Folger's Extravagant Swatch Thread


Toilet of the Mod Elect
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
This Corona thing is freaking me out bros. Ordered a pallet of mre's last week.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Bros, it's ironic that our blessed overlords have given me a second opportunity today because I think I need to take a break. Love this forum so much that it's distracting IRL. Gonna try to do a fires of fasting and fast foh for a month.. means 0 reading, 0 visiting etc. Gotta focus on RL stuff. Love u shitbirds, wish me luck. This is harder than fasting alcohol and pizza..
  • 2Solidarity
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Also I'll prob die since I won't get coronavirus thread updates. So if I'm not back after a month just assume Corona got me.
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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Toilet of the Mod Elect
I thought you were going to kiwi farms or buying pizzas or buying network stuff or dealing with crippling depressions that you edit out! The Database Knows ALL. Big ALAS DB.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Da fuq Zapatta Zapatta ? I've been Republican longer than most people on this board, aka my entire life. Don't lump me in with autistic liberals like Araysar Araysar and xeq. I had to come back from my hiatus when I got this notification just to clear this shit up.

Look at my post history, you fags were shitty on me back when this board was sucking Obama dick.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Ok I'm done. Back to hiatus. Don't ever equate me to a fucking liberal. That's when I have to put my serious face on.
  • 1Trump
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Da fuq Zapatta Zapatta ? I've been Republican longer than most people on this board, aka my entire life. Don't lump me in with autistic liberals like Araysar Araysar and xeq. I had to come back from my hiatus when I got this notification just to clear this shit up.

Look at my post history, you fags were shitty on me back when this board was sucking Obama dick.

I said I missed you. What more do you want? I wasn't gonna get all gay about it.
  • 1Faggotry
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Remember when coffee enemas were a thing? I always though SNL should have done a skit “The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your butt” but they never did. My wife likes it when I sing it.
  • 1Worf
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