Strife - 2nd gen MOBA


Trakanon Raider
Semi-excited for this. Friends and I played a lot HoN and I'm not particularly a fan of supporting Riot, but another good MOBA game with a decent company is needed besides Dota/Valve. If it turns out to be similar to LoL, which is a good game, I'd be all over it.


<Silver Donator>
Vermillion? More like 5-million~ Lol'd pretty good at that. Forgot how much flavor and ridiculousness the global voice stuff can add. Not sure how I feel about Vermillion in general though, 2 passives leads to a lot of attack move boringness, and his E doesn't seem to extend his range hardly at all.

Really digging it so far. The way they handle last hits is a nice way to ensure supports aren't going to be vastly under fed come mid/late game, and it really opens up a lot of different laning options. I wonder though, does the jungle gold get split as well, or is that all solo?
Jungle doesn't seem to be shared, at least when I help people kill stuff, the mobs are tagged(like mmo tagged, they change color to grey) and when they die I don't get a gold popup so assume it's not shared. That said the guy in the jungle doesn't get the additional lane gold, was reading the split is like 80% each or something like that. Basically one guy gets 100%, 2guys in lane get 160% per creep, so jungle isn't really that great and they said it was intended not to apparently, it's just meant as a supplement not as a full time thing.

Played a few more heroes, had fun with the alien guy with the rockets and shit, his damage started pretty fucking shit but eventually I was raping people so hard, I went boots of travel too so I'd just ulti/bot all over the map to countergank, was pretty fun. Also liked Malady the pure caster, she has a bunch of very basic skills including a wall, shit's pretty good once you level it a bit to get better range on it(it's fairly shit at lvl 1 but it can do stuff sometimes), I went blink boots on her then stacked CDR+power items. With the 2 different items, I assume they stack cause I had like 40secs ulti(which is laguna blade), pretty fun.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The heroes all feel pretty familiar so far, as they are just mix and match from league/dota skills for the large part. Only one I really dislike is Vermullien, two passives is just so boring.

The item crafting seems like it could be a pretty big idea once you actually get some resources for it, but I'm hesitant to really do any of it early on because I'll probably just make something terrible. Items all seem to have a minimum cost for the recipe, so now spamming out a bunch of cheap CDR or anything. Only thing I've made so far is a power/attack speed focused sheep stick, rather than the castery/mana one that exists by default. No one is prepared for Rook with a polymorph!


<Silver Donator>
I disliked the sheepstick after building it and finding out it only disarm/silence, it doesn't slow, so the uses are more limited. But yeah that sounds to be the point of the crafting system to an extent, I was thinking of switching something to health+mana regen for an early item that works on everyone but not too sure which one would be the most useful. Haven't upgraded my pet either, not sure I want to upgrade this one or buy the one with a force staff, it is a huge cooldown on it so don't know if it'd be worth it, probably though. I initially thought I'd buy the stealth one but 1.5secs stealth sounds fucking awful(upgrades to 2.25 secs eventually but that's still short as fuck).


The tutorial was tough to get through, personally I found that it tried to explain general moba gameplay but didn't suitably prepare me for what's different in Strife compared to other games at all, so it was a waste of time.

I found this on reddit:

For anyone who wants to skip it, they could do pretty much that using ctrl+f8, then:
host_timescale 4 (speed up time to 4x)
GiveGold 0 60000
GiveExp #GetSelectedEntity()# 15000


Golden Knight of the Realm
Have you guys explored removing the courier mechanic compelty and just having a combat timer for buying items? I haven't played in beta yet... but if ur goal is to truly have a casual friendly moba, the courier seems counterproductive. I like the idea of buying without backing, but I wonder if strife would be better served removing the courier as a "mechanic". If you have made it invul and simplified the control, then what real gameplay does it add on top of buying items without backing that supports your plan to make a casual friendly game. If anything it adds a layerof complexity that doesn't seem necessary.

Just a thought! You have already spent the designer and developed time implementing it, so it may be moot.. plus you may have plans to monetize the courier with skins... I was mainly speaking from a game design point of view.
I will say I'm not a huge fan of the art style. I mean I consider LoL pretty cartoony and some of the characters make Ezreal or Teemo look Grim dark. I do like the shared gold mechanic and the ranged characters seem to be done really well.


After 4 games I still don't know where my xp bar is, or if there is one. I really hate the UI. I see what the idea is, but I don't think any of the changes actually make an easier to use interface, or presents information better than other UIs out there. Having to hold tab to see my health and mana is dumb, the scoreboard is dumb, the way information about my teammates is presented is ultra-dumb. Other than that I'm having fun playing it


Molten Core Raider
I've given away roughly 40 keys so far, and I'm trying to get more, if anyone else wants in, PM me now. If you haven't gotten one yet be patient.
Please make sure you utilize the strife forum (log into the portal @Strife - The Premier Second Generation Free-to-Play MOBAand go to forums) as well as this one if you want for feedback, concerns, what you like/don't like (if you do have dislikes, try to be specific and also offer a viewpoint on how you would like it to be, versus how it is currently implemented.)


<Silver Donator>
UI stuff:

The UI is fairly alright, IF you pin everything. That's alright though I guess, making UI elements removable for people who for some reason don't want to see their cooldowns/health, sounds completely stupid to me in this type of game but eh.

It needs to show a lot more stuff though. It needs an experience bar for one, no way to know when you're about to level that I've seen. It needs to display mana costs on the skills, currently it displays how much mana you need if you don't have enough but it doesn't let you calculate costs for a combo without hovering the skills/knowing the class. I guess it's the same in dota but considering the UI is similar to HoN/more open to stuff(you can check heroes mana directly, you can see their items without selecting them etc), I feel this should be an option like it was in HoN. Simple blue numbers for the cost on the skills.

There should be a scoreboard, or it needs to be more obvious how you access it, I haven't found it, only pops at the end of the game. If it's intended you can't see your team stats during the game, it should at least show their items permanently on the pinned team portraits instead of having to press tab. It should also show your own stats all the time(if the portrait is pinned), last hits and kda. Maybe also the info about your stats that shows up when you hover with your attack dmg, armor, movespeed etc, make it its own UI element you can pin down if you want to see it or not. Team last hits could be nice too since gold is shared, it wouldn't show individual last hits if it's supposed to be hidden but you could see if your team is having issues laning or what.

The Kongor lane screen thing should show how many votes every lane is getting, so you can figure ahead of time which lane it's gonna go to before it spawns.

The cooldown/skill bar part should in my opinion be thiner(horizontaly), I feel the distance between the left skill and the right skill is too big which makes it harder to tell at a glance the state of all your cooldowns. Compress it a bit, remove some of the space between the skills, maybe scale it down a bit too.

Inventory management is a pain in the ass. You can't move items easily, which makes putting them in the right keybinding slot annoying as hell, it seems to work sometimes, but only if you have like a full inventory or something, I think it tries to reorganize it so the items fill up in the right order but I want to put item X on slot Y all the time for example, depending on the binding. The ordering is also "wrong", it seems to be 456123 from top left to bot right, when it should be 123456 like you'd expect, basically switch bottom and top rows. Selling items is extremely unituitive and I wasn't even sure you could until I randomly clicked on a lot of stuff. There need to be a more obvious icon for selling, potentially put it on the other side of the screen. You also can't get the courier to come and grab the item to sell it I believe(not 100% sure when I tested I was in base) and there's no sideshops obviously, so if you're full and want something else it's gonna be annoying unlike using dota/hon courier mechanics.

I'd like for tab to show skill cooldowns of your teammates instead of their items(which is already displayed on the top anyway). That or show the skill cooldowns on the top, either of these. Knowing when your teammates have ultimates and stuff is obviously very useful, and so is knowing when they have a stun, or if they have mana for it.

Think that's all for now.

Edit: Remembered something, the multitap skills. They need to be A LOT more obvious, and at the very least it should be in the description. I wasn't aware they existed until I saw someone throw 2 rockets in a row with what's his face and I was like "huh" then logged in vs bots and yep there it was, some weird ass little thing on top of the skill that seems to show it has charges. Turns out Minerva has charges on her blink strike too, which probably is one of the reason I had so much trouble with her. Oh and if I play in a 9bots game, I should be able to leave instantly, it sucks you have to finish the game.


<Silver Donator>
When you open the shop, there's a trashbin icon near the bottom, to the right of the inventory stuff, it's fairly small. You drag the item on it.

Played Minerva again, definitely much better now that I know you can blinkstrike a lot more, also went with maxing the passive over the blinkstrike to get the 9%shield sooner and went with a couple of health items(the antimagic health item that proc a magic reduction when you get hit every 24secs and then I had health on some other items like iirc the crit item or the attackspeed one) so I was a ton tankier and with multiple blinks I had no trouble chasing people down unlike before. Also synergizes really well with the Sheen item, get free 50dmg everytime you cast an ability, so you blink, slow, attack, ulti, attack, blink, attack, lots of free dmg. It's very similar to how Akali plays really, just hadn't noticed due to terrible UI on that and the skill description not even mentioning it.

Btw if you buy another pet than the free one, the cost of pets go up to 250 for the 3rd. So make sure you pick a good 2nd. I went with the force staff one and upgraded it once so the cooldown is shorter, it's alright, feels like LoL flash but not instant travel so have to be a bit more careful/not as good for initiation. I want to get one more point into it for the slow autoattack shit then probably a 2nd point in my basic mana regen one so it's shorter and I don't rely as much on regen on mana intensive heroes. The rocket guy for example is a huge mana whore.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm looking forward to trying this tonight (got my key yesterday). Does anyone have a secret potion of "put your 10 month old daughter to sleep"?

I'm happy to see it's getting positive reviews.


2 Minutes Hate
Watching a stream right now, and the UI looks really bad. Everything is so big, lots of wasted space on frilly borders. Do I really need a giant keyboard key next to my skill with lines under it?

Just copy DOTA2/LOL UI and not the LOL UI from 4 years ago.


2 Minutes Hate
Let me know if I got this right. In this game you can use components to craft items or make items more powerful, but they only last for 2 weeks, but you can buy gems to make them last longer? Is that the money scheme in this game? Is it essentially going to be a Pay2Win system where you just keep your crafted item going on forever?

Wiki/Forums doesn't explain this system very well, if at all.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Crafted items aren't inherently better or worse than the default items, just different. Say you rip out all the components for the lifedrain attack item and make it nothing but the +26 power attack items, the cost of it skyrockets according to the price of the components. So while yes, you could make a bunch of recipes that are +75 power or +500 health or whatever, they'd all cost 7000+ gold and you'd never get to build them.


2 Minutes Hate
I just assume that customization will lead to some OP situations that happen whenever mathnerds get their teeth into the theorycrafting stuff. Then that OPness will lead to people needing to buy gems over and over to maintain their item. Especially those legendary items.

Maybe you're right though and it's not a big deal, but in LOL it usually comes down to a few ticks here and there that turn the tide of a battle. Smells fishy to me.