Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later


Avatar of War Slayer
Covering the wound does not heal internal tissue damage.

Granted, its the same stupid movie bullshit, that has someone pull a bullet out of their arm/gut/shoulder and just burn or bandage it up. and magically be good as new, and just wince a bit.
pulling the bullet out, ESPECIALLY by a vet, or with a knife or some dumb shit, would do WAY more damage, then just leaving it in.

This movie put a giant lampshade on it though. It featured it really prominently. And an abdomen wound like that is harder to ignore for the general public. A shoulder or leg wound in people minds can be ignored. (true or not) But surgery to the abdomen? people intrinsically understand you would be out of action for days.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
why are we still discussing anything from this movie?it's all bullshit,everything about it


Buzzfeed Editor
Covering the wound does not heal internal tissue damage.

Granted, its the same stupid movie bullshit, that has someone pull a bullet out of their arm/gut/shoulder and just burn or bandage it up. and magically be good as new, and just wince a bit.
pulling the bullet out, ESPECIALLY by a vet, or with a knife or some dumb shit, would do WAY more damage, then just leaving it in.

This movie put a giant lampshade on it though. It featured it really prominently. And an abdomen wound like that is harder to ignore for the general public. A shoulder or leg wound in people minds can be ignored. (true or not) But surgery to the abdomen? people intrinsically understand you would be out of action for days.
they have fucking interstellar travel! cryo-sleep, advanced weaponry, the number of scientific and medical marvels showcased in the movie are numerous. I really can't understand how someone could watch that movie and take all that other shit without a second thought but the idea that in the future they have some shit that heals wounds quickly is too far. Of all the truly shitty stuff about this movie, this feels to me like just haters gonna hate.


Word Chaos. I can understand not liking the movie; it was not amazing. I just don't get why people are working so hard to make sure no one else enjoys it. There were redeeming qualities. It happens.


Molten Core Raider
The parallel of Fassbenders character modeled after El-Lawrence using an inferior group (Humans) to exalt himself for his own purposes all the while making them believe he just wants to be one of them (going native). It was an incredibly intriguing character that made me want to actually see more, especially once that douchebag husband guy died off.

Now shut the fuck up. It's 1/3rd of a story and needed the sequels, but you people are obsessed with it for some reason and desperately need others to validate your opinion of it.


<Bronze Donator>
By far the best thing about this movie is that interview from the Tom Hardy look alike guy where he stated he was proud to be in a movie that dealt with discrimination toward AI and how ground breaking that element was.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Prometheusdefinitely tackles extremely important themes on prejudice and bigotry


Vyemm Raider
Prometheusactually takes place in the same universe as the Walking Dumb. That's why everyone in it is so goddamn improbably retarded.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't get why this movie rustles so many jimmies. I watched it once, and what I saw looked like a pretty standard insipid Hollywood recipe: start with a screenplay made almost entirely of tripe, smother it with a high fructose corn syrup production and post production, make sure the characters we're suppose to like are physically attractive, make sure to introduce the disposable characters early in the film to trick the audience into feel a sense of loss when "a character they know" dies, etc (I don't actually hate movies enough to have a huge list of stupid tropes people still fall for memorized).

Why do people care that this particular turd, floating homogeneously in such a vast cesspit of its brother and sister turds, stinks?


Vyemm Raider
I don't get why this movie rustles so many jimmies. I watched it once, and what I saw looked like a pretty standard insipid Hollywood recipe: start with a screenplay made almost entirely of tripe, smother it with a high fructose corn syrup production and post production, make sure the characters we're suppose to like are physically attractive, make sure to introduce the disposable characters early in the film to trick the audience into feel a sense of loss when "a character they know" dies, etc (I don't actually hate movies enough to have a huge list of stupid tropes people still fall for memorized).

Why do people care that this particular turd, floating homogeneously in such a vast cesspit of its brother and sister turds, stinks?


privileged excrementlord
I don't get why this movie rustles so many jimmies. I watched it once, and what I saw looked like a pretty standard insipid Hollywood recipe: start with a screenplay made almost entirely of tripe, smother it with a high fructose corn syrup production and post production, make sure the characters we're suppose to like are physically attractive, make sure to introduce the disposable characters early in the film to trick the audience into feel a sense of loss when "a character they know" dies, etc (I don't actually hate movies enough to have a huge list of stupid tropes people still fall for memorized).

Why do people care that this particular turd, floating homogeneously in such a vast cesspit of its brother and sister turds, stinks?
Because this turd shouldn't have been a turd. No one cares if Paul Blart is dogshit. We expect it to be dogshit. A lot of people didn't expectPrometheusto be dogshit. Once Lindelof's involvement was revealed, everyone clung to false hope for what this movie should've been. Visuals aside, this movie was garbage.


Avatar of War Slayer
Because this turd shouldn't have been a turd. No one cares if Paul Blart is dogshit. We expect it to be dogshit. A lot of people didn't expectPrometheusto be dogshit. Once Lindelof's involvement was revealed, everyone clung to false hope for what this movie should've been. Visuals aside, this movie was garbage.
Part of the reason I found it so offensive, is its a creationist sci-fi movie.

Whats her face is a female Ken Ham. Its what if someone decided to spend 50 trillion dollars on the worlds first scientific mission into deep space to look for the origins of life... And decided Ken Ham should be the lead scientist, on this project. But, then doesn't actually address this insanity. It believes it itself.

Like, you watch Contact. Contact expressly deals with crisis of faith. Its one of the plot points. You can watch that movie, and it doesn't really take a side.

This movie however, was written by a creationist, without the slightest understanding of science, or evolution. so, explanations of the crazy aren't given. They are presented as if, they make total sense.


Potato del Grande
It's 1/3rd of a story and needed the sequels..
No. Its just a bad, bad film. Fassbenders character was interesting, until the whole glass of water incident, and the fact that he could speak and understand seemingly everything about this superior alien culture never before encountered. If the film can't stand on its own and needs sequels, then that further cements the poor filmmaking decisions. Lindelof's career is 100% due to JJ Abrams. He should be sending JJ regular checks.

This movie didn't ask you to suspend belief, it asked you to completely obliterate it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
they have fucking interstellar travel! cryo-sleep, advanced weaponry, the number of scientific and medical marvels showcased in the movie are numerous. I really can't understand how someone could watch that movie and take all that other shit without a second thought but the idea that in the future they have some shit that heals wounds quickly is too far. Of all the truly shitty stuff about this movie, this feels to me like just haters gonna hate.
You keep bringing this up, and it's been pointed out why it rustles jimmies a couple of times. I can totally get on board with super healing nanites or whatever they want to explain how she isn't down for days (instead of minutes). But the movie shows her barely able to walk... and then she proceeds to jump, climb, and run. Maybe she just goes hard until it rips open then the super healing kicks in and patches her back up enough to do the next vault?

It's the inconsistency that's more patronizing than the lack of explanation for space magic healing.


Hey guys, instead of bitching about medical inconsistancies, lets talk about Vickers trying to get out of the path of a massive rolling space ship by running directly along the path that it's rolling.