X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Personally I'd go with mutant being a consequence of the Snap, and they are just starting to appear. While it would create some issues with some characters.

I think the retcon that they always existed but noone knew about them in 2019 with all the video cameras and cellphones everywhere, and the existence of social media would be very hard to push in a believable manner.

In the 70's when they were created, the idea that they cold exist but hidden was credible, I don't think it is today.

I trust Feige and Marvel with whatever they go with though.


That guy
Have it so that there have always been mutants, just not many. Xavier's school has always been out there in hiding with a small number of students with a few teachers like Beast and maybe Storm (same age as Blank Panther to set up future relationship). Magneto can be a Soviet Union gulag victim from Sokovia.

Then have the people who got snapped have a higher than usual chance of developing mutant powers due to their contact with the infinity gems. Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel both have infinity stone derived powers already. Perhaps they were both only able to be infused with those powers because they have the mutant gene.

Now there are way more mutants and Xavier rises to prominence due to his experience with dealing with them. Actually cast teenagers (not young looking 20 year olds), younger than Sansa Stark even. Have the kids break out of the school to go on a save the world adventure (probably vs Magneto), cause a bunch of damage and blow their cover.

In Avengers 5 the UN sends The Avengers in via Sokovia Accords to go in and neutralise the threat, they learn that they are not actually a threat and have Scarlet Witch meet Magneto who is revealed to be her father and had her adopted to keep her safe. Have somewhat of a Civil War 2 with Avengers fighting X Men and some swapping sides.

I like all of this. Make it so.


<Gold Donor>
Personally I'd go with mutant being a consequence of the Snap, and they are just starting to appear. While it would create some issues with some characters.

I think the retcon that they always existed but noone knew about them in 2019 with all the video cameras and cellphones everywhere, and the existence of social media would be very hard to push in a believable manner.

In the 70's when they were created, the idea that they cold exist but hidden was credible, I don't think it is today.

I trust Feige and Marvel with whatever they go with though.
But but but...Bigfoot and aliens still supposedly exist despite the proliferation of these recording devices! If Bigfoot can hide from Google Earth, so can Beast!


Genosha could serve as a sort of Wakanda for them to explain where they all were. Chuck and Magneto were finding all mutants and taking them there, only to have it be destroyed along with most of their population liked in the comics which prompts them to join the rest of the world, and give Magneto a reason to take a Mutants First stance, while Chuck pushes for integration. Throw in som refugee and race politics and you have your modern day discrimination topicality.
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Millie's Staff Member
X-Men: Dark Phoenix actress Alexandra Shipp put 21st Century Fox’s portrayal of her character Storm on blast while appearing at WonderCon over the weekend.

Shipp was asked about the possibility of the X-Men and the X-Men franchise actors joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe at a roundtable discussion covered by LRM Online. Here’s her response:

“I would and I wouldn’t (like it), because Storm barely has anything to say as it is. I don’t know about you all (other actors) but like we never talk. So it would be really nice if we weren’t piled into yet another jam packed cast, in which you only see me in the back of the shot like f****** sasquatch.”
LRM would also reveal Shipp’s reaction to Storm being possibly romantically involved with Black Panther as the two were married in the comics. Shipp was emphatic about Storm not being in a relationship with T’Challa.

“No! No, I don’t think Storm needs T’Challa, and I think she needs her own movie! It doesn’t have to be me, it just needs to be made. A woman does not need a man in order to give her validity and she has also been around longer than him.”

LRM also indicated that “Shipp went on to express the need for the “strongest mutant” to be anything except “another white superhero.”


Potato del Grande
X-Men: Dark Phoenix actress Alexandra Shipp put 21st Century Fox’s portrayal of her character Storm on blast while appearing at WonderCon over the weekend.

Shipp was asked about the possibility of the X-Men and the X-Men franchise actors joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe at a roundtable discussion covered by LRM Online. Here’s her response:

LRM would also reveal Shipp’s reaction to Storm being possibly romantically involved with Black Panther as the two were married in the comics. Shipp was emphatic about Storm not being in a relationship with T’Challa.

LRM also indicated that “Shipp went on to express the need for the “strongest mutant” to be anything except “another white superhero.”
Sorry white people in a white country created superheroes, it's only natural that they would go with what they grew up around. Why not create your own fucking stories?

Black Panther was so popular because it showed that Africans could have a cool and interesting culture without just replacing the skin colour of white cultural icons.
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Log Wizard
I kinda get her point of view on the Black Panther thing. Like she is a god, fuck that dude. She can read the character however she likes.

But fuck comic book affirmative action lol. If you don't like how Marvel does it, go do it yourself. Don't just shit on Stan Lee for being a white dude when that's equally as racist.
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<Prior Amod>
“Shipp went on to express the need for the “strongest mutant” to be anything except “another white superhero.”

bitch, the strongest mutant is a fucking 5,000 year old egyptian

phoenix don't count
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Millie's Staff Member
bitch, the strongest mutant is a fucking 5,000 year old egyptian

phoenix don't count
but she was Kangz
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The good X-men movies were really good.

The bad X-men movies were REALLY BAD.
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The Tick and the Louie Anderson Show (w/e it was called) were good for diff reasons.

X-Men animated is god tier Saturday AM shit.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The Tick and the Louie Anderson Show (w/e it was called) were good for diff reasons.

X-Men animated is god tier Saturday AM shit.
Yeah I was mostly kidding. The X-men cartoon is what got me into Marvel trading cards, which then opened up Pandora's Box of nerdy hobbies.
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These are the cards where they had depth charts for fighting prowess, and power if I remember right. Good chit.
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El Presidente
Xmen animated series hasn't aged particularly well though. Batman animated series has aged much better. I think it being targetted for an older audience probably has a lot to do with it.
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Batman Animated series was fucking ownage too. The ventriloquist bad guy was legit sicko stuff being shown to kids after school lol. Oh and who could forget Clayface. I'll stop derailing with my immersions.
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Buzzfeed Editor
“No! No, I don’t think Storm needs T’Challa, and I think she needs her own movie! It doesn’t have to be me, it just needs to be made. A woman does not need a man in order to give her validity and she has also been around longer than him.”

Feminism: Take everything done for any reason and make believe it was done because misogyny.

No one gives a shit about your validity. They add romance plots for the same reason every male main character has had a romance sub plot, from Thor/Jane, Iron Man/Pepper Pots, Captain America/Agent Carter....Because women enjoy romance. So in this case, the trope is LITERALLY being done to cater to women, because most men do not give a shit about this stuff, and somehow it still winds up being some slight against her validity.

Bitch, Movie storm has no validity. Your character sucks.


Millie's Staff Member
Batman Animated series was fucking ownage too. The ventriloquist bad guy was legit sicko stuff being shown to kids after school lol. Oh and who could forget Clayface. I'll stop derailing with my immersions.
my dad used to watch the Batman animated series, that show was crazy good and totally not for small kids. Clayface and Harvey Dent would probably give kids today nightmares.
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