Former coworker contacted me, think I might be getting scammed.


Buzzfeed Editor
22 week abortions in my state, Don't know why you would literally wait till the last second.

Also, she said she wants to come over my place tonight to talk about it.

Yeah, that's a feeler. She probably sent a "Hi" to every person on her phone that she hadn't seen in years and waited to see who was kind enough to respond. Those usually proceed to be stories about something terrible (And then an ask for money) or,especially if you're receptive but skeptical/hesitant they proceed to be thinly veiled feelers on whether you're cool with exchanging money for sex(IE prostitution but she only wants to do it with guys she knew well enough to put in her phone.)
You didn't outright say no, but you're too skeptical to say yes. If she comes over there is a chance you'll fold and pay without it (Especially if she really is pregnant). If you do hold out and it gets offered...well, you'll be the guy she hits up every time she needs a little cash and doesn't mind rolling around for a bit. Up to you man.


You didn't outright say no, but you're too skeptical to say yes. If she comes over there is a chance you'll fold and pay without it (Especially if she really is pregnant). If you do hold out and it gets offered...well, you'll be the guy she hits up every time she needs a little cash and doesn't mind rolling around for a bit. Up to you man.
Shit son, I just want a third Ipad.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This moronic story reminded me of what just happened to my wife. Last year, my wife got home from work to see this woman in scrubs looking disheviled and tired. She stops my wife and says she's pregnant with twins, her car ran out of gas down the road and she was wondering if she could have $20 for gas. My wife didn't really know what was up, bit felt bad for her. Fortunately, she didn't have any cash so there wasn't anything she could do. Last week, the same lady, same scrubs, same story. My wife just looks at her and with the biggest puppy dog eyes says, "awwww honey, that is terrible! It's such bad luck for you to run out of gas in the same spot, a year later while pregnant with twins AGAIN!!"

The lady just smiled sheepishly and walked away


!! She says she needs the iPad for work but she has a $300 Nikon camera she can give me for collateral.

She will be over in an hour


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tell someone you trust to contact you in an hour and call the police if they can't get you.


Also, pics.


<Gold Donor>
I'm curious, if she's coming over, does this mean you are going to give her money? Or only if you get a blowj, or what? What is the game plan here, we need to be prepared!


I'm Amod too!
!! She says she needs the iPad for work but she has a $300 Nikon camera she can give me for collateral.

She will be over in an hour
For fucks sake. I hope to god you gave her a fake address or you're approaching Ohnos levels of stupidity.

P.S. The camera is probably some piece of shit she just dug up because she got her hooks into you.


Buzzfeed Editor
Bro, use her ipad to record her consent,postit to youtube, then do it in the butt. The video will process while she gets her ass lubed and ready.


<Gold Donor>
This kind of reminds me of when we all came together to watch/listen to the hunt for the Boston Marathon bomber. Let's hope this one ends with less blood and more poop noodles.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Tell her to go to Planned Parenthood?

Any adult that can't scrape together $900 for an emergency will never pay you back because if they are so tapped out that they can't raise $900, then there are infinitely more people that are in front of you also waiting to be paid back. If she can't raise $900 and is txting you after eight years, that means she's already exploited everybody else she knows for loans, as well as having maxed out her credit cards.

Tell her to get lost or pretend that you found Jesus and are now anti-abortion.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Tell her you have to go with her to the clinic and you'll give them the cash.

Also, she doesn't have to pay it back if you're allowed to watch the vacuum demo.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Were her pregnant tits with rerolled on them in a spoiler and I missed it? If not, what is this thread?


<Bronze Donator>
sounds like that kid is going to have a horrible life if it actually gets born. you'll probably never see that $1k back from her, but for the greater good i think that thing has to die.

if you do go through with it, tell her that you need to accompany her to the clinic.