Get a free Kyle Rittenhouse at Culver's

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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
That's the thing here that I haven't really seen anyone discuss anywhere:

-If Kyle is found guilty, I doubt there will be any violent right-wing riots or violent regular people riots. We're all too busy going to work and acting like decent humans.

-If Kyle is found not guilty, there will most likely be violent left-wing riots.

I'm not sure how the Cult of Bullshit justifies their behavior over and over again. Only one side is being violent, and it's the side constantly accusing the other side of being violent. It's like a civil war with only one side engaging in combat. Not sure where this leads but it's nowhere good.
I would have the national guard there ready to shoot them all.
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Log Wizard
Someone posted something very poignant a few weeks ago about the Constitution and I wish I had bookmarked it.

But essentially the difference is in the US, the right is inalienable. In every other country, the right is given to you by the government. Which means they could also revoke that right at any time.

The original post was about how essentially, all the rights in the US belong to the citizenry, but we've delegated some of them to the government (defense, border security, etc) because they're too unwieldy for an individual. They're always delegated at the lowest level first (local, county, state, federal) before being delegated UP the chain.
Those rights being inalienable is a cute myth like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I remember that /pol/ was going crazy over the trial and I hadn't even been paying attention. I tune in, Jeantel is on the stand and it's going horribly. She's rude. She impeaches herself. Pop over to CNN and all they can talk about is how her testimony is going to force Zimmerman to take the stand and how racist the defense was towards her. It was the about the ugliest lie that could have been told and every talking on the screen nodded along.

Did you know that there is some pretty compelling evidence that she was not the real girlfriend of Trayvon Martin and that she sounded so bad because she took the stand for a friend? Crazy story that no one talks about.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The problem is a lot of people just accept the "alternative" narrative by default because it goes against the "mainstream". But they usually never go the next step to fact check whatever the alternative news reports. They can be just as biased or twisting as the mainstream news orgs. Always look for citations and actually read them.

But anyways, Rittenhouse case is clearly self-defense. It's cases like this that major news orgs drop the ball on and give credence to all the bullshit conspiracies out there.

TBH I'm more concerned about what the mainstream news is peddling than what the "bullshit conspiracies" are peddling. Mainstream news has more reach and more influence since a fairly large fraction of their viewers are drones vulnerable to suggestion.

Lord knows those 850 riots in 2020 weren't triggered by Crowder or Daily Wire.
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Tranny Chaser
Did you know that there is some pretty compelling evidence that she was not the real girlfriend of Trayvon Martin and that she sounded so bad because she took the stand for a friend? Crazy story that no one talks about.

I've heard that, yeah.
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<Nazi Janitors>
Those rights being inalienable is a cute myth like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

“Inalienable” is a dare from strong men to the people they allow to govern them to take those rights.

we just happen to have a shortage of strong men…but ARKyle gives me hope for the future
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It should be illegal to arm yourself where there is a high probability of violence.

Eh, fuck it, I'm just going to carry a pepper spray gun. Cause a real gun has a 50/50 chance of landing me in prison if I'm forced to use it in a blue state, which I'm most likely in at any given time.

I took self-defense training for 12 years and I feel like I can't even use most of it now.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
That's about the only thing the prosecution got him on. Pretty comical that him lying to a mob trying to kill him and him not taking the orders of some random bitch in a crowd are the best points the prosecutor was able to make

If they include the lie, they should treat the lie that Gaige's buddy "said about him" emptying the mag into Kyle as truth too, because you 100% know that little cuck said that shit.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Here's what NBC News has to say in their front-page headline article. Notice how they capitalize Black but not white, often in the same sentence, just to make sure they upset people who care about that. Create division and racial inequality, then be aghast when someone complains about it and call them a racist. Well, it seems to work for the MSM. For a fun drinking game, take a shot every time they say something that is provable bullshit:

NBC News

Kyle Rittenhouse sobbing shows what's wrong with America​

Issac Bailey 1 hr ago

Elderly Indiana Couple Murdered in Their Own Home Days After Wife Complained to Mayor About Public Safety

New state House, Senate maps win quick approval


Kyle Rittenhouse, in an unusual move for a defendant, took the witness stand Wednesday. He cried. His defense team then made a motion for a mistrial with prejudice, which means Rittenhouse couldn’t be retried. But whatever the court rules, he has already won.
© Provided by NBC News
He’s charged with reckless homicide, intentional homicide and attempted intentional homicide for shooting three people (killing two of them) who were protesting the police shooting of yet another Black man, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer. The protest followed many George Floyd-inspired ones that erupted across the world calling for police accountability and justice for Black lives. White allies, like the ones Rittenhouse shot, were among the protesters. Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty.

If Rittenhouse is convicted, he will likely stop being a right-wing mascot and become a right-wing martyr. If he isn’t convicted, he will set a precedent for others like him to pick up guns they shouldn’t have and thrust themselves into the middle of unrest they should avoid — confident in knowing that prison won’t be in their future.
To his supporters, and even many of his detractors, Rittenhouse isn’t a monster. Not really. He was a young, dumb kid hyped up on the Foxification or Fox News effect of American discourse on the Black Lives Matter movement in a country that fetishes guns — for show, for sport and for killing — not a white supremacist, like, say Dylann Roof. Not really. He wore no hoods and didn’t wrap himself in the Confederate flag. He’s a patriot who tried to bring calm to chaos because, as Fox News prime-time host Tucker Carlson told us at the time of the shooting, the adults around him wouldn’t “maintain order.” He was so nonviolent that police officers greeted him and those like him like fellow guardians of the community before he killed anyone.

He didn’t open fire until absolutely necessary. It was “self-defense,” his supporters have told us outside the courtroom and his lawyers have argued inside the courtroom. Had “criminals,” whom many of us prefer to call Rittenhouse’s victims — though the judge said they can’t be called that during the trial — not rushed him, had not provoked him, they would be alive and he would never have been charged. None of his decisions before the moments he pulled the trigger seem to matter. He defended himself. That’s all.

I mean, look at his red, tear-stained face on the stand, so compelling that the judge stopped the trial for 10 minutes to allow Rittenhouse to compose himself. His tears tell the story.

Those protesters made him shoot them. It was their fault, and only theirs, not Rittenhouse’s. He was trying to do good, to protect this dying nation.
And that’s the same nonsense claim people have been using throughout the U.S.

Predominantly white voters were trying to defend their freedom, so they flocked to an open bigot like Donald Trump and stormed the U.S. Capitol. Angry parents, most of them white, are storming school board meetings demanding an end to critical race theory lessons to protect white children from feeling “guilt” about America’s violent racist history and how it has created the foundation of inequity we still see today. Politicians and local officials — again, many of them white — have stoked this by framing the teaching of race and books that explore its context as something constituents should defend their communities from.

The truth is that too many white Americans probably see themselves in Rittenhouse — afraid of anyone, whether white or of color, who wants to live in a more equitable country — even if some don’t want to say so out loud.

So many things have pointed to their being “scared” as Rittenhouse was described to have been during the protest and in the aftermath of the shooting. Frightened of losing the country their hardworking salt-of-the-Earth parents and grandparents built. Of becoming a minority among minorities. Of being displaced as the de facto right way to be a real patriotic American, of being able to define just what that means. But it wasn’t just fear that convinced Rittenhouse that he had a right — a responsibility, even — to take a gun into the middle of unrest that didn’t directly affect him. It was an entitlement, as well. An entitlement to make and uphold the rules, to make America great again.

Rittenhouse’s story is a microcosm of what America is facing, a perilous journey toward becoming something the world has never known: a fully functioning multiracial, multiethnic democracy emerging from the blood of slaves, the genocide of Native Americans and the notion that all men are created equal. No matter what you’ve heard or what you’ve been told, we aren’t there yet. We weren’t there on July 4, 1776. We weren’t there in 1865 in the smoke, ashes and shadow of the Civil War, and not even in the wake of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act a half-century ago.

If he is freed, the status quo of America’s flawed criminal justice system, in which white offenders are less likely to be convicted, can remain just a little bit longer, the inevitable merely delayed, if not denied. If he’s imprisoned, those sympathetic to his plight have even more reason to use him as an example of how their way of life could be threatened if they don’t fight, and hard. His supporters have basically guaranteed those outcomes.

This is why, regardless of the verdict — in this case and others that are forcing the nation to grapple with what it means to be Black and white in America — it’s up to the rest of us to guarantee different outcomes. We need to make sure the disparity in who is afforded life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is honestly and continually discussed (regardless of how uncomfortable it is for people to confront the truth) and see to it that those tenets of American democracy are extended to those who have historically been left out.

If you care about saving this democracy from the Kyle Rittenhouses of the world, you shouldn’t look to a judge and a jury. Because a “guilty” or “not guilty” verdict in a lone case can’t fix what ails us.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Did you know that there is some pretty compelling evidence that she was not the real girlfriend of Trayvon Martin and that she sounded so bad because she took the stand for a friend? Crazy story that no one talks about.

Yeah, Trayvon, who was well-known for being smooth with the ladies, probably wouldn't have been caught dead with that land-whale.

His actual girlfriend was some relatively attractive chick named Diamond Eugene, who the land-whale pretended to be for some reason and then couldn't explain why she pretended to be that person. AFAIK the news media and the court itself didn't really press the issue, and it took independent journalists digging into things to find out who Trayvon's actual girlfriend (the real DE) was.

...or something. I don't fuckin' know. That trial was real retarded.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Here's what NBC News has to say in their front-page headline article. Notice how they capitalize Black but not white, often in the same sentence, just to make sure they upset people who care about that. Create division and racial inequality, then be aghast when someone complains about it and call them a racist. Well, it seems to work for the MSM. For a fun drinking game, take a shot every time they say something that is provable bullshit:

NBC News

Kyle Rittenhouse sobbing shows what's wrong with America​

Issac Bailey 1 hr ago
Kyle Rittenhouse sobbing shows what's wrong with America's+wrong+with+America&original_referer=

Elderly Indiana Couple Murdered in Their Own Home Days After Wife Complained to Mayor About Public Safety

New state House, Senate maps win quick approval
View attachment 381650
Kyle Rittenhouse, in an unusual move for a defendant, took the witness stand Wednesday. He cried. His defense team then made a motion for a mistrial with prejudice, which means Rittenhouse couldn’t be retried. But whatever the court rules, he has already won.
© Provided by NBC News
He’s charged with reckless homicide, intentional homicide and attempted intentional homicide for shooting three people (killing two of them) who were protesting the police shooting of yet another Black man, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer. The protest followed many George Floyd-inspired ones that erupted across the world calling for police accountability and justice for Black lives. White allies, like the ones Rittenhouse shot, were among the protesters. Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty.

If Rittenhouse is convicted, he will likely stop being a right-wing mascot and become a right-wing martyr. If he isn’t convicted, he will set a precedent for others like him to pick up guns they shouldn’t have and thrust themselves into the middle of unrest they should avoid — confident in knowing that prison won’t be in their future.
To his supporters, and even many of his detractors, Rittenhouse isn’t a monster. Not really. He was a young, dumb kid hyped up on the Foxification or Fox News effect of American discourse on the Black Lives Matter movement in a country that fetishes guns — for show, for sport and for killing — not a white supremacist, like, say Dylann Roof. Not really. He wore no hoods and didn’t wrap himself in the Confederate flag. He’s a patriot who tried to bring calm to chaos because, as Fox News prime-time host Tucker Carlson told us at the time of the shooting, the adults around him wouldn’t “maintain order.” He was so nonviolent that police officers greeted him and those like him like fellow guardians of the community before he killed anyone.

He didn’t open fire until absolutely necessary. It was “self-defense,” his supporters have told us outside the courtroom and his lawyers have argued inside the courtroom. Had “criminals,” whom many of us prefer to call Rittenhouse’s victims — though the judge said they can’t be called that during the trial — not rushed him, had not provoked him, they would be alive and he would never have been charged. None of his decisions before the moments he pulled the trigger seem to matter. He defended himself. That’s all.

I mean, look at his red, tear-stained face on the stand, so compelling that the judge stopped the trial for 10 minutes to allow Rittenhouse to compose himself. His tears tell the story.

Those protesters made him shoot them. It was their fault, and only theirs, not Rittenhouse’s. He was trying to do good, to protect this dying nation.
And that’s the same nonsense claim people have been using throughout the U.S.

Predominantly white voters were trying to defend their freedom, so they flocked to an open bigot like Donald Trump and stormed the U.S. Capitol. Angry parents, most of them white, are storming school board meetings demanding an end to critical race theory lessons to protect white children from feeling “guilt” about America’s violent racist history and how it has created the foundation of inequity we still see today. Politicians and local officials — again, many of them white — have stoked this by framing the teaching of race and books that explore its context as something constituents should defend their communities from.

The truth is that too many white Americans probably see themselves in Rittenhouse — afraid of anyone, whether white or of color, who wants to live in a more equitable country — even if some don’t want to say so out loud.

So many things have pointed to their being “scared” as Rittenhouse was described to have been during the protest and in the aftermath of the shooting. Frightened of losing the country their hardworking salt-of-the-Earth parents and grandparents built. Of becoming a minority among minorities. Of being displaced as the de facto right way to be a real patriotic American, of being able to define just what that means. But it wasn’t just fear that convinced Rittenhouse that he had a right — a responsibility, even — to take a gun into the middle of unrest that didn’t directly affect him. It was an entitlement, as well. An entitlement to make and uphold the rules, to make America great again.

Rittenhouse’s story is a microcosm of what America is facing, a perilous journey toward becoming something the world has never known: a fully functioning multiracial, multiethnic democracy emerging from the blood of slaves, the genocide of Native Americans and the notion that all men are created equal. No matter what you’ve heard or what you’ve been told, we aren’t there yet. We weren’t there on July 4, 1776. We weren’t there in 1865 in the smoke, ashes and shadow of the Civil War, and not even in the wake of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act a half-century ago.

If he is freed, the status quo of America’s flawed criminal justice system, in which white offenders are less likely to be convicted, can remain just a little bit longer, the inevitable merely delayed, if not denied. If he’s imprisoned, those sympathetic to his plight have even more reason to use him as an example of how their way of life could be threatened if they don’t fight, and hard. His supporters have basically guaranteed those outcomes.

This is why, regardless of the verdict — in this case and others that are forcing the nation to grapple with what it means to be Black and white in America — it’s up to the rest of us to guarantee different outcomes. We need to make sure the disparity in who is afforded life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is honestly and continually discussed (regardless of how uncomfortable it is for people to confront the truth) and see to it that those tenets of American democracy are extended to those who have historically been left out.

If you care about saving this democracy from the Kyle Rittenhouses of the world, you shouldn’t look to a judge and a jury. Because a “guilty” or “not guilty” verdict in a lone case can’t fix what ails us.
This article is complete racist horseshit.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
He should run for office too. Rittenhouse for congress in 2028. I'd vote for him.

The sad thing in all of this is that Rittenhouse is such a good kid that he actually feels BAD about shooting a child-abuser and a wife-beater. He's a much nicer person than I am.

He's still young, give him time. He hasn't become as cynical as we have yet.
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