

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Must be the ENB "Too Much Brown" edition.

For those who just bought the game over the summer sale or this weekend, I strongly recommend using Skyrim looks like ass without some version of ENB or at least SweetFX, but there are a lot of terrible presets out there.


Must be the ENB "Too Much Brown" edition.

For those who just bought the game over the summer sale or this weekend, I strongly recommend using Skyrim looks like ass without some version of ENB or at least SweetFX, but there are a lot of terrible presets out there.
It's RealVision full version with CoT and RLO

And here's a pic from earlier in the day, same mods and settings. That pic above was taken late at night with a storm coming and a boatload of fire so of course it's dark and brown



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Wow, that rain looks great. Is that just a skybox or does it work as expected when you move closer?


Wow, that rain looks great. Is that just a skybox or does it work as expected when you move closer?
I'm not sure tbh, will have to play some today and see if I can findout for you. I think it's a realistic weather mod so should work as expected but don't want to say yes without knowing


Going to try that Tropical Skyrim mod. Doubt I will seriously play it (still like the northern ruggedness), but I kind of want to see how drastically it makes things.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Been playing with mods, though skyrim grinds to a 1fps halt after about 10-20 minutes of play. When i enter the menu, everything is fluid again.
Tried removing high resolution packs, gave me a few more minutes before it goes to shit.

I suspect its either my disk speed (not being on an SSD), or 4gb of ram is not enough to run a few basic mods along.
Anyone else run into these kind of issues ?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah 4GB of ram means any high texture mods will fuck you over. I'd start removing them. The 20m of gameplay seems suspect though, I didn't think Skyrim has had a lot of mem leak problems but it crashes for me so often that I guess it doesn't matter!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You have to install ENB, but one of the options in that ini turns off all the graphics features and just leaves the memory/CTD fixes.


I just picked Skyrim back up after someone linked me this mod, SPERG:

The Somethingawful thread by the author if you're registered over there, including v4.0 beta link:

This thing is amazing. It mainly changes the perk setup such that all the +gooderer and -tedium perks are automatically awarded to your character as your skills level up. Then it chops the amount of perk points you get in half, and adds a bunch of perks that are actually interesting and game changing. This means spending perk points is actually something you look forward to and consider carefully, instead of just picking the next +damage perk every time.

Furthermore, most of the perks and trees have crossover effects which affect other trees and combat styles, which combined with the auto-perks from skill actually allows the player to use multiple combat styles without gimping themselves.

Check it out. The author explains the mod better than I can. The mod is lightweight, very sturdy and extremely well designed. It stays close to the spirit of the original game, just improves it immensely. Bethesda should seriously hire the guy for TES6.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Or SkyPE or Requiem or T3nd0's or ACE or ERSO or ...

There's so damn many of them now that it's pretty hard to figure out which one you might like the best without wasting hours trying them all out. I just reinstalled the game with all the DLC to give it another shot, but there's no way I'd play it with the vanilla perk system again. I quit playing the last time when I one-shot an ancient dragon with my bow on master difficulty, just seemed pointless after that. Now I'm at the point where I have all the visual mods installed and working without going over the magic 3.1GB CTD limit and I have no idea what gameplay mods to install. All I know for sure is that I don't want some retarded realism/immersion mod, I hated that shit in Oblivion/F3/NV.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Gameplay wise SkyRe is pretty good and all encompassing. Deadly Dragons/Monsters: great too. The dragons part has an option to enable periodic attacks from dragons which I love. The monsters part allows you to tune the attributes of the different monster types which helps stop you from being invulnerable. I have it set to like +300% dmg and +500% magic damage.


How does it compare to SkyRe?
I haven't tried any of the others, but the general consensus (pretty much 100% agreement) in the SomethingAwful thread is that SPERG is the better alternative. It's more lightweight, sticks closer to the original game's feel, allows for a wider variety of play styles, has more robust code and plays better with other mods as a result.

Most importantly, it encourages/allows for a varied play style in a single playthrough. Pretty much any type of character I can imagine is viable with SPERG.
Unarmed? Check - pickpocket perks can boost unarmed, and weapon perks give some global boosts
Single weapon + spell/unarmed? Check - pickpocket perks give boosts with one hand free
Dual wield or swap between different weapon types? Check - weapon specific perks give some universal boosts
Agile melee? Check - There are perks which increase move speed, perks which reduce sprint stamina consumption, and a perk that makes power attack perks also boost normal attacks, making dodging and sprinting a viable alternative to block/power attacks
Any weapon stealth? Check - sneak attack bonuses are upped for unarmed and 1H, and one-hit kills with twohanders cause an AOE fear effect
Pure mage? Check - Mage trees now have significant cross-tree bonuses, and the illusion and alteration trees are actually worth a damn. Including a permanent mage armor perk which makes alteration go up when hit.
Summoner? Check - Summons get meaningful boosts from conjuration, speech gives a follower/minion aura, and illusion has phantom monsters and floating swords
Shout centric build? Check - Speech boosts shouts.

The list goes on - there's a ton of things you can do. The perk list (for the latest beta) is here:

The mod can convert old characters seamlessly on load and has a built in respec, so it's easy to make a back-up save and try it out.


Trump's Staff
Is it just me or does the Skyrim Nexus site only work 50% of the time? I get 504 Gateway timed out constantly...