World of Warcraft: Current Year

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
After everyone on here and everywhere I've read has spent so much time bitching about how Sylvanas is a crazed maniac, I'm starting to agree with her. What a bunch of whiney bitches. Saurfang deserves to go with the Alliance like a little bitch. Burn it down. Sylvanas sees something coming. I mean, honestly, where the fuck did Jaina come from after being absent for 3 expansions? Did Sylvanas know that rotten cunt was gonna come looking for vengeance even though Sylvanas' name isn't even mentioned in the Wiki for the Attack on Theramore Isle from back in Cataclysm? That was Garrosh. Also, it's refreshing to see someone who isn't a sulking sap (Saurfang), who isn't retarded (Khadgar), pompous or self-righteous (so many).

I don't know if anyone remembers the game of Warcraft, but back in WC1-3 we spent a lot of time blowing up each other's buildings. Particularly with the demolisher. For no reason other than they were in the way, or living nearby. Thrall allowed Jaina to setup camp on their continent after Stormwind was attacked. Stormwind was recovered. Garrosh told em' to fuck off in Cataclysm. If anything, it's about time this primary part of the original game starts to come into play more. Main cities have been the same since vanilla. Shit used to move around a lot. Rebuild.

Literally no one cares that Lordaeron was destroyed (again). It's always been a point of contention and has already changed hands. As an aside, the Undercity is actually unaffected. I went down there yesterday, it was completely empty, but otherwise amusing.

Sylvanas is a banshee first and foremost, a product of the wars on Azeroth and eventual defeat by the Lich King, is all about killing everyone (including her own troops) to suit her purpose, has no honour whatsoever, and we've always known this. I don't understand why anyone thought she was anything else. I think the only "shocker" here is that she basically did the same thing that Putress did in WOTLK without all of the "death to the living" speech. She really is all about the Forsaken, though, and she and Nathanos make that abundantly clear.

In the end, Saurfang will probably end up killing Sylvanas and becoming Warchief, because that's how these things usually go in Blizzard space. Then Zappyboi will kill him and take the Horde for his own, because that's also usually how things go, and Baine will just keep trudging along behind whoever's in charge.
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
For real.

Don't forget that Alleria Windrunner wanted to murder her own sister after not seeing her for 1000 years for basically no reason. Bitch gave into the fucking void of her own free will.
Do you remember Alleria's reaction when she learned that Sylvanas was the Horde Warchief now? Go check it out. She talks about it with Vereesa on the Vindicaar at some point. Hint: She's not a happy camper.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Do you remember Alleria's reaction when she learned that Sylvanas was the Horde Warchief now? Go check it out. She talks about it with Vereesa on the Vindicaar at some point. Hint: She's not a happy camper.

No compassion whatsover for the whole killed by Arthas while defending Quel'Thelas to her dying breath. Tortured as a banshee, regained her freewill and body only to be reviled by her former Elves. High Elves like Vareesa abandoning Quel'Thelas for... reasons.

Where was Vareesa the whole time Sylvanas was undead huh?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Until the patch notes I had forgotten that Glyphs even existed. What the hell do Inscription people do now? Serve as Public Notarys?

Actually in BfA inscription is in at least a useful place. They can make contracts for different reps so when you are doing content you gain that rep. So if you are trying to rep grind something specific they are going to want to hit up an inscriptionist to speed it up.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Also, it was really good to see Nathanos again (I'm not a hunter nor undead), since I hadn't seen him since vanilla other than his re emergence in Legion. I recall him being one of the harder assholes to kill in the open world. My very first character in vanilla was Alliance, and we zerged the shit out of him while being swarmed by two horde guilds. It was very satisfying murdering them, and eventually taking him down (though he didn't actually "die"). He was an objective of a Raid quest, which was pretty rare during Vanilla. Order Must Be Restored - Quests - Vanilla

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Well, he died. He got raised. Dead raised guy is still dead.

If we have to kill Sylvanas, we'll have to go through Nathanos to do it. Hooboy.

Where was Vareesa the whole time Sylvanas was undead huh?

What does Vereesa's inaction have to do with Alleria's action? Come on now.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Vareesa doesn't even bother to explain nor care about the situation Sylvanas had to endure, she just called her an abomination from the get-go. Alleria comes back and Vareesa is like "she's a monster and leading the other monsters". What a cunt.

Saurfang won't be warchief, he wants to die too much. I recommend reading the Horde side of the story at A Tale of Two Factions: Elegy and A Good War Now Available! - WoW. He admits to himself several times Sylvanas is doing what's necessary. He admits he made a mistake in not killing Malfurion. There's also hints that they're colluding on far more than the game shows. Basically they're outwardly looking at odds to give the Alliance the impression they're in conflict, but in agreement privately.

It annoys me though, that we have to go digging into offline literature and stories to get this info and you'd never know otherwise.
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I have too much going on irl to go digging like that. If I don't see it in-game, so be it. Eventually it'll all come together and I'll come back here and change my avatar, because fuck that guy, but for now... Team Saurfang, baby.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Vareesa was kind of a bitch to everyone after her husband was murdered, but at least she fought side-by-side with Sylvanas, and has had a constant presence with the Silver Covenant since Wrath. She helped in the infiltration of Nighthold.

Meanwhile, Alleria's bitch ass hasn't been around since WC2, only to come back and get lured then fucked balls deep by the void, threatening the very livelihood of the Blood Elves.

I tend to forget the Windrunner sisters were High Elves. Not Night Elves, not Blood Elves. The High Elves were all pretty much elitist cunts to begin with. So there's that.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
More than that.

If he gets just $3 per sub he's making $43,332 from Twitch sub fees alone. With Tier 2 and Tier 3 subs, he's probably making a little more. At $4 per sub he's grossing $57,776 per month.

Twitch donations + bits is going to be another similarly large amount. He might make more here than he does in sub fees.

YouTube monetization is more opaque.

From Twitch alone I wouldn't be shocked if his gross was $100k/month or more.

Then you can add YouTube money, and sponsorship deals he might have.


A Mod Real Quick
Asmongold pulls in 500-600 subs per day, that's ridiculous. His viewership is nearly doubled from legion launch (roughly 20k to 50k).

My only thought with someone like him is I hope he's putting a lot of money away. I'm not sure he could transition to another game/career. He's not super charismatic or anything.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Vereesa and Alleria catch up on what has transpired since Alleria was away, including the Alliance-Horde war escalated by Garrosh Hellscream and the death of Vereesa's lover Rhonin during Theramore's Fall. Vereesa mentioned that she had a brief reconnection with Sylvanas when they plotted revenge against Garrosh during his trial in Pandaria, but she had abandoned the plot and warned Anduin Wrynn who subsequently saved Garrosh from being poisoned.

Fucking Garrosh. He's the reason Vereesa's husband was killed, the reason Jaina's husband was killed. But then Vareesa betrays Sylvanas and warns Anduin? And Jaina is going after Sylvanas? What the shit.

As the Windrunner sisters defended themselves against the attacking shades, Alleria accused Sylvanas of manipulating Vereesa into murdering Garrosh Hellscream. Sylvanas defended her character and revealed it was Vereesa's plan from the beginning and held Vereesa's lack of nerve responsible for the fallout of Garrosh's actions thereafter, including the third invasion of the Burning Legion. Sylvanas' rage culminated in her unleashing her banshee powers on one shade and brutally eviscerated it. Disgusted by Sylvanas' savage brutality, Alleria transformed into her Void form to declare that the sister she once knew was gone. Sylvanas retorted she had no choice in becoming undead while Alleria abandoned them and chose to become a Void abomination. As the two sisters argued, Vereesa tried to stop the quarrel and claimed that neither of her sisters were there for her when she needed them and had hurt her feelings when they let her believe they both had died.

Plot thickens... so it was Vareesa's idea to assassinate Garrosh which led Garrosh to kill her husband. #garroshdidnothingwrong


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Asmongold pulls in 500-600 subs per day, that's ridiculous. His viewership is nearly doubled from legion launch (roughly 20k to 50k).

My only thought with someone like him is I hope he's putting a lot of money away. I'm not sure he could transition to another game/career. He's not super charismatic or anything.
That doesn't matter. Quin69 isn't charasmatic, he moved to PoE and got even more subs and viewers. People are thirsty for whatever content they are thirsty for.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Fucking Garrosh. He's the reason Vereesa's husband was killed, the reason Jaina's husband was killed. But then Vareesa betrays Sylvanas and warns Anduin? And Jaina is going after Sylvanas? What the shit.

Plot thickens... so it was Vareesa's idea to assassinate Garrosh which led Garrosh to kill her husband. #garroshdidnothingwrong

Little bit out of order here. Vareesa's poisoning plot is during the War Crimes novel which takes place between MoP and WoD and is well after Rhonin eats dirt at Theramore. Jaina also doesn't have a husband, but is sort of gooey with Kalecgos.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Little bit out of order here. Vareesa's poisoning plot is during the War Crimes novel which takes place between MoP and WoD and is well after Rhonin eats dirt at Theramore. Jaina also doesn't have a husband, but is sort of gooey with Kalecgos.
*Jaina's father. But you're right, that happened in WC3, not Mists, and it was Thrall's army.


A Mod Real Quick
That doesn't matter. Quin69 isn't charasmatic, he moved to PoE and got even more subs and viewers. People are thirsty for whatever content they are thirsty for.
I think Quin is a bit more charismatic than Asmongold, but you're probably right. I think he's mentioned he doesn't feel comfortable playing other games because he thinks he'd lose people.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think Quin is a bit more charismatic than Asmongold, but you're probably right. I think he's mentioned he doesn't feel comfortable playing other games because he thinks he'd lose people.

That is kinda the irony. Game companies would like these "influancers" to move to their game and get customers that way but generally these guys play the games their viewers want them to generally the same one they first saw them on. Their paycheck depends on keeping fical viewers happy so they will play whatever the fuck their viewers want them to.


Got something right about marriage
None of them are "charismatic". At all. Asmon is so successful because whether on purpose or not he interacts with his viewers and makes them feel like he actually listens to them and cares what they say and he has a personality. Whether you like his personality or not is another story, I think he's fucking disgusting, but misery loves company and people also like to look at other people they feel they are better than. He also does a shitload of stuff with his viewers. Things like killing the faction leaders, clearing old raids then inviting viewers in for final boss kills so they have a chance at the mount without having to clear themselves, etc etc etc. Stuff he's already done and gotten himself.

WoW is not a fun game to watch other people play so he has to engage his audience somehow, and he does it better than any other streamer that streams WoW. And it's not even close. You can say "must be nice" when you look at his sub numbers but most WoW streamers struggle to get even 1k subs and I think the low sub number streamers only get $1.75 per sub. Less if they are twitch prime subs. The dude has followers because he worked at building his stream and making it good. He actually puts time and effort into making his stream interactive and interesting. He's a lot smarter than I would expect a disgusting shut in to be which makes me believe a lot of what he says and does on stream is an act. A very good one.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Asmo said there are only 2 genders on stream. He has my prime subscription.
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