Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is the more relevant graph.
Yup, that's the actual projection chart and it's even worse since the trending # is the high-point of their projection. Obviously none of this is guaranteed, as shown with several Kickstarters that had very large pushes near the end. Though I imagine their projection chart takes that kind of data into account at some level.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I would guess tho, if this doesn't fund, they will throw up a crowd fund on their own website.
if you think people are apprehensive about pledging on ks, where they can retract bids, id imaging a direct paypal payment to brad would be even less fruitful by a large margin.
I lumped Ench with Necro because if there is a Mage, the Mage was a lower powered Wizzy with pets, the Ench animated objects to get its crappy pet, the Nec animated the dead. The ench had KEI for mana regen, the Necro had Lich form, so there are similarities. Oh the Ench could charm anything, the Nec could charm undead...
I get why you are grouping them together. What I am saying is that I would rather none of the classes be grouped together. That way, there is no tendency to start ensuring that each class has a version of the other class's spells for "balancing" sake.

Unique classes for the win.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Check this out by some kid working on shit by himself. Brad might want to pull some ideas from it and at it to his kickstarter.

Story by Adam Bowman Kickstarter

Here is an example of transparency that might help your potential backers if you haven't scared them off already.


Most of our money will go towards development, and will remain in a bank account. We need money to pay people for their initial contributions, and then sales money will go back into that account. I am happy to answer any more questions you might have, and add clarity to the campaign if anyone requests it. This chart seems pretty simple, but it's accurate.


Risks and challenges

I've been working on this for almost two years, and I've encountered just about every obstacle you could think of.
I'm betting a lot on Story. Story isn't just a means of fulfilling my dreams, it's a way to fulfill the dreams of anyone who wants to write or design.
I don't turn away help, I won't overlook a good idea, and I'm not afraid of cutting something that doesn't work.
As long as I'm not dead, I'll put in the hours to move this forward.

If you're worried I'll fail to deliver, watch the video. Failure will result in more than me wasting a lot of time and money, I will probably never stop being harassed.

Holy shit someone with a passion for games, upfront in the process, and a little humility too. It must be because he is an expert at kickstarter. I bet he went to 4 years of kickstarter college. Goddamn the more I think about the retarded responses we have received from this fucker the more I wish I could pledge negative money.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
1) People want some form of long travel to get to out of the way dungeons.

Look at every mmo released since WoW had their dungeon finder implemented and tell me how much screaming and crying went on when the newer MMOs did not copy that. Swtor didn't have a dungeon finder at launch and you could manually make groups and run to the instance, but no one liked it. People bitched, moaned, and complained until a dungeon finder went in. The VERY same people in this thread were crying about a "lack" of dungeon finder, yet they want a game with no dungeon finder??

2) No AH system.

Look at the recent FF14 threads...the Swtor threads...the Guild Wars 2 threads...and you will find a common occurrence of where their AH system did not work properly at release. It didn't stop people from manually trading, but no one could be bothered to do that. They just hoarded their goods until the AH was working and keep bitching about the AH not working.
I didnt like the dungeon setup in TOR because *drumroll* they werent integrated in the leveling experience. They started on the fleet, to have any chance to form or join a group you had to piss your time away without playing while waiting for members. (similar in GW2 with LA actually but there it was a playermade issue I guess).

Contrast that with early WoW where I was doing quests in Westfall or Barrens and people start groups in map chat, you could play while forming up and if you only had 3/5 you could keep playing while looking to fill your group.

I hope that wont even have a chance to become an issue because good design would be doing it like WoW (/ouch) and placing your dungeons in a region where people that would want to do the dungeon hang out naturally... without instances maybe even the more duo/trio friendly outskirts of the dungeon itself.

You can prevent that issue by having a decent lfg tool that is not automated, just let players list themselves as interested for dungeon x as a tank so people that want to go there can /tell them to form a group. That way said tank can do other shit nearby while lfg, instead of sitting in the city just to be sure he doesnt miss the lfg calls.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
if you think people are apprehensive about pledging on ks, where they can retract bids, id imaging a direct paypal payment to brad would be even less fruitful by a large margin.
I'm sure there's enough suckers from that KS comment thread alone, that will at least pay their bills for a year to work on this.


Check this out by some kid working on shit by himself. Brad might want to pull some ideas from it and at it to his kickstarter.

Story by Adam Bowman Kickstarter

Here is an example of transparency that might help your potential backers if you haven't scared them off already.


Most of our money will go towards development, and will remain in a bank account. We need money to pay people for their initial contributions, and then sales money will go back into that account. I am happy to answer any more questions you might have, and add clarity to the campaign if anyone requests it. This chart seems pretty simple, but it's accurate.


Risks and challenges

I've been working on this for almost two years, and I've encountered just about every obstacle you could think of.
I'm betting a lot on Story. Story isn't just a means of fulfilling my dreams, it's a way to fulfill the dreams of anyone who wants to write or design.
I don't turn away help, I won't overlook a good idea, and I'm not afraid of cutting something that doesn't work.
As long as I'm not dead, I'll put in the hours to move this forward.

If you're worried I'll fail to deliver, watch the video. Failure will result in more than me wasting a lot of time and money, I will probably never stop being harassed.

Holy shit someone with a passion for games, upfront in the process, and a little humility too. It must be because he is an expert at kickstarter. I bet he went to 4 years of kickstarter college. Goddamn the more I think about the retarded responses we have received from this fucker the more I wish I could pledge negative money.
I love the honesty. And it sounds like a cool idea. Unless he only set it for 7 days, he's getting no love. KS is so weird...I guess sometimes it doesn't matter if you "do it right" or not


I get why you are grouping them together. What I am saying is that I would rather none of the classes be grouped together. That way, there is no tendency to start ensuring that each class has a version of the other class's spells for "balancing" sake.

Unique classes for the win.
Oh i totally agree, and would prefer that too, but as things look right now, it doesnt seem they are going that route. Actually the whole class things makes little sense. For example lets look at the classes they have listed.

Tanks: Dark Knight, Crusader

Healer: Cleric, Druid, Shaman (probably)

Offensive Fighters: Ranger, Monk, Rogue, Bard

Caster: Ench, Wiz

So they have 2 tank classes (3 if you want to add the plate cleric in there,) 3 Healers assuming the shaman is a healer, 4 Melee and 2 casters. Why so many melee but the others are lacking especially tanks and casters? I hope they add a couple more for the unique class feel. We will see I guess.
Check this out by some kid working on shit by himself. Brad might want to pull some ideas from it and at it to his kickstarter.

Story by Adam Bowman Kickstarter

Here is an example of transparency that might help your potential backers if you haven't scared them off already.


Most of our money will go towards development, and will remain in a bank account. We need money to pay people for their initial contributions, and then sales money will go back into that account. I am happy to answer any more questions you might have, and add clarity to the campaign if anyone requests it. This chart seems pretty simple, but it's accurate.


Risks and challenges

I've been working on this for almost two years, and I've encountered just about every obstacle you could think of.
I'm betting a lot on Story. Story isn't just a means of fulfilling my dreams, it's a way to fulfill the dreams of anyone who wants to write or design.
I don't turn away help, I won't overlook a good idea, and I'm not afraid of cutting something that doesn't work.
As long as I'm not dead, I'll put in the hours to move this forward.

If you're worried I'll fail to deliver, watch the video. Failure will result in more than me wasting a lot of time and money, I will probably never stop being harassed.

Holy shit someone with a passion for games, upfront in the process, and a little humility too. It must be because he is an expert at kickstarter. I bet he went to 4 years of kickstarter college. Goddamn the more I think about the retarded responses we have received from this fucker the more I wish I could pledge negative money.
Im curious. What retarded responses do you refer to? Or, are you just on the "I hate Brad" band wagon because it's popular at the moment?

The kickstarter has not been flawless, and in hindsight needed to have been a LOT MORE fleshed out before being started, but I honestly don't recall ANY retarded responses. Brad has been all over these forums replying, and I honestly don't recall seeing any retarded responses.


Oh i totally agree, and would prefer that too, but as things look right now, it doesnt seem they are going that route. Actually the whole class things makes little sense. For example lets look at the classes they have listed.

Tanks: Dark Knight, Crusader

Healer: Cleric, Druid, Shaman (probably)

Melee: Ranger, Monk, Rogue, Bard

Caster: Ench, Wiz

So they have 2 tank classes (3 if you want to add the plate cleric in there,) 3 Healers assuming the shaman is a healer, 4 Melee and 2 casters. Why so many melee but the others are lacking especially tanks and casters? I hope they add a couple more for the unique class feel. We will see I guess.

on the ks it states Rangers are ranged dps


well folks it's obvious this is a FailedStarter (failkick?)
they should just pull it down immediately and go back to the drawing board...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think the dumbest decision so far (and there has been a number of them) is spreading out these class reveals over the course of 3 weeks. You're trying to hype up these class reveals but then you reveal them and there isn't much to the descriptions. If you are going to have something called 'class' week, do them all in a week. Keep interest going every day.


well folks it's obvious this is a FailedStarter (failkick?)
they should just pull it down immediately and go back to the drawing board...
We've been telling him this since day three. I guess he's going to slog out the 30 days and then we will see what he has planned for another run.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
well folks it's obvious this is a FailedStarter (failkick?)
they should just pull it down immediately and go back to the drawing board...
i said it before and ill say it again

people are going to be less inclined to say 'come on guys, everyone deserves a third or fourth chance' with brad than a second. brad has a history, and theres no escaping it.

likewise abandoning this now will severely reduce if not completely eliminate rhe 'brad mcquaid is back' press hes been getting. noone gives a fuck if brad mcquaid is back, again.

this is his only shot.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Im curious. What retarded responses do you refer to? Or, are you just on the "I hate Brad" band wagon because it's popular at the moment?

The kickstarter has not been flawless, and in hindsight needed to have been a LOT MORE fleshed out before being started, but I honestly don't recall ANY retarded responses. Brad has been all over these forums replying, and I honestly don't recall seeing any retarded responses.
I am referring to the "We're not kickstarter experts we're game designers" response.

Don't get me wrong I am certainly being a bit over the top on my cynical asshole quota in this thread, but in all honesty I have been making suggestions for days for things I believe would help this kickstarter, by no means does anyone need to follow my advice but I started in this thread bright eyed and full of optimism like many others. I was like oh shit Brad and EQ and I put in 2 donations for $250 for myself and the old lady before even thinking twice about it, but then I did something that many posters here don't do. I THOUGHT TWICE ABOUT IT. The idea sounded awesome but there were so many unanswered questions, so I started asking questions like many others Brad didn't answer anything other than hey guys help me get the word out and then bounce, so I started looking into it, watching the tiers change, watching the kickstarter change, I was getting confused on where to put my pledge do I go for the lifetime, or the pre-alpha, I wasn't even sure what I was getting from either stage and I wasn't alone.

So I and others offer more and more advice and watch it go ignored and unheeded, then realizing nothing you really post matters to this guy and he doesn't really have a plan, and pretty much tells us he needs money before they really start working on this project, I begin to realize he is just an asshole, from there the thread simply got more entertaining with the she-males and shills, so I piled on sarcasm to compensate, people get jimmies rustled over it but in the end I really do wish a game like this would be made, I would just rather it get made by people that have a plan and passion for it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I think the dumbest decision so far (and there has been a number of them) is spreading out these class reveals over the course of 3 weeks. You're trying to hype up these class reveals but then you reveal them and there isn't much to the descriptions. If you are going to have something called 'class' week, do them all in a week. Keep interest going every day.
I don't think they had enough info to do them all in one week.


<Gold Donor>
Also, I think that he made a mistake of just focus targeting the old EQ crowd with this game. He should of targeted a much more broader audience, for instance say some shit like "Like EQ or Vanilla WoW experience". Because from waht we are seeing, the old EQ crowd just dried up. 1700 people interested in an EQ like game? That shit is pitiful.