Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
I'm not sure if some of the old Sigil Dev/Designers would be willing to share but I know we have a few floating around but if I remember correctly, this is a very similar tale to the end of VG.
Flavor text :

Brad McQuaid Abandoned Vanguard, Sigil | The Grouchy Gamer

What's funny is that we had the same rep back in '07 as we have now on RR because we didn't buy Brads shit :

It would be amusing how fast the denizens of FOH are throwing dirt on Sigil's grave were it not so tragic for the lives and careers he's irreparably harmed.
Again, from someone who was at Verant/SoE the first time around :

Prior to 1996, he had developed a shareware RPG in his spare time, and he played the hell out of a popular DIKUmud set in D&D's Forgotten Realms called Sojourn. In 1996, he was in the right place at the right time, and seized the oppurtunity to create a graphical version of his favorite MUD. After years of work with a huge team, with a huge budget, with a huge fanfare, Everquest was released in 1999. It made a gazillion dollars and is still raking in the cash hand over fist this very day.

Things weren't coming up roses at 989/redeye/verant. Brad himself had basically done no work whatsoever since Everquest's release, and many (including Kelly Flock) think he didn't do anything *before* its release. Brad thought of himself as infallible, and Everquest's incredible success, his millions, and his ferrari were all proof of his greatness. Being crowned a "Game @#%$" by PC Gamer didn't help either.

His self-aggrandizement cannibalized Verant's customer relations for its entire existance. He insisted on being the sole point of contact with the public to promote his own name, and he did a miserable job.

Just this past week, he released Luclin screenshots without authorization and got incredibly defensive when SOE PR got upset. He sent out an email with a smarmy "I've been doing this for years, and the fact is that the screenshots were fine, people just hate change." His first hire for player relations, Gordon Wrinn, was, unbelievably enough, worse.

But people don't, as a rule, get fired from Verant. They quit. Like the lead graphics programmer, who quit a week after Everquest shipped. And his replacement, Brian Hook, who quit in disgust mere months after being hired. Then another EQ programmer left. And another. Then many others asked to be moved off the team.

(edit: as of today, SOE is beginning a round of layoffs. SOE is losing money. This is probably due more to the advertising crash than the pushed-back release dates, though.)

Smedley thinks everybody's happy because Verant had a low turnover. Even though everybody there is miserable, even the staff artists are making $125k/year and can't find a better job elsewhere.

Some were "promoted" off the team. Like Brad McQuaid. He was moved because they were "borderline ready to revolt". They "hated Brad so much they wanted to puke and constantly bitched about him." Now the EQ Live team is "busy hating Jeff Butler with a passion". Butler is a "major Brad lackey". The factions are split "more like 90:10 on the hate Brad/Jeff vs. like Brad/Jeff side. It was BAD." He is "so hated at Verant that out of a team of 60 people less than 10 would go with him. Probably closer to 5."

Note the quotemarks.

So anyway, Everquest made money like crazy, and Flock admitted his mistake. SOE bought out Verant for a tidy sum and Flock accepted Brad because he thought he was "part of the magic". Today he admitted his mistake. Sony Pictures (SOE's parent company) looked at the balance sheet, and Brad's salary, and the fact that titles kept getting pushed back. They essentially accused Smedley and Brad of lying to them about Verant's condition before the purchase, mainly the ship dates for Sovereign, EQ2, SWG, and Planetside. None of these games will ship before 2003, mostly through gross mismanagement.

Sovereign, for example, is Smed's baby. Smedley is Executive Producer on the project, and the producer is his lackey. The producer has absolutely no experience whatsoever in management. He's a former QA tester, 22 years old. The lead programmer is talented but anal and non-decisive. They already sacked the former lead programmer and two designers. The problem is really Smed, but he'll never admit it.

Anyway, Sony Pictures @#%$ itself, and Kelly Flock, who never liked Brad, feels the heat. In the meeting yesterday, Kelly says "Okay guys, this is @#%$, what the @#%$ are you doing?!" Brad and Smed get flustered, some words are thrown around, accusations are made of Brad being a no-talent weenie, and Brad decides on the spot to leave.

When SOE bought Verant, they gave both Smed and Brad three year contracts. Sony Pictures and Kelly Flock were *so* incensed at the cluster!$!% that is Verant that they basically said "@#%$ it guys, you wanna leave, fine, we need to clean up this mess and you're not going to be much help."

Verant as an entity, much like Origin, no longer exists. It's been disassembled and absorbed into Sony Online Entertainment.

The EQ live and EQ2 teams are in shock. Nobody knew that Brad was going to leave. They heard about it the same time you did.


Ugh. This went down such a predictable path. Very disappointing. I hope he can secure some decent employment in the industry after this, for the sake of his family.
Who Brad? lmao really dude? The guy lives in a mansion, has a shitload of toys and just made 160k in less than 4 months for running a scam. Not sure sympathy is the feeling for this piece of crap, maybe for his team members that got shafted, but not Brad.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Who Brad? lmao really dude? The guy lives in a mansion, has a shitload of toys and just made 160k in less than 4 months for running a scam. Not sure sympathy is the feeling for this piece of crap, maybe for his team members that got shafted, but not Brad.
Exactly. Brad has shit on people and their families for years now. He's made millions off the backs of other people's work since the beginning. I have no pity for millionaire scumbags who shit on others for a living. Fuck Brad. With a rusty pole lol.


Millie's Staff Member
to be fair, you simply can not retire on 160k, especially if you do own a mansion and have expensive toys and lifestyle. 160k might tide you over for the year, but if you want to keep your mansion and goodies you gotta keep the money flowing. brad fucked up big time and because this failed so fast and so hard, he is in deep shit now which is why he appeared in that video to do damage control. and that backfired IMO. after listening to his depressed defeated voice trying to explain all his mistakes its pretty clear he lost his mojo and will soon be filing chapter 11 if he doesnt get another gig.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I still say he got delusional from seeing that sweet spaceship money rolling in and figured there would be a similar market for him. Problem is he thought he could just wing this shit and and put as little effort as possible into it.


Molten Core Raider
Exactly. Brad has shit on people and their families for years now. He's made millions off the backs of other people's work since the beginning. I have no pity for millionaire scumbags who shit on others for a living. Fuck Brad. With a rusty pole lol.
To an extent coming into Pantheon I gave him the benefit of the doubt and felt some compassion towards him. He's been through some hard times - maybe he had had time to become more self aware.

It's clear that nothing of the sort has happened. Once again it's others who are bearing the real brunt of his selfish ways - the workers and their families he has led on. He deserves to be investigated by the authorities for the Pantheon finances primarily so that he can't do it again to others in future.


the live interview, ya know when it was live. i posted the link so you or anyone else can check to see if they ever put the audio from that interview up. sorry if i made it confusing.
Yea anyone know how long it takes for em to post those? For those of us who missed it sounds like we missed some good shit


Bronze Knight of the Realm
yea I asked that one.. He still didn't answer it in an acceptable way, but he says something is coming in that regard, so I'll follow up if he doesn't put something up.

I don't think it's ok for him to stare that number in the face day in and day out and only question it when people use it to point out mismanagement.
he completely dodged those questions and i think folks were screaming "dead horse" because they couldn't handle the cringe. he talks like a politician.


Trump's Staff
Who Brad? lmao really dude? The guy lives in a mansion, has a shitload of toys and just made 160k in less than 4 months for running a scam. Not sure sympathy is the feeling for this piece of crap, maybe for his team members that got shafted, but not Brad.
160k is not a lot of money. After paying taxes and handing out whatever he did to his team (who accomplished next to nothing and barely deserved whatever pay they did recieve) I doubt he was left with much at all... MAYBE 60k. Maybe. Can't do much with thn at except pay off some debt.

From the pics I saw the dude does not live in a 'mansion'. I had a car as expensive as his at 24. This guy is not ballin' in the slightest.

Furthermore, I have no sympathy for Brad at all... His family, however.... Children should not pay for the mistakes of a lazy dreamer who likes to play at CEO when he has no fucking business doing it. I hope everything works out positively for them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dunno.. Brad has 2 houses for one. The pic of his garage was pretty telling because it was so large. It can only be attached to something larger. Seriously, it looked like 4 cars could fit in there. it would not shock me if his house was worth a few mill. Which is fine.. I don't begrudge his wealth, but if he's talking about selling toys, maybe he should of at least sold a few more to finish that prototype. From all accounts it needed a solid month. We will see soon... hopefully.


I agree, 160k isnt wohoo retire money, but as a business owner...considering that it's still just April, pulling in a tax free 160k for the year so far isnt too shabby at all. Definitely not feeliing remorse this guy here. Well at least your not Nirrtix bat shit crazy but still whatever man if you want to feel sympathy for him that's your call.


Trakanon Raider
I dunno.. Brad has 2 houses for one. The pic of his garage was pretty telling because it was so large. It can only be attached to something larger. Seriously, it looked like 4 cars could fit in there. it would not shock me if his house was worth a few mill.
He also lives in San Diego. Depending on what part of the city, 1 million dollars isn't enough for a vacant lot the size of that garage.