World of Tanks


<Prior Amod>
I have absolutely zero problems hitting people so I don't get the reference. I enjoy the game immensely, has the same shot physics as Tanks but with the greater distances you can indeed miss easier.

Torpedo planes need a nerfing though.


I have absolutely zero problems hitting people so I don't get the reference. I enjoy the game immensely, has the same shot physics as Tanks but with the greater distances you can indeed miss easier.
Just play the St Louis and give everyone a machinegun broadside from 4km out.


Vyemm Raider
Finally got my 2nd one of these. SUPER HARD to do on a GC.


Almost impossible on a normal match as a GC. Shit has to go down weird to do it. (Generally if your trying to CB as GC your bad)


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I haven't played in 7-8 months, anyone active care to comment on the state of the game?


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Amazon streaming has a show called Tank Overhaul, buncha old fucks restoring old Tanks for kicks. Lotta of the favorites are playable in game. pretty cool to see the scale and guts of these old beats. They found some WW2 vet who used to command Hellcats to drive around in one they restored. Pretty cool.


Log Wizard
I haven't played in 7-8 months, anyone active care to comment on the state of the game?

I'm replying to your old post instead of the new bump.

Game is bad/meh/ok and has been for a while. There are about 17k players on during prime playing hours. I only play for a week once a month when Frontlines mode is active. That mode sucks up a lot of idiots leaving better quality gameplay for Random Battles. ONLY play during prime game times and not weekends. All other times are pure anal carbunkles.

Still, the quality of play hasn't been solid for a long time. I have 1 FUN match out of 10 or even worse. They need to allow NA players to play on EU because gameplay on NA is a bit stagnant and repetitious. The top players squirrel down and hunker back and wait for people to do stupid things. This does not make for exciting gameplay a lot of the time. Last year, the top NA clan squared off against the top RU clan and fucking got the shit kicked out of them hard and fast.

I played 10 matches today and had a meh time. No good matches. No memorable games.

An intermission, World of Tanks got a new physics overhaul and then a new rendering engine with new HD maps and they had been putting in new HD tank models before that. It's basically an all new game in those regards. Arty still sucks balls, as does their RNG, but it's a solid game beyond those issues.

I had one awesome game yesterday. I was in my T8 Lorraine 40t, and we were down to 4 vs 8....which is usually a curb stomping, but the 4 of us were solid players. BUT two of us were in French autoloaders. Me in my medium tank and him in his heavy tank Somua. The 40t puts out 1 round every 2.3 seconds and has a 4 shot magazine. After that, it's a 34 second reload where you are a giant sitting duck. The Somua is the same, but has an extra shot in the magazine. We staggered our reloads and kept close by and we ended them in very short order. Textbook gameplay from each of us that bought us a clutch win.

I'm hovering at about 1800 WN8 this year because I am in slacker mode and don't play much. Before that when I played all the time, I was at 2400 WN8 1k recents all year....roughly better than 99.9% of all the other players out there on NA server. I'm still deadly as hell, but I get impatient with bad teams and do rash things. Top players never do rash things.

In terms of experience, I have 22,000 games played. Solid WN8, but far too variable WR in various tanks. I have all of the USA tech tree unlocked save for the T54 and T57 and Sheridan. I have all the Soviet hovermeds unlocked and fitted with awesome crews.T-44-100 premium tank I got last month is excellent, and then I have the T-54, the 430, the 430U, the Obkect 140 and the T-62a.

I have a lot of the German tech tree unlocked, but all of them suck in the current meta, so I sold ALL of them except the E 25. and the E 75. I have a T6 Tiger 1 that I bought but don't play much.

I have the Bat Chat 25 t which is a genuinely psychotic tank. Fast on all terrain types with an excellent gun and amazing camo.

I didn't buy any tanks last year, but I got the T-44-100 and the 5/1 RAAC last month. Both amazing and fun to play, even against T10 tanks.

The game can still be fun...lots of fun...but the patches of fun are becoming less frequent.

BRB! Gonna go blow shit up in my E 25.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I'm replying to your old post instead of the new bump.

Game is bad/meh/ok and has been for a while. There are about 17k players on during prime playing hours. I only play for a week once a month when Frontlines mode is active. That mode sucks up a lot of idiots leaving better quality gameplay for Random Battles. ONLY play during prime game times and not weekends. All other times are pure anal carbunkles.

Still, the quality of play hasn't been solid for a long time. I have 1 FUN match out of 10 or even worse. They need to allow NA players to play on EU because gameplay on NA is a bit stagnant and repetitious. The top players squirrel down and hunker back and wait for people to do stupid things. This does not make for exciting gameplay a lot of the time. Last year, the top NA clan squared off against the top RU clan and fucking got the shit kicked out of them hard and fast.

I played 10 matches today and had a meh time. No good matches. No memorable games.

An intermission, World of Tanks got a new physics overhaul and then a new rendering engine with new HD maps and they had been putting in new HD tank models before that. It's basically an all new game in those regards. Arty still sucks balls, as does their RNG, but it's a solid game beyond those issues.

I had one awesome game yesterday. I was in my T8 Lorraine 40t, and we were down to 4 vs 8....which is usually a curb stomping, but the 4 of us were solid players. BUT two of us were in French autoloaders. Me in my medium tank and him in his heavy tank Somua. The 40t puts out 1 round every 2.3 seconds and has a 4 shot magazine. After that, it's a 34 second reload where you are a giant sitting duck. The Somua is the same, but has an extra shot in the magazine. We staggered our reloads and kept close by and we ended them in very short order. Textbook gameplay from each of us that bought us a clutch win.

I'm hovering at about 1800 WN8 this year because I am in slacker mode and don't play much. Before that when I played all the time, I was at 2400 WN8 1k recents all year....roughly better than 99.9% of all the other players out there on NA server. I'm still deadly as hell, but I get impatient with bad teams and do rash things. Top players never do rash things.

In terms of experience, I have 22,000 games played. Solid WN8, but far too variable WR in various tanks. I have all of the USA tech tree unlocked save for the T54 and T57 and Sheridan. I have all the Soviet hovermeds unlocked and fitted with awesome crews.T-44-100 premium tank I got last month is excellent, and then I have the T-54, the 430, the 430U, the Obkect 140 and the T-62a.

I have a lot of the German tech tree unlocked, but all of them suck in the current meta, so I sold ALL of them except the E 25. and the E 75. I have a T6 Tiger 1 that I bought but don't play much.

I have the Bat Chat 25 t which is a genuinely psychotic tank. Fast on all terrain types with an excellent gun and amazing camo.

I didn't buy any tanks last year, but I got the T-44-100 and the 5/1 RAAC last month. Both amazing and fun to play, even against T10 tanks.

The game can still be fun...lots of fun...but the patches of fun are becoming less frequent.

BRB! Gonna go blow shit up in my E 25.

playing again a few weeks ago, things seem pretty much the same except the tanks that used to be OP are now nerfed and new tank lines are OP, so back to grinding. Yeah epic battles are fewer and farther between, some of the new maps are hot garbage, but I still managed to have some memorable skirmishes. I was rolling in my Tier 8 Russian heavy on the river side of the Abbey map, 3 vs. me. And managed to track another heavy and push it into the water and drown it, a medium was trying to circle strafe me while I was doing it and tracked him to and pushed him in too, I LOL'd super hard. I asked in chat 'You get medals for lighting fools on fire, when WG gonna give em out for drowning faggots?'


Log Wizard
playing again a few weeks ago, things seem pretty much the same except the tanks that used to be OP are now nerfed and new tank lines are OP, so back to grinding. Yeah epic battles are fewer and farther between, some of the new maps are hot garbage, but I still managed to have some memorable skirmishes. I was rolling in my Tier 8 Russian heavy on the river side of the Abbey map, 3 vs. me. And managed to track another heavy and push it into the water and drown it, a medium was trying to circle strafe me while I was doing it and tracked him to and pushed him in too, I LOL'd super hard. I asked in chat 'You get medals for lighting fools on fire, when WG gonna give em out for drowning faggots?'

South spawn on the new Pilsen has a water trap to the right of the tracks. I rushed a Skorp G and he backed me into it. I was sallty haha. Moutain Pass has a water trap on the south spawn, too. Get even just a little off the edge and down you go. I single-handedly lost a close match doing that.

I might grind the Italian tanks next, but Ill wait until the xp conversion goes on sale and they have a good xp event like they had last year at Halloween. I have a enough fxp to get me to t8 , I think.

I won a 252 last Xmas, still haven't played it much.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
You have to make your own fun in this game. Everyone was camping hard. 3 arty 2TDs left on each side, no one wants to make a move, clock is winding down. I am driving a FV304 which is damn fast, I say fuck it I start scouting, I cant hit shit with the gun as a tank so when I found an arty I ran him over killing him. 2 TDs pop trying to save him get nuked. Ran over a 2nd arty and get the win with 7HPs left.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Never played it. This good?

its electric hide & go seek. free to play, start with german, american and russian tanks for the lowest amount of frustration while you learn. also read up a little on mechanics and basic strategy. 'Quickybaby' on youtube probably has good trick and tips vids. game doesnt really shine til you are in Tier 5 vehicles. Thats a short enough grind.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
its electric hide & go seek. free to play, start with german, american and russian tanks for the lowest amount of frustration while you learn. also read up a little on mechanics and basic strategy. 'Quickybaby' on youtube probably has good trick and tips vids. game doesnt really shine til you are in Tier 5 vehicles. Thats a short enough grind.
Thanks! Installing. Been a while since I wrecked shit in a game.