate revenue somehow, but I'm also in agreement with you they went about it the wrong way. I think their original model was just fine, you could spend cash to get cards right now, others could slowly grind them out over time with seals on level and wildcards in packs. I don't know their numbers, so maybe the game was just not making any profit, but post-patch, virtually all I read about their new economy model is negative feedback, so that can't be good for the games health and growth.

On another topic, do you useReplays | MMDoC King
Turbo? I'd be curious to see some of your replays as stronghold against necro, because I have a hell of a time beating necro with stronghold.


Molten Core Raider
I had issues before with it, i'll try again and see if I can get you some examples. Its still a crap shoot but its funny as hell on how many times I drag them out with them thinking the longer it goes the better for them and i'm just setting up my combo's. Had one a minute ago where I had a bad draw for the start of the game but had my perfect combo already in my hand so I drug it out and 2 vs 20 health with 6 creatures vs 2 going into my turn I one shot them and got some mad rage. I still need to figure out abit better early hand combo but its hard to not run 4 of my 6 cards required for 1 shots.


Molten Core Raider
I just made some tweaks and back to my winning ways, 6-1 and its alot tighter deck (i love to deck build but i have a bad habit of trying to do too much and not stay focused to a primary strat). I've settled on a strat that essetnially has 3 win conditions for me. I'll post it here in abit.

How did you see the specific turn by turn, is there a software to watch a physical replay or do you just see combat log some how? Sorry never messed around with this outside of using my replay manager for stats.


Molten Core Raider
Oh wow, just noticed I could right click in my DoC replay manager and select watch replay hah. What do you use to watch it when I have a link like that? I see the "download replay" but it asks what to download with and i'm not sure.

Also look at this bomb I just dropped on Myranda, believe it or not that is only my 2nd best combo strat and you don't get to see the 2nd part of that with the +6 quick attack pao's with a nice +3 fortune on top.

Replay :: Turbo-Fangz vs InitialOfSward | MMDoC King


Trakanon Raider
What do you use to watch it when I have a link like that? I see the "download replay" but it asks what to download with and i'm not sure
You download the replay file from the site, then put the file into your replay folder.

Replay manageris by far the easiest way to view replays. With the downloaded file in your replay folder, open or refresh the manager and rightclick the match you want and choose view replay with capped idle time (capped idle time is optional, but it basically skips past making you wait while a player spent a long time thinking about a move).

Since I watch a ton of replays, to keep the list non-cluttered I delete all my replay files once a day or so. Makes finding ones I download for viewing far easier to find instead of scrolling through a list of 2000+ games.


Molten Core Raider
Last one since you asked for some necro's, I got to him before he recycled banshee's on me but he had 3 god damn banshee's in his first 16 or 18 cards which made me go grrr. I made a stupid position error early on not thinking he would gyser my ass. And then a second mistake moving my melee shooter behind zeph since I knew he was going to remove him I should have just took the 2 damage (which would have ended the match earlier).

But I came back strong with my combo, notice I try to wait for a chance that I can toss a no target event on a combo or if I have double cyclops i'll force him to waste one while I wait for event since i'm actually the one stalling. They never see the +6 or + 8 combo coming. This is my tweaked deck now, not broadcasting it on forums anywhere etc because i'd like to keep it on the downlow but man out it has some insane potential but its abit light on low resource cards which makes for more bad starts. Thats why I tweaked it, I removed one of my 6 drops and 4 drops and put in 2 bards for blockers plus to help ensure I get zef out on the board which is a game changer when I'm sitting there with a rushed blackskull of 8-12 attack and can move him plus clear a lane with suprise attack.

Nasty nasty, i'm debating to run 2 spell orcs or whatever they are called to remove ongoing spells because I get in a crap shoot when it comes to gimmec decks with immolation and mass rage. I got cursed against ignis when I was up 14 to 2 but he cursed my 14 attack blackskull and put a damn blocker that made me eat 3 damage for killing plus the 14. Sad panda.

On the flip side I might just go back to 4 of my warchiefs because if I push for 10 might I can drop 6 damage + event + war tent + 3 damage fortune and not have to deal with the gimmic bullshit. I'll tweak some more as I see the meta evolve but I think this latest version gives me more consistent starts where before I was so heavy of an end game hitter I usually was down to 4-6 health before I started to take control and slaughter. So far this usually lets me keep board advantage over most people and then really hit hard with my combo's.

Feel free to offer any suggestions yourself.