Heroes Reborn


Trakanon Raider
There was only 1 season.
It was weird how they never even shot the final episode from Season 1 - I was looking forward to the special effects extravaganza they were hinting at, with nearly a dozen mutants finally using their powers full blast to stop Sylar.

All silliness aside, it's ironic that the issue Season 2 had - that they were planning on a nearly full cast change every year and couldn't - will be the opposite of the revival, since nearly none of the originals are available/willing to come back.


Trakanon Raider
What a great mini-series that was though. All of that, and the city blows up anyway.

EDIT: I'm trying to remember how that retardation played out.. he flies Peter like a few hundred feet away and survived the nuke because..... ? And what did keeping Sylar from slicing up Claire and becoming super overpowered LIKE PETER actually accomplish?
Save the Cheerleader, save the world. I interpreted that as Peter had to meet Claire to gain her power. If they hadn't intervened Sylar would have taken her power and found a way to kill her. With the healing power Peter could survive long enough (with his brother actually carrying him as he flew) to save the city.

S2 got fucked allegedly due to the writer's strike. So it ended up being a bastardize half season and they didn't have time to recast either. Also the writers didn't expect (how do you not know) audiences to get attached to the characters like they did. So they brought most of them bad.

Classic example of a good premise but a failure to plan a series through. They were winging that shit every week.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty much. Characters like Peter and Sylar wouldn't have been a problem had their storyline been limited to just the one season. By bringing them back, they suddenly had to deal with the fact that they had essentially created two demigods, so they had to keep coming up with ways to keep them in line. If I recall, there was also a lot of nonsense due to the writers not being able to keep straight what powers they each had, so you had storylines that made no sense since they could easily be resolved with one of their powers that was inexplicably forgotten.


Trakanon Raider
I'll still watch...


Millie's Staff Member
as has been said, if they do this show like american horror story, then everyone's favorite actor will still be here, they will just be playing somebody else in a different story. no problem with that. i just want my clairebear, i dont watch nashville, because its not my kind of show.


Life's a Dream
Unfortunately, I don't think they realize that the reason Heroes sucked wasn't because it was ahead of its time; it had shitty writing full of massive plot and logic holes. If they're bringing back the same writers (and it sounds like they are) it's going to run into the same problems.
I'm just catching up on this thread, but season 1 of Heroes was perfect. Season 2-3 were dogshit, but that's because they got nailed by the huge writer's strike. Season 4 had the original writers once more, and they tried to fix the story, but the damage had already been done.


I just hope this time NBC sound guys turn the melodrama mood music volume down a few notches so I can actually hear the fantastic dialogue they're gonna drop on me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, future Hiro was always the badass version and now we're in the future... so here's hoping we get that one.


Life's a Dream
Not much of an update, but they've given us a premiere date for the new series. Can't wait.

Thursday, October 2nd.


Registered Hutt
Not enthused. Tim Kring doesn't read comics and he claimed one of the problems Heroes faced was the advent of DVR. The guy wouldn't take any responsibility for Heroes' flaws.


Vyemm Raider
advent of DVR? .... if not for my horse, i never would have made it through that semester of college


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I enjoyed this show when it started and stopped watching sometime in season 2. I am not getting my hopes up here.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
story suffered horribly, felt like the writers were only 1-2 episodes ahead of filming. hopefully they get a better story fleshed out for all 13 episodes before they start filming
I was thinking along similar lines. This show was a perfect example of the writers killing it off through sheer ineptitude, though with any network show you can never discount the impact of moronic executives meddling with certain narrative choices. In which case 13 episodes might be a blessing, they don't have to drag things out to sell more ad space.

lower case g

Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty much. Characters like Peter and Sylar wouldn't have been a problem had their storyline been limited to just the one season. By bringing them back, they suddenly had to deal with the fact that they had essentially created two demigods, so they had to keep coming up with ways to keep them in line. If I recall, there was also a lot of nonsense due to the writers not being able to keep straight what powers they each had, so you had storylines that made no sense since they could easily be resolved with one of their powers that was inexplicably forgotten.
This. Exactly this.

I stopped watching after the episode where Peter, Hiro and the immortal guy were trying to get a vial with a virus in it. Peter whined the whole episode about how he didn't know if he could trust Hiro, who he had known for a while, or the immortal guy that he barely knew. Never mind that he could read minds.

Then, they get to the vault that had the vial in it, and Peter whines some more about how he doesn't know if his TK is strong enough to rip the door off the vault, yet he could walk through walls. Did the writers not have a notebook they could keep track of this shit in?

I remember a quote, I think from the old board where someone said "The writers realized they made Peter OP, but instead of inventing Kryptonite, they just made him functionally retarded."