Whats rustling your jimmies?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
My experiences down here in the south agree with eomer's. If there's a handicap button, somewhere around 75% of the time it will be harder to open. Probably 20% of the time its stiff enough that I have to break stride to get it open.
There are handicap bathrooms at school that are 100% controlled by the button, its impossible to manually open/close them.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
There are handicap bathrooms at school that are 100% controlled by the button, its impossible to manually open/close them.
That doesn't seem safe. What if there is a power outage and someone gets stuck during a fire or other catastrophe?

Also, to chime in on my experience, I've never encountered a handicap door that opens as easily as a regular one. They all have some sort of resistance, so I highly doubt it's a matter of improper installation.

I will admit to often using those handicap buttons when entering crowded buildings like universities, malls, etc., but I do it because it keeps the doors open for a minute or so, which means I don't have to hold them for people coming behind me.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
That doesn't seem safe. What if there is a power outage and someone gets stuck during a fire or other catastrophe?

Also, to chime in on my experience, I've never encountered a handicap door that opens as easily as a regular one. They all have some sort of resistance, so I highly doubt it's a matter of improper installation.

I will admit to often using those handicap buttons when entering crowded buildings like universities, malls, etc., but I do it because it keeps the doors open for a minute or so, which means I don't have to hold them for people coming behind me.
Lol I know, they also open and close incredibly slow, like a full minute. They also have electronic locks on them, not regular locks.


<Gold Donor>
Well, everything has the caveat of "or per the authority having jurisdiction." In other words, if the building inspector wants the door to have pink elephants painted on it, you'd better put fucking pink elephants on it or he's not going to approve it. So if he decides it can't be opened except by the button, that's what gets put in. If another inspector comes by later they might make them tear it out, but that's a whole other issue.

Exterior doors are often let slide with the five pound opening force thing because it is difficult to balance pressure when the air conditioning is blasting inside vs. when it isn't, etc. Also, fire-rated openings have to latch automatically, so they can be harder than five pounds as well. But nothing is supposed to be so difficult that an average person can't open it easily. And doors that are opened only by the buttons? I don't doubt that it exists, because I've seen some really stupid shit in my day, but I can't imagine what technicality allowed that to happen. That's a huge red flag unless there is some sort of release that we're not aware of. That's why all those sliding supermarket doors have the ability to be pushed open if the power goes out, so people don't get trapped inside.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't like the handicap doors that have the heavy resistance, but it auto-senses you opening the door and the motor takes over and you almost fall through.


Trakanon Raider
I think we can all agree that crippled people are making the world worse because of all the accommodations we have to make for them. Fucking cripples rustle me something fierce.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I like the cripple ramps and the close over-sized parking spaces with cripple runes protecting them. I get to use those parking spaces all the time because, apparently, I'm the only one who doesn't believe in whatever voodoo that is supposed to be.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Yup, most of the doors with a handicaped button that I know of are harder to open manually than regular doors.

Here's one thing that constantly rustles my Jimmies at work: The incompetent janitorial staff at my work that constantly don't check the toilet rolls, soap and hand towels to make sure there is enough in each toilet room/stall. Means I always have to make sure to check if there's enough toilet paper before I take a shit, and as often as not when I wash my hands the soap's finished, or I have to wipe my hands on my pants cos the hand towels are finished. God damn it!


Vyemm Raider
The amount of time collectively wasted by the population of the planet making up their beds in the morning. What a goddamn tragedy.

Unless you are putting on clean sheets, beds should only be made up by servants.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Movies and TV: The no-look, behind-the-back kill shot (especially if by knuckle punch).
Not even rustled that even though they can pull off the above, they cannot do a simpler action later on.
Main characters getting though things unscathed - tired of badguys killing all the extras and then sparing the main character - especially when the badguy shouldn't/doesn't know its the main character.


Trump's Staff
The amount of time collectively wasted by the population of the planet making up their beds in the morning. What a goddamn tragedy.

Unless you are putting on clean sheets, beds should only be made up by servants.
I think this is one of those things they force on you in the military. You know, where you're forced to believe that if your bed isn't made absolutely perfect, you are personally responsible for every bad thing that happens to humanity for the rest of the day.

My contribution: When the burger you ordered arrives off-center. The bun isn't covering all the meat, its just hanging out at the end and you can't fix it because the melted cheese has adhered the bun to the meat and they cantvbe separated without shredding the bun.

Spock Vader

Lord Nagafen Raider
I would definitely stab that bitch in the throat if she was still around when I could see straight again, even if I was being an asshole to her.
Don't forget assholes with coupons that (must) save 25 cents per fifty sprites. I live this through bullshit like this every day, except I smoke Camels.

On a related note, fuck people. I become more and more of a curmudgeon as each moment passes.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
at least you didn't get maced

Sure the guy was rude but that was assault. If the situations were reversed and she was being stupid and he turned around and knocked her the fuck out, he'd go to jail. What happened to this chick?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
There's an interview on you YouTube with the guy. He says hedeserved it and never went back there again.
Sure the guy was rude but that was assault. If the situations were reversed and she was being stupid and he turned around and knocked her the fuck out, he'd go to jail. What happened to this chick?
i actually looked into this after seeing the video.

the individual whom she assaulted chose to not press charges. She was not contacted by the local police.