Pathfinder - Pen and Paper RPG Books


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Okay I will try to do that tonight. Out on location today .


<Gold Donor>
I'm interested in joining, depending upon time and day you plan to do this, if you would have me. When I click that link it gives me a "Not Authorized" page, however.

I've never played Pathfinder, but can binge on the rulebooks if I get in. If you're full up I understand, but I'm willing to play and if I commit I can probably make almost all sessions. I was in the Savage World one that Himeo started but that petered out far too soon, so I'm eager to join another one.


<Gold Donor>
Even weirder, I seem to be in the group already! I'm the one with The People's Eyebrow for an avatar. Maybe you just co-opted the old group somehow?


Just a Nurse
The link I posted above automatically allows the person to join the group. I figure since I posted it here, people would be interested in joining and just make it so I don't have to accept invitations. :p

In any case, I would recommend people look at - Pathfinder Adventure Path: Carrion Crown Player's Guide (PFRPG) PDF

Some things that are different in Pathfinder from D&D: You can ready an action, delay an action, and you keep your initiative the entire game. Aside from that, it's pretty similar, haha. I will allow players to take 10 or 20 but know that taking 20 means you literally roll 20 times -- so, it takes time to do that specific action. It's ONLY allowed outside of combat. Taking 20 on perception checks is really the only time you'll use it.

If you're super new to Pathfinder or D&D, I would recommend getting Herolab as it makes creating characters absolutely easy. Make sure you get the Advanced Players Guide as well as Campaigns so you can have Carrion Crown traits/feats on there.


Just a Nurse
giving this a little bump. We're actually going to have enough players soon to actually start. Whoever is Paul B. can you please post your forum user name here or in the campaign?

For those who are new to character creation and do not want to have to go through the deal of reading book and book to learn, Herolab is an amazing program (it is shareware) that offers char creation in its simplest form. You can also include Carrion Crown campaign as well as Advanced Players Guide AND Mythic.

For those who are new to creation, you can use Myth-weaver.

It's going to be an epic adventure. 25 point buy. 3000 gold upon completion. You MUST have ONE campaign trait.

Again, here's the link to join:

Roll20 -- virtual tabletop gaming that tells a story


Just a Nurse
Start coming up with character classes, please, people.
) We might be able to start next week! We already have one player interested in a Yokai Ranger. We have 4 players confirmed right now. We need one or two more. I'm leaning towards 5, but if there's enough interest, then I'll accept 6 players.

For your skill stats, you can do two different things. But, if you choose the rolling, you WILL stick with it.

17 15 2 4d6 and 2 3d6

If you don't want to go with the above, you can do 25 point buy. If you're going to roll, come onto roll20 and start the campaign so I can verify the rolls. Or, there if there's an online roller that can auto email me the results, that's fine. OBVIOUSLY, your rolls can be absolutely insane if you get great rolls...or, they can be very bad.


<Gold Donor>
Looking at HeroLab now, and I'm not seeing the Shareware part. It only lets me use it in demo mode unless I buy a license, which would be ok if it were just the inability to print, but it also says it limits how many things you can actually buy for your character. I also don't see anywhere that I can add the specific campaign and other add-ons you mentioned unless I buy it.

I'm not opposed to paying for something that is worthwhile, and this seems to be, but it looks like it would probably be about $45+ for the main program and the two add-ons, maybe more if there are actually 3. Not that I can't afford that, but I'd rather give it more of a test drive first, and I can't seem to include all the stuff I'd need before I buy.

Am I missing something?


A Mod Real Quick
It was me, totally forgot about that rerolled campaign I was going to start. Sorry for not responding to messages (it wasn't going to my email). Might try to join yours if there is room.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
There is room, join up! Do your duty! Bring the fight to the Fuhrer.


Just a Nurse
Join up, Noodle. We'd love to have you.

Vvoid: So, let me tell you what I have (I have a ton of addons, but will only list the pertinent ones). Sorry, I think shareware was the wrong word. It requires that you pay for it if you want to use the full capabilities. Herolab *IS* the best, IMHO.

Pathfinder RPG Core
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide
Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Armory
Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures

If you seriously plan on playing Pathfinder a lot, I would recommend the above. You can skip everything but keep Core, however, when you get into Mythic tiers or do an advanced class, you will need the APG.

edit: Forgot to preface, you do not need Herolab if you don't want to get it. Herolab just saves you a ton of time that you would have by reading through multiple books (Core and APG).


Vyemm Raider
Start coming up with character classes, please, people.
) We might be able to start next week! We already have one player interested in a Yokai Ranger. We have 4 players confirmed right now. We need one or two more. I'm leaning towards 5, but if there's enough interest, then I'll accept 6 players.

For your skill stats, you can do two different things. But, if you choose the rolling, you WILL stick with it.

17 15 2 4d6 and 2 3d6

If you don't want to go with the above, you can do 25 point buy. If you're going to roll, come onto roll20 and start the campaign so I can verify the rolls. Or, there if there's an online roller that can auto email me the results, that's fine. OBVIOUSLY, your rolls can be absolutely insane if you get great rolls...or, they can be very bad.
I'll give pathfinder a shot if you have room. What day / time are you going to play?


Vyemm Raider
That works. I have availability every day after 4PM Mountain standard time.

Only problem is I no longer have a windows based PC, I'm running a chromebook OS. Roll 20 works, but skype is broken for me.

The Roll20 voice was pretty awful last year, not sure if it's been fixed yet.


Just a Nurse
Skype won't be necessary. The roll20 voice works perfect now. Never used it last year. Go ahead and join the groups!


Just a Nurse
Ok guys,

I think the game will be starting on Thursday (NEXT WEEK) at 5pm PST. This allows everyone to get there on time. Let me know if this works for everyone. Please get your characters up. Remember you need to have ONE Campaign Trait.

3000 Gold
25 point buy OR 17 15 4d6x2 and 3d6x2. If you are going to do the roll, please let me be there to verify the rolls.
Level 1
Base, Advanced, and Archetype classes allowed

Race: Right now, I am not disallowing any races. I will follow up with this later.