The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Canuckistani Terrorist
You get all kinds of bizzare unnatural looking shapes and angles with ice, especially with frequent temperature changes over a short period of time i.e. shifting between solid, liquid, and even some vapor/gas state. Molten matter of any kind could likely do weird things with sudden changes in state.

I forgot to take a picture a couple weeks ago, but I have an old window in a bedroom that I need to reframe and replace that leaks air & moisture like a sieve. We had some shitty weather where it was - 40C one day, hover around -3 the next, rinse and repeat for a couple days. Ended up having a slick of ice over the glass, and it all formed in random fractal looking lines, mixed in with circular & hex snowflakeish looking patterns. Frankly it was the best peice of art I've ever seen.

If I was schizo, I'm sure I would have thought it was a coded message sent from Xenu in the middle of the night though. Who knows, maybe it was.
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Trakanon Raider
My wife took this photo at Falls Creek in Victoria Australia..
its elevation is around 1600 metres. I'm pretty happy to think it's natural
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<Gold Donor>
I like to think that the ancients played some primitive version of Warhammer 40K on those hexes.

War is eternal, after all.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Breaking News Mass UFO sighting in Peru!

Watch UFOs over the Jorge Chávez International Airport!
Surprisingly the airport terminal authorities issued a report on the matter

On the night of last Wednesday, February 27, two unidentified flying objects were sighted on the Jorge Chávez International Airport, whose images went viral on social networks.
Given this, the authorities of the air terminal issued a report in which personnel of Corpac, in charge of the control tower, confirmed the presence of UFOs, which remained on runway 33 of said airport for the lapse of one hour.

It's the objects in the background, the foreground is parking lot lights.

For his part, the renowned ufologist, Anthony Choy commented on the subject: "Since yesterday, Wednesday 27, is already confirmed from Corpac, with an official document, the presence of two Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (FAN) , which have been positioned over of runway 33 of Jorge Chávez International Airport, and has been seen -among others- by the ground crew of two planes that covered the route Lima-Córdoba and Lima-Quito ".

He also indicated that "in these 19 years that I have been investigating these issues, it is the first time that there is an official report, it is a fact without comparison in our country".



Potato del Grande
Wow so there's a worldwide network of these hexagonal structures? Nice catch with the bees Chuk, perhaps they domesticated bees and used pre younger dryas high technology to enlarge the bees and petrify the honey?

Seriously though, you guys will talk about any underwater right angle or mound of earth a crank on the Internet says is a pyramid, but you'll post the exact geological process that makes more complicated hexagons in nature?


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Wow so there's a worldwide network of these hexagonal structures? Nice catch with the bees Chuk, perhaps they domesticated bees and used pre younger dryas high technology to enlarge the bees and petrify the honey?

Seriously though, you guys will talk about any underwater right angle or mound of earth a crank on the Internet says is a pyramid, but you'll post the exact geological process that makes more complicated hexagons in nature?

Chuks the guy running around in PoT gear and your still stuck falling off the fuckin lift in Kelethin.

Just admit that this thread goes over your head and move on.



Musty Nester
I think Chris is playing Jim Norton with the hexagonal tiles.

The Giants Causeway sure looks artificial, and it's been a source of wonder through recorded human history. I have no doubt that many ancient Celtic Myths started because some shepard came across the causeway and got freaked out. But nope, granite just does that sometimes. Not just granite. Jupiter has giant hexagonal zones of gas at the poles. Because math loves circles, but nature loves hexagons.

That underwater structure sure looks like a quarry though. We dig quarries down because that's where the stone is. What if you came across a giant fucking hill of stone though? Those exist in some places in the world. I assume they existed more frequentyly before civilizations started to mine them out. You'd quarry it exactly like that. From the outer edges and the top inwards at something that you decide is ground level.

You can't prove that unless you go down there an examine the rock faces though. If you find tool marks you can be pretty sure it's a quarry. If you don't find them the odds of your theory being right fall off dramatically. Sure... they coouuuuld have been eroded away... but more likely that bit of rock just happened to have fault lines in exactly those nice angles. And since it's underwater those angles have been preserved.
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Millie's Staff Member
Chuks the guy running around in PoT gear and your still stuck falling off the fuckin lift in Kelethin.

Just admit that this thread goes over your head and move on.

yeah, he was just trolling. he thinks we're all nutters who see the virgin mary in a piece of toasted bread, he knows the hexagons are natural, but thinks we would fall over in awe at them. big difference between polygonal or cyclopean carved megaliths and some irregular rock formations.
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Potato del Grande
I can't belive that there had to be a discussion about if I was being sarcastic or not about the Giant's Causeway.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Breaking News Mass UFO sighting in Peru!

Watch UFOs over the Jorge Chávez International Airport!
Surprisingly the airport terminal authorities issued a report on the matter

On the night of last Wednesday, February 27, two unidentified flying objects were sighted on the Jorge Chávez International Airport, whose images went viral on social networks.
Given this, the authorities of the air terminal issued a report in which personnel of Corpac, in charge of the control tower, confirmed the presence of UFOs, which remained on runway 33 of said airport for the lapse of one hour.

It's the objects in the background, the foreground is parking lot lights.

For his part, the renowned ufologist, Anthony Choy commented on the subject: "Since yesterday, Wednesday 27, is already confirmed from Corpac, with an official document, the presence of two Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (FAN) , which have been positioned over of runway 33 of Jorge Chávez International Airport, and has been seen -among others- by the ground crew of two planes that covered the route Lima-Córdoba and Lima-Quito ".

He also indicated that "in these 19 years that I have been investigating these issues, it is the first time that there is an official report, it is a fact without comparison in our country".


this is the worst ufo video of all time
  • 3Worf
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Millie's Staff Member
Yeah, that video blows.
You'd figure at least someone would have had a better fuckin cam in a mass citing. So dumb, but par for the course coming out of Peru.
you know why they didnt have a better cam. if it was clearer like a camera from this decade, it would show what it actually was rather than what the uploader is telling you what it was.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
you know why they didnt have a better cam. if it was clearer like a camera from this decade, it would show what it actually was rather than what the uploader is telling you what it was.
The mass citing isnt at question, nor are the ufos nor the authorities reports.

Why the news went with this terrible, typical footage is the question tho. Another flush of the ufo toilet.


Millie's Staff Member
The mass citing isnt at question, nor are the ufos nor the authorities reports.

Why the news went with this terrible, typical footage is the question tho. Another flush of the ufo toilet.
the authorities reports likely say that eyewitnesses claimed to see strange lights in the sky. i mean ok. what does that prove?
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