Recent content by Zulst_sl

  1. Z


    I wonder if Watcher Paladin will ever a thing with the Coghammer shenanigans. Seems decent on paper.
  2. Z


    Mage wall seems to hit a lot earlier for me recently. Usually around 5-7 wins. And then there's the Paladins. Had a game yesterday where one Ancient Mage/Consecrated me for a board clear and then followed it up with 3 more Consecrates over the next two turns. 4 mana Flamestrikes hurt.
  3. Z


    Been playing Shaman. Haven't had a mirror match in ages. Is there a site that keeps track of the most underused classes at the moment? Feels like Shaman is at the bottom of ladder representation right now.
  4. Z


    Was about to DE my Undertakers until I read this about a bug. Woulda been kinda pissed if I hadn't seen it first. Doubt they'll reimburse the people who de'd them already.
  5. Z


    My results are a little more even. Out of my last 25 arena runs, 23% of my games have been against Mage, and 24% have been against Paladin. That shit won't change unless they implement some kind of system to throttle the amount of people that can pick Mage or Paladin or change some of the...
  6. Z


    Best use of Gazlowe I've seen has been Kripp's Gazlowe Priest. Here's the list I have, might be a few cards different.
  7. Z


    You missed out on the Gorehowl/Alexstrasza/Charge/Warsong Commander/Youthful Brewmaster/Molten Giant shenanigans. That shit was hilarious, but they nerfed most of the parts into the ground during beta. The current Worgen build is probably the closest thing you can get to it anymore. Works...
  8. Z


    Yeah, Warrior runs are based soley on how many decent weapons you can draft. Most notably, Fiery's, Death's Bites, and if you're really lucky, a Gorehowl. If you don't manage to draft any of those, prepare your anus.
  9. Z


    From my arena experience lately, it seems to me that Priest beats Mage, Paladin beats Priest, and Mage beats Paladin. Rogue is hit or miss depending on if you're able to draft your removal or not. I'd definitely rank Warrior at the very bottom. I think the best Warrior run I've had since GvG...
  10. Z


    I think the discussions we had about Unleash the Hounds and Buzzard were worse though. Had a lot of people arguing that nerfing cards wasn't the way to go way back then too. They'll have to address it at some point. Scarlet Purifier and Lil' Exorcist were duds and they didn't add any new...
  11. Z


    Biggest bullshit Arena story I've had today was me being at two health, have lethal next turn; Mage topdecks Unstable Portal, gets a Leper Gnome and pings it for lethal. It's a good thing I have plenty of beer in the fridge; I think I'll go drink the pain away.
  12. Z


    You know it's going to be a good arena run with draft choices like these:
  13. Z


    I run the Iron Juggernaut and a Brewmaster and still have room for Shield Maidens, Sylvanas, Geddon, Rag, and Grommash. It's not that hard to fit in. I think all I cut was the Armorsmiths.
  14. Z


    I tried that site and it makes some really odd picks a lot of the time. It seems to favor shit like Windfury and Bloodlust and a bunch of aggro shit, which might be good in the correct situations but they're dead cards most of the time. I let it draft for me once and I went 7-3, and while I...
  15. Z


    I think I played more Handlocks than Zoo tonight. That's some kind of record for ranks 15-10.