Might & Magic X: Legacy


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I would say there's something definitely wrong with magic crits, or at least lightning crits. My CL hits for ~250 at best on a non crit, but I've seen 950 crits, and that just doesn't add up.


Trakanon Raider
Finished this one up just now. Pretty fun overall, but man the last area was tedious bullshit. Either giant pointless waves of trash with damage reflect, vindictive and riposte or 'LOL AMBUSH from all sides! AHAHA all your buffs are dispelled again !' every 4 steps. Sometimes both, just for fun ;p

If I'd pick one thing wrong with the game, it's the relentless constant overuse of teleporting stuff in all around you.


<Gold Donor>
Finished this one up just now. Pretty fun overall, but man the last area was tedious bullshit. Either giant pointless waves of trash with damage reflect, vindictive and riposte or 'LOL AMBUSH from all sides! AHAHA all your buffs are dispelled again !' every 4 steps. Sometimes both, just for fun ;p

If I'd pick one thing wrong with the game, it's the relentless constant overuse of teleporting stuff in all around you.
None of that really matters anymore though. A liquid membrane and regen and you almost cannot die, regardless of reflect or riposte, etc. Add in the vampiric relic on your dual-wielder, and you mitigate all the reflect damage there too, but it just cuts down on the number of times you have to cast regen, really.

Once I realized that, I didn't give a fuck if 10 shadow dragons teleported in around me. Still easy mode.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Heh, I had GM water on my druid and I think I cast membrane twice, ever. Just didn't need it, the absorb shield from GM light was already massive overkill compared to the amount of damage enemies did.

I'm glad I broke the game and killed the final boss before I was supposed to though. That whole sequence sounds really annoying if you have to do it the intended way.

As for the patch notes, the nerf to focus seems like a weird choice. Out of all the broken and overpowered things in the game, why nerf the *MELEE* damage effect of GM focus? The other change to make focus attacks take reflect damage is a bit odd too. I assumed that not getting reflected was a perk for choosing to wield something that doesn't do remotely as much damage as a real melee weapon--even with GM focus.


Trakanon Raider
None of that really matters anymore though. A liquid membrane and regen and you almost cannot die, regardless of reflect or riposte, etc. Add in the vampiric relic on your dual-wielder, and you mitigate all the reflect damage there too, but it just cuts down on the number of times you have to cast regen, really.
I said it was tedious, not that it was hard. It not being a threat is a large part of what made it drag on so much. Btw, as far as I could see, pain reflect ignores both celestial shield and membrane.

On other notes though, on party makeup:
Blademaster - grossly overpowered. Cleave alone is worth every other classes class skills combined. I went with destiny, perception and vitality, left might at 20. Accuracy was strangely still a major problem compared to barbarian, there must be some progressive accuracy penalty for dual wielding I think. Gave them crystal spider gear for extra lols.

Barbarian - useless scrub for 75% of the game. Went might/vit to start and then switched to dest/vit at 60 might. Became mostly worthwhile after promotion so he could get gm spear - crit rate seemed far higher that the char sheet value ( 20% ) and very rarely missed. Still a very distant second to blademaster, but better than the mages.

Runepriest - (gm fire/light/focus) carried party at the beginning with celestial armor spam, became less and less relevant as game went on. Pickup up a bit with promotion and gm fire, but as far as a dps class was mostly a failure compared to the two melee. Far too much fire resist. Also, why no good single target damage ? Mana usage of using fire blast etc for single target is outrageous and fire bolt damage sucks. Crits were sexy, but crit rate was still too low to be competitive dps. Mostly useful for burning determination and torchlight late game.

Druid - membrane, nurture and regen. attempts to make him less boring weren't very successful, spent most of the game with only entangle and poison spray for dps, and everything of note is immune to poison spray. Late game I only got around to GM'ing water and mysticism ( levelled prime and focus ), but water offensive capabilities sucked even worse. Mostly acid splashed for dps even though it was resisted 80% of the time. Occasionally used poison cloud when I felt like another 60 damage a round would help, but not being able to see shit bugged me.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, my 4 RP build was fun up until I started getting resist fucked. I mean for the first 2 acts is a lollerfest. Not a single boss lasted more then a round or two. Then stuff starts getting up the ass resist rates and you might as well pack up and go home. Which is funny because early game is harder for melee I've found. Too many early bosses have +strike on misses/blocks so you get proper fucked a lot. Then blademaster damage starts ramping up something feirce.

I'm rolling crusader, freemage and blademaster. I keep waffling on 4th slot. I know I want a melee because I've got all my magic bases covered. Just can't decide on what I want. I can't decide between dwarf scout or a second blademaster. The thought of mandate of heaven proccing on 2 dw dagger BM's makes me moist but feels like it would be bland. Dwarf scout with dw axes I think is probably next best melee but no master DW means only 4 attacks instead of potentially 9 with daggers or 6 with swords and BM promotion abilities are so much better then dwarf promtion.

So torn.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah I mentionned the resist stuff multiple times when I was doing my 4 mage playthrough, after the city of lost(or before if you try to explore shit before going there) becomes super painful until you manage to level up a decent bit so that normal mobs don't resist much more and then you just stomp everything again, but there's this really shitty time in the middle where every fucking fight is 50% resist rate shit and even when you hit you do poor damage. But like after lvl I wanna say 22-23 or so, completing your promotion, it becomes really retarded again. I mentionned it but like those massive ambushes with blackguards everywhere? I'd spam fire runes all around me and everything would die before they'd even reach me(and casters would run into melee due to being sight blocked), could clear these packs of 10-12mobs in like 3turns, shit was stupid. Tomb and the last dungeon were the same, really easy. It's just yeah, between act2 and the end of act3 that it's really fucked up for casters due to level based resists.

As for melee if you have both a crusader and a freemage, I'd go DW dagger for the 2nd one. Mandate+Agony? Shit's gonna melt in a single turn of daggers. Sadly since the GM dagger guy is in the tomb, that means that only applies to the last dungeon(and I guess to the dungeons they're adding in the patch).


<Gold Donor>
I said it was tedious, not that it was hard. It not being a threat is a large part of what made it drag on so much.
Fair enough, guess I misunderstood what you were saying.

Btw, as far as I could see, pain reflect ignores both celestial shield and membrane.
Yeah I believe it does, but it never mattered anyway, except on the blademaster, and as I mentioned the vampiric item mitigated that.

Game was incredibly difficult at the beginning. Well, at least as far as keeping potions in stock, having to spam celestial armor to survive, etc. Then liquid membrane hit, and easy mode.

My blademaster I went strength and vit first, because of swords instead of daggers, up to around 50 or so, and then started pumping destiny and vit. I also gave every single +1 to all stats to the blademaster. Ridiculously overpowered as everyone has mentioned.

Barbarian was pretty crappy until GM spear and two-hand, as you mentioned. He was my perception bitch though.

Druid with GM water and earth...way OP for defense once I got membrane. Melee'd the rest of the time to save mana for defense.

Freemage is the class that continually spammed celestial armor for me until I got membrane, but the druid could have done it too (and did, I swapped back and forth to extend mana). After membrane, I was left with a character that didn't do much but cast miscellaneous stuff now and then. I'd chain lightning or thunderstorm where numbers were appropriate, but I could have literally just melee'd the entire rest of the game and it wouldn't have mattered much. Wish I had done at least a hybrid class now instead of another full mage.

Not going to play the game over though, so whatever. I was even to the point where I did silly stuff like expert bow on my barbarian just so I could equip the relic bow. Might even do crossbow with my freemage so I can use the relic crossbow, if the extra dungeons give me enough levels. It isn't like it matters what the freemage does anymore.


Trakanon Raider
Not going to play the game over though, so whatever. I was even to the point where I did silly stuff like expert bow on my barbarian just so I could equip the relic bow. Might even do crossbow with my freemage so I can use the relic crossbow, if the extra dungeons give me enough levels. It isn't like it matters what the freemage does anymore.
I actually considered going with bow instead of endurance for blademaster and using it to equip a shalassa's breath or vampire bow. Wasn't sure if it would proc on melee strikes, but given armor does it seemed likely. Has potential for hybrids with mana suck weapons ( main weapons you'd go relentless of course, but if mana drain works from bow with melee strike it'd give you some skill variety with your 50 mana pool ;p ).
Has anyone tried that to confirm if it works ?


Trakanon Raider
I'm rolling crusader, freemage and blademaster. I keep waffling on 4th slot. I know I want a melee because I've got all my magic bases covered. Just can't decide on what I want. I can't decide between dwarf scout or a second blademaster. The thought of mandate of heaven proccing on 2 dw dagger BM's makes me moist but feels like it would be bland. Dwarf scout with dw axes I think is probably next best melee but no master DW means only 4 attacks instead of potentially 9 with daggers or 6 with swords and BM promotion abilities are so much better then dwarf promtion.
How bout a marauder, for the 'get over here' on the annoying range casters that pop up all over the place mid-late game ?


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I mentionned.
I feel that the strongest party is crusader (go spirit/magic/vit, GM light, use focus wepaon + warfare for unblockable/unmissable taunts and high armor/block to make uber healer/tank), double dagger blade dancers. Even though GM is so late in the game, master is good enough with MoH that the 6/7 attacks you get per round is insane. First DD also helps block disabling. Dagger BD focusing on destiny build just scales so crazy well with elemental damage (ignore might past 20 since might doesn't increase elemental damage, however, elemental damage can crit and most of your damage will be elemental so...). Freemage for Agony/Liquid Membrane spam/Prime buffs.

It's just a shame the mechanics make BD so stupidly powerful since there are a lot of other cool melee builds but because of bugs/retarded game mechanics (stunned mobs being able to retaliate for example..) make other certain builds patently weaker. If Perfect Strike is fixed, Furious Blow with starsilver sword on a merc would be like an instant boss killer.


<Gold Donor>
How bout a marauder, for the 'get over here' on the annoying range casters that pop up all over the place mid-late game ?
My friend just bought the game and was asking for some advice without spoiling too much, and when he read me the harpoon description, I just happened to be doing the last battle and suddenly wished I had that ability. It sucks that they don't get to GM 2-handed though, because unblockable is fucking sweet, but just being able to drag something close to me would be so awesome I can't even begin to describe it.

I have expert bow, I'll see if I can't get a vampiric bow I can equip. I'll probably have to wait until a new dungeon is released to test it, but if no one else does before then I'll give it a shot.

Sort of want to make an entirely new awesome party now, but don't really want to play the whole game over again either. But I never got to experience a runepriest, or a crusader, or a harpooner, etc. so I'm kind of eager for it anyway.

EDIT: Speaking of bugs, bleed is broken, right? It was only seeming to do 1 pt of damage every time it was applied, when it should be 50% of the original damage I thought.


Avatar of War Slayer
dont think so. I've killed people with bleed. Although wasn't watching it.
Its not applied instantly.
It applies at the end of your parties turn.
While persistent effects like cyclone/poison/thunderstorm apply at the beginning of the opponents turn.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I've looked at it, and it says 1 bleed damage. That's when using the relic spear, which often crits for over 400, so there is no way it should be only 1.

Also, cyclone/poison/thunderstorm apply at the END of the opponent's turn, not the beginning. It is always the last thing that appears before it is your turn, and you can see the chunk of their life bar disappear when it happens too. But always after they get all their attacks. It also happens AFTER new mobs move into the square, because you can anticipate it and cast it when only 1 is in the square, but 2 more are about to move in, and it will hit all 3.

I'm positive of both those things happening, 1 bleed, AEs hitting at the end of their turn, because I watched them happen dozens of times.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Pretty sure bleed gets reduced by armor, which should be classified as a bug since that would be double-dipping. (And just plain dumb, if you think about it.)


<Silver Donator>
Maybe just the bleeds on that spear are bugged? I don't know I haven't used an axe based char so not sure if it works or not but figured I would have seen people complain about it if it was bugged since there's quite a few axe classes.


Trakanon Raider
Some patch observations :
GM focus bonus has been halved to 200% from 400%. No real impact, melee with focus was pointless anyway.

1H focus has had their crit bonus halved, 15% for dragon orbs. 2H reduced by something a little less, top end is 30%. The extra 100% crit bonus for spells is still there. Spell dps was marginal at high end before, now it's mostly pointless.

2h Spear went from 32-64 to 37-83 and from 50% crit to 70% crit. Barbarian spear hits now do double the damage of firebolt hits, and spear crits do about 120% of firebolt crits.

No change to blademaster sword that I could see.

No nerf to liquid membrane

Couldn't find the new dungeons in 10 min of running about, will let someone else find them ;p

New patch gave a new set of uplay points when I exited.


<Silver Donator>
Well firebolt damage isn't particularily relevant, only for the early game when the comparison is much better imo. Once you start rolling the point of casters is the aoes, they don't do as much single target damage but they do a ton more damage per round as long as there's multiple mobs, other than the super costly blademaster aoe. Double fire rune into fireburst once stuff finally reaches melee range tends to kill everything before they even take a swing, including blackguard casters and their shitty high resists, because mobs take like 300dmg per turn per fire rune while walking to you, then they take like 500-2000damage from the fireburst.

If the new patch hits I might play the game again though since I'm done with FF, make a new optimal group with at least an orc, think I'll go for the spear pull hunter.