

<Bronze Donator>
So, depending on who you ask, I went full retard and spent another $83 on Amazon Coins.

Which 2 expansions should I spend them on for the 40 packs each? I was thinking Frozen Throne and Ungoro? I don't know. Thanks!
What kind of play style do you like? Aggro, Combo, Control?
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
So, depending on who you ask, I went full retard and spent another $83 on Amazon Coins.

Which 2 expansions should I spend them on for the 40 packs each? I was thinking Frozen Throne and Ungoro? I don't know. Thanks!

Edit- if you do split, get Catacombs instead of Ungoro. That was a shit set in power level comparison. Frozen is still the best value.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What kind of play style do you like? Aggro, Combo, Control?
Thanks everyone for the help!

Slippery, that's a good question! Right now I'm playing Even paladin. It has a bit of control, but mainly aggro, and it's getting a bit boring.

I think control is probably my favorite? My thought is, I really enjoy having an answer for everything. I really hate having a ton of cards and not being able to use them, because you're waiting for some other specific card. So Zoo decks were always neat, just all out rush. In MMOs I'm always aggressive, and usually die a lot because of it. So yea, aggro/control. For sure not a huge fan of the "setup" decks, where you spend 15 turns getting a perfect lethal combo or something.

Thinking about it some more, I also don't mind the decks that draw shit out. Is that still control? Draw it out not for any specific card combo, but that's just the way it works, and you win due to attrition. The old blue decks in magic, where you weren't killing them very fast, but they certainly weren't gonna do shit to you either. LOL
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<Bronze Donator>
Classic packs are pretty good value. Control Priest is largely a classic deck, though it has a few things from each of the expansions. Cubelock is hugely Kobolds and Catacombs, with some classic and other expansions mixed in.

If you've already spent money and are reasonably happy with your Witchwood collection (these are the cards that will be good the longest, and I would focus on that first) I would go Classic and Kobolds and Catacombs.

I will say this though, be prepared to be a little sad at what you get. It feels like you should get more for your money, at least ot me. Epics really need the legendary treatment.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
On the otherhand... I always got the feeling Brode had a LOT of ambition but was being held down by corporate/colleagues/etc. The Shudderwock story being a Prime example. He wanted a fix and they told him no... ?
I could easily see a Director that just follows the status quo and is afraid to think outside the box & screw up something that's been a money printing machine.

I also see Brode as lacking the balls to really push Hearthstone. So it's really tough to say and all hinges on who his replacement is.

I would believe this. I am sure when Hearthstone started they were given a lot of room to be creative and try things but once that Golden Goose started shitting out dollar bills then I am sure there was some activity from up top not to fuck with anything. Bobby Kotick it well know for wanting IP's they can just use to churn out dollar after dollar with minimal effort.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Edit- if you do split, get Catacombs instead of Ungoro. That was a shit set in power level comparison. Frozen is still the best value.
I think I'll go what others have said. 10 from each of the 3 , already opened 80 packs of Wildwood. Then see where I'm at after that?

Edit: Oh those dirty fuckers. They make it either 7 packs, or 15. No 10...
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

I know you said a few posts back that there isn't an easy way to "catch-up" other than dropping big money on TONS of packs. Well more than $100 worth. But help me understand. Another 80 packs won't do shit, so it's either go F2P and spend 2 years earning gold, for packs, and arena , etc, or drop $1000 on packs? there is nothing in between?

There's TONS of non-legendary cards that are in decks from other expansions that I don't have, and I figure getting those would be helpful versus not having them at all, but you're saying no?

Am I missing something?
Oh no, sorry if my post is confusing. You don't need to spend 1000s but keep in mind that 40 packs really only guarantees you 1-2 legendary cards since the pity time is 40 packs but you do get one after the first 10 too.

So you shouldn't expect to open legends you'll need, you'll need to craft them.

But you can get all the commons and a decent chunk of rares... probably from less than 40 packs.

My main point is you should have a deck in mind and see how many commons and rare cards are needed and then go with that, and expect to have to craft legends and epics.

I only said sticking with witchwood might be best cause the cards stick around longest and if you work on getting most cards from the 2018 expansions then next year after rotation you should be sitting pretty in 2019
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I think I'll go what others have said. 10 from each of the 3 , already opened 80 packs of Wildwood. Then see where I'm at after that?

Edit: Oh those dirty fuckers. They make it either 7 packs, or 15. No 10...

Hope you got some good stuff. Ungoro has some great cards but the legendaries are mostly trash. WW helps one quest deck but that was the theme and mostly unsupported now.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got enough cards and dust to make Spiteful Druid! It's missing a legendary, Malfurion, but other than that it's working!

First game with it just now, I didn't get Spiteful until way end game, and had already drawn both my Infestations, but was still fun as hell. Up until that point, it plays out similar to a Taunt Druid!! The interactions with Crypt Lord, Green Jelly, and Cobalt Scalebane are amazing! hahaha

Next game, I start with Spiteful and first draw is my 2nd. 2 Sea Giants by turn 7 was a WIN! lol

Edit: Make any changes? The greedy sprites don't seem to be doing much for me, and figured I could throw another Taunt in there?


Edit: Ok, the new shiny has worn off. Spiteful Druid is pretty fun, but it does for sure take some RNG to be on your side to get it setup right. Plenty of games where you get Spiteful Druid out, but is handled pretty quickly by my opponent.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm sure others have been in this spot before, but probably a much higher rank. The Hearthstone grind where you win some, lose some, and spend all night playing, but end up the same rank you were when you started?

I'm stuck at that right now at Rank 19.

I'm such a pleb. :(
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure others have been in this spot before, but probably a much higher rank. The Hearthstone grind where you win some, lose some, and spend all night playing, but end up the same rank you were when you started?

I'm stuck at that right now at Rank 19.

I'm such a pleb. :(

I only get to rank 8 or 5 each season when I try. Generally I just play aggro until at least rank 10. Then I move to control decks.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sure others have been in this spot before, but probably a much higher rank. The Hearthstone grind where you win some, lose some, and spend all night playing, but end up the same rank you were when you started?

I'm stuck at that right now at Rank 19.

I'm such a pleb. :(

Yes this is very common.
Many reasons for it, happens in every competitive game with a Ladder.

Nice vid, I pretty much agree with most, kinda surprised about Control lock over Cubes though... I see Cubes so much more than Control still. But yea, the Odd Rogue is insane, Even Paladin is very strong, Spiteful Druid has a great winrate but I couldn't get much over a 50% with it, was doing the thing Crone just mentioned.

I don't have Baku or Genn so to get Legend I just did Murloc Paladin and went like 9-1 or something stupid from rank 2.

Now I'm spamming Quest Rogue to FINALLY finish up golden portrait. Only 125 more wins to go. Should be able to hit it by end of this season... then most likely craft Genn/Baku and make those other decks.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
The grind sucks dick. The moment you switch decks you get the deck that counters your new one. Its rage inducing and it is why the grind exists.
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Trump's Staff
I finally said fuck it and stopped durdling around at low ranks and made a metagame hate deck:

Hearthstone Screenshot 04-22-18 21.36.00.png

Went from rank 15 to rank 6 with literally one loss. Spiteful summoner anything or Shudderwock will destroy this but I faced none of that, nothing but face aggro, cubelock, and anti-cubelock hate decks, which this destroys.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Cant get out of rank 3. The amount of rage is through the fucking roof.
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Vyemm Raider
I finally said fuck it and stopped durdling around at low ranks and made a metagame hate deck:

Went from rank 15 to rank 6 with literally one loss. Spiteful summoner anything or Shudderwock will destroy this but I faced none of that, nothing but face aggro, cubelock, and anti-cubelock hate decks, which this destroys.

Think you just need a gorehowl and you're set. Super good weapon.
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Vyemm Raider
If spiteful summoner is your only real problem area, tech in big game hunter. kills the summoned, body challenges the spiteful.
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<Bronze Donator>
I got bgh'd tonight while playing spell hunter (one of the zombeasts). I was a little surprised
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Trump's Staff
If spiteful summoner is your only real problem area, tech in big game hunter. kills the summoned, body challenges the spiteful.

It wouldn't really help, you fundamentally can't beat Ultimate Infestation with a control deck. Cubelock can win these matchups because they can go aggro with Doomguards, but pure control can't. Priest presents the same problem as you have to beat three Mind Controls. (one off Archivist) That's easier than beating UI which is why spiteful Priest is only a very bad matchup while spiteful Druid is hopeless.
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