Recent content by bazazu

  1. B

    Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP

    5 minute "refresh" on stops (varies slightly based on server performance / lag of course)
  2. B

    Are Tomatoes a Weapon?

    Vegetable Justice would like a word with you: Vegetable Justice! - YouTube
  3. B


    Watching death replays of me dying to hanzo is rage inducing. dude aims 20 feet away from my head and I just magically fall over. And Hanzo's ultimate needs some... adjustment. I'd argue that most of the game is well balanced and you can avoid a lot of stuff with smart play, but that shit is...
  4. B

    The one that rules them all

    No contest. I laugh every time. But "Your Mom" jokes run deep in my circle of friends.
  5. B


    Added you - I need the same btw. Edit: Also - just beat a patron warrior with my totally scrub mage deck (newb player not paying to open naxx/blackrock - got mostly newb cards). I feel soooooo good pushing some patron warrior deck in the mud.
  6. B

    Reddit is on fire

    God yes! The #1 reason I refuse to reddit. Terrible design.
  7. B

    The Video Thread

  8. B


    I want to know how the pigs got up on the main deck in the first place. Shitty ship design. Random electrical surge opened their cages or what? I'm sure we could go through and poke holes in this show until the cows come home.
  9. B


    This week's episode was pretty good. Damn cliff hangers. It's a shame this is most likely going to be cancelled. It is really starting to take off.
  10. B

    Predestination Sci fi thriller starring Ethan Hawke

    The only issue is a standard time travel paradox...
  11. B

    Someone hit my parked car...suggestions?

    I'm impressed. And also pleased with your idea of buying a Hellcat. I haven't been in one of the new Dodge Challengers - are they nice? As much as love the idea of driving a Hellcat around the "fit and finish" would worry me a bit in one of those. But it's pure speculation since I haven't...
  12. B

    Someone hit my parked car...suggestions?

    I'm guessing you took care of that car - it's a shame that you won't get nearly enough money to cover the value of a vehicle in good / excellent condition. I'd prepare for some serious reverse sticker shock. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say you'll end up with less than 10 grand...
  13. B

    Ravvenn is the Megan Fox of Hooking

    Her primary was an enchanter, she wasn't terrible but I dunno if I would call her amazing or anything. She also would run a cleric from time to time when we were short healers or a fight required more than the norm. And let's face it, CH rotation isn't exactly rocket science.
  14. B

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    I have a friend that am on constantly about this shit and he doesn't understand. I also hate it when Fedor posts animated gifs in the fucking FSR thread. There's a fucking animated gif thread right next to it damn it!
  15. B

    You know you're getting old when.....

    I'm with you on that. I have a pair of sunglasses that I wear almost daily and they hit 15 years old this year. Stock pic of said sungalsses: PS: sorry for the pic spam but this is thescreenshotsforum so deal with it.