Marvel Universe stuff


Silver Knight of the Realm


Mr. Poopybutthole
People like #1s, water is wet.

DC new 52 sucked really bad and this rebirth stuff is supposed to "fix" everything.
Marvel as a property is as high profile as it has ever been. We will see how it goes.
There were other #1's in the last 20 years.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There were other #1's in the last 20 years.
And they always get a bump, not this large of a bump, but they still get a bump.

I aint here to argue, I am glad the medium is getting back into the popular consciousness. But the same as other popular mediums, like Wrestling, all these things ebb and flow.


Mr. Poopybutthole
And they always get a bump, not this large of a bump, but they still get a bump.

I aint here to argue, I am glad the medium is getting back into the popular consciousness. But the same as other popular mediums, like Wrestling, all these things ebb and flow.
I don't like changing the characters that much. I was nerd raging the other day about Iron Man being turned into a Black teenage girl, and every woman in the house came running to see. I showed my five year old the Black Kid Flash, and he was giggling. It just seems lazy for them to change these characters' race, when there are enough characters that they haven't used over the last 20-30 years just sitting on the shelf.

I bet dollars to donuts that this is Disney's decision as the new owner of Marvel.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't like changing the characters that much. I was nerd raging the other day about Iron Man being turned into a Black teenage girl, and every woman in the house came running to see. I showed my five year old the Black Kid Flash, and he was giggling. It just seems lazy for them to change these characters' race, when there are enough characters that they haven't used over the last 20-30 years just sitting on the shelf.

I bet dollars to donuts that this is Disney's decision as the new owner of Marvel.
I am just tired of old IP. I am ambivalent to the fact that every single thing i liked from 8 to 22 is not a movie and mined until it has been exhausted. Those characters nobody used have no cache in the company, so they have no real IP to mine.

These things I loved are not "for me" anymore. That's fine i guess. Star Trek really bums me out though.


<Prior Amod>
I don't like changing the characters that much. I was nerd raging the other day about Iron Man being turned into a Black teenage girl, and every woman in the house came running to see. I showed my five year old the Black Kid Flash, and he was giggling. It just seems lazy for them to change these characters' race, when there are enough characters that they haven't used over the last 20-30 years just sitting on the shelf.

I bet dollars to donuts that this is Disney's decision as the new owner of Marvel.
actually it looks like from MarvelNow2 preview she's gonna be WarMachine and Victor von Doom is gonna be Iron Doom, or something like that.


Life's a Dream
My daughter has a Lego magazine. It shows a few things that may happen in the movies. The stars are Hyperion (Marvel's version of SuperMan) working with Thanos against Captain Marvel. On top of that, it shows Iron Man and Captain America against Red Skull, capturing a weapon he was creating, then using that weapon against both Thanos and Hyperion.

It may be a 100% made up idea, but it might also be that Lego isn't allowed "create" Marvel stories, so this might be a plot at some point.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I miss the X-Men. There's where Marvel lost me. It sent me off trying to read Avengers and other books with little success, and if it weren't for some interesting reboots and strung out events like Secret Wars I probably wouldn't buy comics at all. DC's Rebirth has be going to the shop every Wednesday to pick up some of their new books and the occasional Marvel title, but as of this week I don't have any on my pull list (but intend to buy the balance of Civil War II.)

Not really sure what's interesting to me for Marvel Now 2, but there's not much. Probaby time for a break unless some of these DC books hook me, need to dig into them and see if they've made the Green Lantern books un-retarded and what this latest Superman Doomsday stuff is all about.


OMG, an black chick, a native american, Japanese-American, Russian, Canadian and an Irishman on one team, diversity!


I'd upload a few more but the file sizes restrictions are kinda anal in this subforum and don't feel like resizing - it'd end up just being Jim Lee's greatest hits anyways.


So they showed a teaser trailer for the new Spider-Man film


The film is currently in production, and so there wasn't much to show of actual webhead action (though we did see him suit up very briefly at the end of the sizzle reel along with a quick glimpse of new villain the Vulture). But what we did see felt very different from a standard MCU movie. The clip started with a montage of yearbook images showing all the Marvel heroes (Iron Man, Black Widow, Cap, a nerdy Bruce Banner) as they did when they were in high school, while Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' "Bad Reputation" (a.k.a. the theme song to classic the classic high-school TV show Freaks and Geeks) played.

Then we got a lot of Peter Parker in high school action, with a racially mixed Queens Midtown High that feels much more 21st century New York City than previous versions of the character (Flash Thompson is now Indian, for example). Peter proves his brilliance in the classroom, sneaking a watch of YouTube videos of him fighting Giant Man while also managing to answer questions in class, or mixing his web fluid up under his desk when he's supposed to be doing a classroom science experiment.

We also see him and his friend staring, mouths agape, at the girl classmates, which another female classmate tells them is creepy. The girls are playing F, M, K but with Avengers, and one of the girls (played by Zendaya) seems to think Spider-Man is hot, which definitely intrigues Peter. It all culminates in Peter running down a hall ripping open his shirt to reveal his costume, before a few quick glimpses of Spidey in action (including doing some actual wallcrawling).


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
lol, Kurt Russell, Star Lord's dad is...

Ego, the living planet.


<Gold Donor>
Honestly my only disappointment with that is that it wasn't Emily Blunt. Which was probably never gonna happen but still... a man can dream
Yeah, same. I think Brie will do fine, she's clearly a good actress from the 30 minutes of Room that I watched before I realized I didn't want to be bummed out for the rest of the week. And she's attractive, so I'll enjoy looking at her in spandex.

I'm ok with this. Not perfect, but I like it. It could have been someone I despise or don't enjoy watching, so to have it be someone I actually like is a win in my mind.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was hoping they would go with someone like Jessie Graff. A stuntwoman type, muscles from use and motion have a different look than just fitness junkies, but I can get used to the idea of this girl.