E3 2015


Trakanon Raider
Phil Spencer over at giantbomb.com , sounds like anything but Kinect and (for the moment) multi-disc games should be doable with Xbone/360 backwards compatibility.


FPS noob
i wonder if they can do RDR, and second I wonder how hard it would be to port that emulator to PC


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
the boost in initial system sales at launch wouldn't justify the loss on games. Having 8 AAA titles at launch doesn't mean they'll sell 4 times as many systems at launch. In reality they'll sell slightly more. it would be a lot smarter to have 2 huge games at launch and release others every few months during the systems first year and sustain the level of hype to keep system sales consistently high and to give each game an opportunity to stand on its own and get the attention and sales it should.
Here is my line of thinking:

Traditionally, and especially now, ALL Nintendo hardware (Even the Wii initially combined with logistics issues) suffered as a result of stagnant software support. They desperately need 3rd party support, and even made light of that fact by having Reggie specifically speak to that Activision guy about Nintendo's Amiibo's and how they asked Activision how easy it was to work with Nintendo on creating different Nintendo IP characters (Flaming Bowser, etc) and then having Activision specifically state how they were given creative freedom. This was their viral message to onboard more third party support by making everything think it is now more easy to work with them. Something Nintendo hasn't recovered from since the N64 days when they fucked 3rd party squarely in the ass with ridiculous licensing fees.

They are not going to gain third party support when they do not have consoles in the market to target at the base, and they sure as well are not going to bank on seeing a successful "NX" be the answer when their last console stagnated so much (Due to software as always the case, prime example is look at 3DS sales once software started becoming more mainstream to support it) without seeing the base install of the next console be pronounced.

1st party NEEDS to be the loss-lead to launch the next console and they better have a shit ton of content at system launch so people will feel a pull to buy a system regardless of game choice because ALL their 1st party games are available at launch. This in turn turns around the install base, 3rd party sees it, and starts a development process to support it and plays catch up and Nintendo makes the money back on Licensing (Albeit, better than hamstringing everyone like they did back in 95) They also need a friendlier Online component, a better online market, accessible friend making (Christ anything is better than what they have at this point) and to basically catch up to where consoles have been for the last 2 generations.

Without this, they can kiss their next NX console goodbye as well and may as well sell off their first party IP's to Disney and get the hell out of the market all together. Because they do not have the leverage for 3rd party software installs without doing the above, they do not have the consumer trust any longer if they do not launch with anticipated titles galore, and they are flat out, out of fucking time.


Molten Core Raider
Even if Nintendo's console had identical or better hardware then their competition, and the same architecture (x86), it wouldn't bring back 3rd parties alone.

There is a stigma among 3rd party developers (and it's true) that you can't put your games up against Nintendo first party titles in the same launch window and expect to compete in sales. This is what stopped 3rd parties from supporting the Wii U launch, even though Nintendo gave them the entire 3 month launch window all to themselves by not having any of their big 3 IP first party games - this backfired on Nintendo though so I doubt they try that strategy again. Most likely they just further say Fuck you to 3rd parties and keep trying to supply their own first and 2nd party titles on their own brand of hardware.

Nothing short of money hatting is going to get the 3rd parties back to Nintendo hardware.

Also, they don't need to sell consoles at the same rate as Sony or Microsoft - they make a profit off every console sold and they get pretty much 100% of the money from software since they are the publisher, developer, and platform. It won't make their shareholders tons of money like in the Wii days but Nintendo could survive a long time with that strategy and their 10-15 million hardcore fans. Their struggle right now is tapping back into the non-gamers like they did with the Wii but I don't think thats possible anymore because everyone is struggling with that (those people all moved to mobile phones).


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Even if Nintendo's console had identical or better hardware then their competition, and the same architecture (x86), it wouldn't bring back 3rd parties alone.

There is a stigma among 3rd party developers (and it's true) that you can't put your games up against Nintendo first party titles in the same launch window and expect to compete in sales.
Exactly. Which is why Nintendo solidifies their hardware base in conjunction with a large 1st party offering at system launch paving the way for 3rd party to launch games for the next 2 years while 1st party is back in development stages.

It kills 4 birds with half a stone.

Nothing short of money hatting is going to get the 3rd parties back to Nintendo hardware.
And this won't do jack shit if no one is buying their systems and their install base is the same as the Wii U.

Also, they don't need to sell consoles at the same rate as Sony or Microsoft - they make a profit off every console sold and they get pretty much 100% of the money from software since they are the publisher, developer, and platform. It won't make their shareholders tons of money like in the Wii days but Nintendo could survive a long time with that strategy and their 10-15 million hardcore fans. Their struggle right now is tapping back into the non-gamers like they did with the Wii but I don't think thats possible anymore because everyone is struggling with that (those people all moved to mobile phones).
Nintendo was still losing around 100-200 million each quarter up until the end of last year. They can sell all the consoles they want and make a profit because they aren't losing money on the hardware sale. When they aren't selling, they aren't making shit.Without the software support for the 3DS that turned around, they would be done. They got damned lucky they had the 3DS to fall back on once they ramped support. That won't happen again. Not in today's market.


Molten Core Raider
Well they have finally figured out some other revenue streams recently - they are leveraging their IPs (that rival Disney in ubiquitousness) to mobile games (DeNA), toy figures (amiibos), and to Universal for attraction parks. Why they haven't done this before is mind boggling.

The real problem Nintendo is trying to solve is software production - they have a hard time right now developing titles for their handheld and consoles at the same time. So usually you get one year full of 3DS titles and the next is full of console titles - this year's E3 was almost entirely new 3DS games for example. While they release more first or 2nd party titles a year than any developer, it's still not enough to support their own hardware completely - which is why the lack of 3rd party support hurts so much.

They are taking steps to solve that. They recently merged their handheld and console development teams into the same building, and for their next generation of handheld/console (if the NX isn't both in one device) they are planning for it's OS to be completely scalable so that they can more easily develop games for both. Basically they are doubling down on supporting their hardware single-handedly without 3rd parties.


Still a Music Elitist
If the Zelda game gets pushed to the next Nintendo console I'll be upset. My Wii U has gotten quite a bit of use, but if we're already at the point of talking about saving games for the next generation and the Wii U hasn't even been out three years, the Wii U would be considered a massive failure. Maybe it already is, but fuck Nintendo if that's the route they go.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
hardware single-handedly without 3rd parties.
Which is why it won't work. In my opinion.

But that is just me. I said my peace on it


Molten Core Raider
Nintendo Treehouse stream is showing gameplay for the new FExSMT game, which looks a lot like Persona.


Molten Core Raider
Atlus has pretty much turned SMT into Persona at this point though, it's their mainline game with SMT relegated to handheld status.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Gears of War remake has some amazing looking graphics, and Dishonored 2 just looks badass.