Joker (2019)


Buzzfeed Editor
Prequels and origin stories always suck. The mystery is always more intriguing than any answer you will get. I said that before, and someone actually managed to point out a prequel that was decent, I can't remember what it was. But the usual rule is if it's a prequel, it sucks, if it's an origin story it sucks. I think the ultimate example of that is Wolverine. He was always this mysterious character, classic amnesia storyline which was somehow fresh for 70s/80s comics. Then they reveal the Weapon X storyline which, ok I guess, not great not terrible. But definitely not as cool as the endless question of who he is. So they rewrote his origin story endlessly. I gave up on Marvel comics long ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if his current origin involved him fighting in the Roman legions in the Gaelic campaigns.
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I don't know how to feel about this movie. I guess it could be good? Maybe? Of course now it has some ground to regain - the black girlfriend thing caused my eyes to roll uncontrollably into the back of my head.
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Toilet of the Mod Elect
I don't know how to feel about this movie. I guess it could be good? Maybe? Of course now it has some ground to regain - the black girlfriend thing caused my eyes to roll uncontrollably into the back of my head.

Of course you dont, you havent seen it and it wont be good. La La Land had a standing ovation too as did every other pile of pure crap.

Its a 9.6 all ready and no one with a real opinion has seen it. It is rated R because its fucking horrible to watch.
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I'm very excited to see white incel terrorist the movie.

Anything well done that critics cry about being "divisive" is a day 1er for me.


Millie's Staff Member
saw the trailer because pople on youtube are sperging over it. it was pretty standard for artsy fartsy type movies. guy is a washed up comedian, he is depressed and on meds, goes off meds and discovers he gets reactions by being a clown, then becomes a viral celebrity as "Joker" and he starts a clown following of fans which leads to violence he partakes in? eh it might be interesting, but not my cup of tea. i Like Pheonix in a lot of stuff, but he can be hit or miss too.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The scene with him hopping down the stairs.

I bet that's the final scene.
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Aychamo BanBan

saw the trailer because pople on youtube are sperging over it. it was pretty standard for artsy fartsy type movies. guy is a washed up comedian, he is depressed and on meds, goes off meds and discovers he gets reactions by being a clown, then becomes a viral celebrity as "Joker" and he starts a clown following of fans which leads to violence he partakes in? eh it might be interesting, but not my cup of tea. i Like Pheonix in a lot of stuff, but he can be hit or miss too.

lmao. Totally agree. Hopefully Phoenix can get through a scene without doing his “dramatic whispering” voice acting shit.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean there have been so many versions of Joker but the thing they all have in common aside from Flashpoint Martha Wayne is they never really go into an origin story. And Joker having an origin story during Flashpoint actually fits in a meta way because everything is twisted somehow and Martha's Joker is more of a narrative tool for twisting the knife in the reader than an actual character.

This looks like it could be a very entertaining movie but it also looks like calling it Joker will be about as accurate as calling that Brad Pitt movie 'World War Z'
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
but it also looks like calling it Joker will be about as accurate as calling that Brad Pitt movie 'World War Z'

All they had to do was basically film the World War Z book word for word and it would have been a masterpiece. Of course that was beyond them. "Artistic Interpretation".
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
every description i've seen so far seems like this is just Falling Down 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
in theory no, it's not. i love that movie. but it's not joker and it's not innovative. the dude from falling down, you can't help but empathize with him, even though he's not making great choices. a lot of the issues he goes through are just as much his own making as much as the world around him but we've all been there in some fashion. in a lot of ways he's the embodiment of "there but by the grace of God go I."

That's not joker. joker shouldn't be a character you empathize with. i said before earlier but the only way to do the character justice is to make the audience feel for him, but then pull the rug out from underneath everyone by showing us how irredeemably evil, how unjustifiably malicious he is. hopefully that's the direction they are going but we'll see.
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video got taken down

say the line bart
