Man of Steel


Millie's Staff Member
the movie is fine on its own. i liked some of the acting, i think the faora chick or whomever the krypton chick is, stole the show. i loved that warping shit she did. the problem isnt with the movie itself. its they turned superman into an asshole.


Trakanon Raider
Also, I'm pretty sure dead daddy Jor-El had more lines than Superman throughout the movie. I'm almost positive that Zod did. It nearly felt like I was watching Conan, with the hero having twelve lines. It was honestly rare enough that he spoke that at the end when he was doing the "Superman voice", it felt really campy and off-putting.


Trakanon Raider
Russel Crowe was completely throw away as Jor-El, and then it felt as if they paid him all this money to be in the movie now let's find excuses to throw his hologram all over the place. And turning Krypton in to Pandora from Avatar was strange... Kevin Costner / Jonathan Kent was written as an idiot and without any of the leadership, morality, guidance that should have set the stage for why Supes feels the way he does.
I *hated* the treatment of Jonathan Kent. It was pretty obvious to me that the script wanted to focus a lot more on Jor-El than Jonathan, which bothered me a lot as the Kents are much larger influences than Superman's biological parents.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The destruction of Metropolis was cool and didn't bother me. Just mostly laughed at how much of it was directly related to Superman and not Zod and his army. Superman has no problem with the shortest distance between point A and B being through 10 skyscrapers, a Sears, and 50,000 bystanders.
+internets for that one


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I agree on the Metropolis part--it really stood out. The thing I think Snyder was going for was to show how comfortable Superman was with his powers, vs how alien they were to Zod. Like while they were in a building that was collapsing, Zod looks scared and runs out....Even though it was them tumbling into the building that made it collapse in the first place. It was like watching someone be terrified of confetti falling on them. So I think that's what he was trying to communicate, a very obtuse "this is why Superman wins even against a super-warrior....Because he understands his powers". Unfortunately it came out all wrong. It felt like Superman was a sociopath that didn't give a fuck about turning people into pink mist as he flew through them while they were huddled behind their desks.

However, I think the fight? Was really the only excellent part of the movie. I didn't mind Superman acting like an asshole at all...I actually liked that more realistic interpretation of what someone with his powers would actually do to a city. But the rest of the movie? Was disjointed and muddled. It just wasn't a well made film, even outside it's story.


Millie's Staff Member
Lith, were you ever a fan of the classic Superman? i cant imagine a classic Superman fan being fine that they turned a much beloved character for 80 years into a cold blooded murderer.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The way that he killed him was so stupid as well.

Zod is the same man he slammed at like 800 MPH into the pavement, then grinded him through 2 miles of concrete road head first, and he pops up and keeps fighting

But a neck twist? FATAL SHIT.


Molten Core Raider
Rewatched this today, and my biggest rustle:

How the hell did the Kent's dog live approximately 30 years?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Rewatched this today, and my biggest rustle:

How the hell did the Kent's dog live approximately 30 years?
Debut Adventure Comics #210 (March 1955)
Created by Otto Binder & Curt Swan
Portrayed by see In other media
Classification Kryptonian canine
Affiliation Legion of Super-Pets
Abilities standard Kryptonian



Watched this last night and was highly entertained. A significant proportion of said entertainment (as others have pointed out) was from the wanton destruction of stuff by Superman right back to his first fight with them in Smallville effectively trashing the entire town.

My son amused the hell out of me by pointing out this is all we'd have wanted from a Hancock sequel as we didn't have to put up with Will Smith.

Superman, you have failed this city!

Ko Dokomo_sl

I was impressed that the Sears that they destroyed looked exactly like the one where I grew up in Kansas in the 80's. The license plate on the bus was also authentic 80's Kansas.


Lith, were you ever a fan of the classic Superman? i cant imagine a classic Superman fan being fine that they turned a much beloved character for 80 years into a cold blooded murderer.
There really is no reason you can't like both, I liked the movie, I like all-star superman and enjoyed Christopher Reeves Superman (well 1&2) not sure why there has to be some rules that you can't like more then one iteration of Supes.


Do we really need to get into the "which Superman is Superman" bullshit by examining comic covers again? Look they tried to make it grittier and more reflective on this generation rather then the older movies which is 30's Superman. It didn't work for everyone, personally I was entertained enough to take it for what it was... something I'd see once and probably not watch again. Its too bad a better filmmaker then Snyder didn't try to do this I think it could have worked like it did for Batman, but at least with him you got to see that "Yep with all that strength you probably would be a giant asshole and demolish shit too"

It's not like they wont try again in 5-10 years anyways.


Millie's Staff Member
There really is no reason you can't like both, I liked the movie, I like all-star superman and enjoyed Christopher Reeves Superman (well 1&2) not sure why there has to be some rules that you can't like more then one iteration of Supes.
i dont understand why i should love something completely different than the thing that i grew to love in the first place. yeah original superman is corny as fuck and a do gooder. but thats part of the charm. if Marvel can make a Captain America with a 1940s era personality then frickin snyder can make a wholesome superman who doesnt kill hundreds of thousands of humans trying to save the rest of the world. he would have found a way to save everyone and not be a brooding asshole to his human father.


Buzzfeed Editor
i dont understand why i should love something completely different than the thing that i grew to love in the first place. yeah original superman is corny as fuck and a do gooder. but thats part of the charm. if Marvel can make a Captain America with a 1940s era personality then frickin snyder can make a wholesome superman who doesnt kill hundreds of thousands of humans trying to save the rest of the world. he would have found a way to save everyone and not be a brooding asshole to his human father.
Karloff posted my thoughts. The thing is, Chuk, I don't view them as the "same"--they are different Supermen. Superman is one comic that has gone through so many eras and so many iterations, that I don't really view him as having a decent baseline. Have you seen how douchey modern superman is in the comics? "I'm going to be a citizen of the world, derp and derp.

I like the 80's superman for being what it was--it was just a story about someone with extreme power but ideal human (American Heartland) values, being thrown into a mix with less than ideal humans. This Superman is different, it's about learning that nothing is without "bad" aspects, even when you try to do something good--it's more cynical, becauseweare more cynical. Superman has always been a reflection of us, more specifically America. (Clark Kent as us, Superman as what we are "together", as Americans). I think a superman that tries to do good, but his immense power produces a ton of collateral damage, is a pretty poignant piece of symbolism about how Americans feels right now. It was just different in the 80's, our mood, how we felt about the world and ourselves and the storiesreflectedthat.

However, the overall movie was a shit pile, but it wasn't due to the character. The character was fine for the times.


Millie's Staff Member
My knowledge of the comics starts and ends with the 70s. Im more familiar with the animated and live action films and tv series. Good thing because i never saw the fleischer superman cartoons until i was 17 and since then i think they probably should never allowed supes to fly. His leaping tall buildings seems way cooler. Anyway. I love me some old corny superman. Even during darker times like world war 2 superman was a positive character for good.


<Gold Donor>
i dont understand why i should love something completely different than the thing that i grew to love in the first place. yeah original superman is corny as fuck and a do gooder. but thats part of the charm. if Marvel can make a Captain America with a 1940s era personality then frickin snyder can make a wholesome superman who doesnt kill hundreds of thousands of humans trying to save the rest of the world. he would have found a way to save everyone and not be a brooding asshole to his human father.
You and I are about the same age I believe, so I get it. But you're trying to use reasons like this to justify not liking something, which is where all of the confusion and arguments set in. Taking exactly what you just said, but changing it to fit the original Batman that you knew and loved, would mean you don't like the new (or intermediate) Batmans at all either because it isn't the whacky "BONK!" and "KAPOW!" laden schtick of the originals.

People can like both. People can be excited to see a different take on a beloved character (the best Lex Luthor of them all, to me, is the one from Smallville). And yes, people are free to hate them. But just saying "They are different" is setting yourself up for all sorts of ridicule unless you consistently only like the first iteration of something and never even remotely like subsequent ones. Does that make sense?

You are perfectly entitled to not like something, and say so. I've never once pulled an "It's Astro, so I like the opposite." We like many of the same things. But if the essential reason for you disliking something is that "it is different than the original" see where that makes it easy for people to dogpile on, right?


Millie's Staff Member
Aye, the thing is. I really enjoyed this film. I saw it twice already and will probably watch it a third time. The only thing i didnt like was how they changed supes. Example if they rebooted star wars and luke and leia were the evil ones anf having an incestfest while darth vader tried to save the universe it would probably be an awesome movie, but it also would break my childhood's heart.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Superman is just a shitty character. Its impossible to write interesting plotlines 70 years later for a character whose morality is never corrupted and who has every superpower imaginable. Plus, he has a faggy name "Superman". Its almost up there with "Awesomeman"

I understand he was great 80 years ago because it was a new thing and the novelty hasnt worn off, but its about time to retire this one. Your grandpa's WW2 superheroes aint made for the 21st century.

Truth be told, the entire DC lineup other than Batman sucks. You got all these shitty superheroes that never aged well like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow and they didnt age well because of their pristine morality and faggy super powers.

You guys need to stop clinging to the Superman of old, if you want that superhero to evolve in any meaningful or interesting way - he has to go the Frank Miller route (which is what Snyder kinda went towards when he had him snap Zod's neck)