The two things that really stood out to me about DK was their Muradin (Noblesse?) was insanely aggressive and was almost never punished for it, he was great at being disruptive and generated so many kills with his play style. I think he got caught out once maybe twice but was seriously making plays. Their healer on Malf was also out of this world good.
I think TS made a couple mistakes draft wise on their last game but it seemed to me the biggest issue was solo Leoric (again) and also Leoric wraith walking in a completely opposite direction from his team leaving them with no front liner and getting decimated (he did this 2 or 3 times in the last game) although it's not like Leoric has much peel anyway.
With all that said, with all of the team drama I expected them to get rolled over, hopefully they can advance further and then after Blizzcon get their shit together and get back to form with new members or whatever.