The Dallas Cowboys Memorial (2015 Off-Season) Thread


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Nope, very good redirect so I will start with the basics.

What have the Patriots been doing for the past 7-8 years that no one else has evidence of doing? If you say deflated balls, then you are right. Now please explain the Patriots turnover differential since 2007. Here's some help for you.Stats show Patriots became nearly fumble-proof after '06 rule change proposed by Tom Brady | The Linemakers | Sporting NewsShow me another reason for their turnover difference?

It's a basic fact that footballs are easier to handle with less inflation. Basic fact for anyone that has played any ball handling position. Just give me another reason. Not "they were just trying to help the balls lose some weight" either. I know you have better excuses than the Patriots seem to.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I agree that what we do know is, yet again, the NFL is right in the thick of allowing, supporting, encouraging and defending what public perception and they themselves are calling cheating. The NFL let teams control the balls, had a rule about PSI they had no procedures in place to enforce, were apparently getting complaints about under-inflated balls, there was a ton of evidence (sarcasm) that a reporter at least foundprovingit, and now suddenly the NFL is left shocked and unaware anything at all could have possibly been going on?

I'm just not a fan of the NFL pretending they're ignorant when it's suddenly convenient for them to start laying blame under the guise of integrity of the game when it's shit they could have prevented many years prior if they'd actually cared. Fuckers are worse than my wife in randomly only starting to care about something when it's most convenient for them or they need to win an argument.


The team's only being drug through the mud by mouth breathers and envious faggots. The Colts got destroyed after the balls were fixed. The balls, which people like Joe Montana even shrugged at, didn't do a god damn thing to change the outcome of that game. Sure as hell didn't win their Super Bowl either. I couldn't give less of a shit about the Patriots but this is just ridiculous.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Last post on the topic. I agree that the NFL is inept and should be skewered. No one disputes that. None of those posts completely dispute Sharp's analysis. Sure, his article wasn't completely sound but every expert that 'disproved' him says that there either are some abnormalities or the test field is too small. The popsci article says notmuchof a difference.

In the end, the Pats knew what the rules were. Just like before, they tried to ignore the rules. The cover-up says it did make some kind of difference or why do it? Just like the lost IRS emails are fishy as hell, just like HillDog's private email system loudly speaks of hidden agendas. If you don't want to be considered a cheater, then maybe stick by the rules?


Ssraeszha Raider


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
So, the NFL is inept and shady as hell when they're the ones getting heat, and they don't have proof because they didn't enforce their own rules, but they're leaking info that the Patriots and Brady are involved in a cover up, so that proves they did bad things! And then when people ask you to simply prove they broke the rules, you can't, because you're inept and shady as hell yourself, but hey they have history! And when initial reports are recanted and proven false and the team asks you to please make a statement to that effect you refuse, because, ummm, shit leak that Brady destroyed his phone and is hindering our investigation by not providing us proof he broke rules we weren't enforcing even after being tipped off earlier in the season and then couldn't produce evidence even after again being tipped off and trying to catch them in the act!

I dunno, let's just start a new thread to talk about actual football already?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why does it have to be jealousy? I don't think anyone has claimed that the Patriots haven't been a consistently talented team, or that they wouldn't still be going deep in the playoffs every year if they weren't cheating.

But they are cheaters. Hence the *


Potato del Grande
Aren't you the guy who just argued that no other team has ever done shady stuff in the previous few pages, acting like the only dynasty to ever pull any shenanigans are the Patriots and thus they shouldn't be mentioned without *****'s everywhere? Sounds like jealousy to me... or maybe just retardation.


Molten Core Raider
Gisele Bundchen_sl said:
Happy birthday my love! We're so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you for always giving us so much love. We love you! #love #family


Molten Core Raider
Didn't read both articles, but the first one says the numbers suggest Patriots cheated, just that the fumble rate wasn't quite as ridiculous as Sharp's initially thought.
True, but he also acknowledges others have taken more variables into account (play selection being one of them) and have come to other conclusions. I initially did not post a link to those articles as they are all from Boston homers and wanted to keep this neutral.

Comments on Warren Sharp's Patriots Fumble Analysis | Drew Fustin

These differing articles illustrate how numbers can be used to drive a particular narrative. Like Mort tweeting 11/12 footballs were under-inflated by 2 lbs (not even psi), which started the public outcry to begin with.


Golden Squire
It's a narrative of convenience. Patriots organization has statistically shown they don't fumble as much as the rest of the league. So much so that they stick out when you look at the numbers. Given how much teams emphasize ball security, it could just be they're better than anyone else at getting this message across.

Then you get deflategate. Granted, the look into the fumble numbers didn't occur until after the story broke, but it's a natural thought progression. "What could I look at to determine if there's a fire underneath this smoke?" Underinflated footballs would naturally be easier to hold on to, even if just a little. Smoke.

A seemingly concerted effort by Brady to keep certain evidence from the investigation? Smoke.

The Patriots fire the two employees being investigated despite assuring everyone they're innocent? To me this is probably the most damning thing out of it all, even beyond Brady's cell phone fuck up. An organization that wants to pride itself on innocence and no wrongdoing in this would still have these guys on their payroll. So again, Smoke.

Are they the only team doing it? Unlikely. Has this gone way too far? Absolutely. But for me it's kind of funny watching Patriot fans convince themselves there's nothing here. There's too much smoke for there to not be a fire.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Remember how Benjarvus Green-Ellis fumbled 0 times in like 5 years at NE then he came to Cinci and all of a sudden the ball appeared to be slathered in butter?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Show me another reason for their turnover difference?
Former players have noted that the Pats push the basics even during the playoffs, whereas other teams typically only do it during practices early in the season. IMO it has more to do with the fact that the Pats push that stuff 24/7 instead of teams that go "this is football 101 shit, why the hell do we need to keep pushing it?"


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"Slathered in butter" is a bit of an exageration, given Green-Ellis' had 3 and 2 fumbles in two seasons with the Bengals. By that standard DeMarco Murray, Shady McCoy and Eddy Lacy also had butterfingers in 2014, with 3 fumbles each.


Potato del Grande
Maybe has something to do with the fact that if you fumble the ball in NE you're riding the bench for 5 games, too.

Nah, nevermind, i'm sure that has nothing to do with it. DIRTY CHEATERS WITH FLAT BALLS.


<Gold Donor>
Remember how Benjarvus Green-Ellis fumbled 0 times in like 5 years at NE then he came to Cinci and all of a sudden the ball appeared to be slathered in butter?
If my memory is correct, right before his first fumble, the announcers mentioned that he has gone x number of carries without a fumble...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Former players have noted that the Pats push the basics even during the playoffs, whereas other teams typically only do it during practices early in the season. IMO it has more to do with the fact that the Pats push that stuff 24/7 instead of teams that go "this is football 101 shit, why the hell do we need to keep pushing it?"
It it was as simple as how to conduct practices why have people from Belichick's tree not gone on to be more successful head coaches?