Search results

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    Warhammer 40,000 Novels

    The Soul Hunter Night Lords trilogy are great if you want to read some non-HH stuff.
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    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    Just returning to the game and pulled a bunch of shit and have no idea what is any good anymore or how to progress. Was only able to do the bahamut trial on the second difficulty with my old crew. I have no 6* yet though and quit pretty early in. Does anyone have any links to guides or unit...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Two of the DK secret artifacts both unholy and frost are still out in limbo, the unholy nobody has a freaking clue on so far.
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    Warhammer 40k

    I have the Forgeworld Mortarion, the model is freaking pimp as hell.
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    Electronic Dance Music

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    DOTA 2

    How the fuck do you get more card packs?
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    Step Son Joining Air Force, Advice?

    Seeing as I was a nuke in the Navy thought I would chime in here. Try to talk him out of it, some of the perks are decent but you have to enlist for 6 years min. 2 years is just school and the drop out rate and suicide rates are ridiculously high. Lets just say I had at least 4 friends try to...
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    Brave Frontier

    What is the best way to get your level up? I have tons of units now that are pretty damn good but not enough points to use them. I need levels so bad.
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    DOTA 2

    So what are the best heroes to do the 90 second of disables with? This one sucks...
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Looking for awoken anubis friends. Usually running kirin who I am working on awoken, anubis or ronia when feeling lazy. Don't care if you are maxed or not on anubis really. 330,540,221...shoot me an invite.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    I am level 40 now with 364 light at the moment. Just looking for some people who want do team up really for anything. I would love a chance to do the raids to at least see them. Other than that just looking to get my light level high enough to do Kings Fall.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Just started playing this recently and hit 40. At 234 is light right now. Looking to do Cota and Vault raids for the story and fun of it if anyone is interested. Lanludar is my PSN Id and looking for any friends playing this right now.
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    Destiny - Gamertags

    PS4-Lanludar is the gamertag. 40 warlock and am at 234 light atm. I would like to hit the old raids just to see them before jumping into the taken king raid stuff. No mic yet. Anyone shooting me a friend invite is welcome.
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    The New England Patriots 2014 Playoffs Thread

    The only one who cemented that win was the play caller for Seattle.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Where do you guys get your best in slot lists from these days?
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    Summoner's War - Sky Arena

    I can't seem to get anything to 6*...just getting all that fodder to 5 * is soul sapping. Is there some trick to it or do you guys just grind until you want to kill someone?
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    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    Don't people realize stormtroopers haven't been clones for quite a while? Cloning technologically was all destroyed during the clone wars...or it was supposed to be until the EU stuff which is now not canon so who the fuck knows anymore.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Am I the only person that thinks work orders and crafting in general for this expansion is probably the worst ever? I love sitting around waiting for my garrison to give me bars I should be able to make for a week in order to make one item.
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    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    So the claymore is a double bladed with vents? my brain really hurts
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    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    I have way more ore from my mine/gathering what I see running around than what I can use daily for smithing if that helps.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    If they are not level 100 it is not guaranteed they will double the output of the work order either.
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    Dungeons & Dragons - New & Old

    I don't care what edition it is bring back Planescape and Council of Wyrms and you can have my money.
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    DOTA 2

    Personally I love playing support but am nowhere close to the skill level of some here. I am starting to think the only way to really get better though is to play with a competent group. My play tends to get better playing with better people.
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    Pathfinder - Pen and Paper RPG Books

    Haste gives one extra attack and doesn't stack. Getting 14 attacks is impossible unless you are breaking rules.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    5 pulls. Andromeda I will never use, golem, Virtra I already had, vampire and succubus. I agree with Grimm in the fuck you's.
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    Electronic Dance Music

    If you want to see producers who like to think they are DJ's then you go to a festival and watch them dance around and push 3 buttons. If you want to see actual DJ's who may also produce tracks then you want smaller parties. Obviously that is a bit generalized but is generally the case.
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    DOTA 2

    I have about 5 cards to trade, just hit me up in game.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Last 2 Godfests I have rolled 8 times total...0 gold eggs. Think I may need to take a break.
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    Godzilla (2014)

    Yes most modern aircraft carriers power is generated through a nuclear reactor. There are over 10 active carriers currently with 1 or more reactors powering them.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    6 fucking pulls on the rare machine and got 4 gold eggs. Genie, cu chu, fallen Luci, and something else stupid along with 2 silver eggs. Not even 1 egg from this godfest. So pissed right now.
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    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Does anyone have an extra key for my wife? I need to thank Citz for mine but she keeps giving me evil looks now. lol
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    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    I just got a 7 day pass but would like to upgrade if anyone has any normal keys laying around.
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    Pathfinder - Pen and Paper RPG Books

    Pathfinder is tons of fun and Way fo the Wicked is a great series of adventures if you want to try an evil campaign. 4e is an abomination.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    2 pulls, a fucking dryad and then a gold orb.....a 5 star water ripper! seriously?
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    I have 8 sitting in my box with nothing to do with them.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Just hit 366 days. Did anyone get anything for a year because I didn't?
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    How are people planning on handling the Eva collab dungeon? Not sure I have a good enough burst team. I may need to borrow someone maxed godin for it.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    You don't see any cutscenes in ToT LFR. Guess they decided to add that for SoO so they could actually tow that line about letting everyone see the storylines.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    6 Rolls and the only god was a red Sonia I already have. Fuck Gung-ho. Seriously.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Anyone have a list of the dungeon tiers?