Recent content by Algiz

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    The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

    Right. Let's set aside the various -gate scandals that are easily larger/better known than Gamergate (Deflategate, Spygate, CLimategate, Emailgate are all shoe-ins. And while some of the-gate stuffixesseem retarded, I would still place many of the events far ahead of Gamergame). The most...
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    The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

    Deflategate is currently a bigger part of the public consciousness than Gamergate. Tom Brady must be fucking pissed that Nintendo is attacking him like this.
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    You have 14 days. If after that time Tuconets have not been renamed to Tocunets, I am deleting my forum account and posting somewhere else.
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    Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?

    Go home scientist girl oh wait girls can't do science.
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    Brave Frontier

    Pretty close to quitting also, but I have 12ish summons left. I wanted to throw them at the second half of the new batch, just for the hell of it... Earth summons. Really. Zzzzzz.
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    Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Someone should make some sort of record of things that shouldn't be talked about in this thread.
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    MTG thread

    Gender Neutral Games
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    Brave Frontier

    3 Mariudeths, 3 Ahvels, 1 Darvanshel, 4 filler units, 0 Lilly. Yawn.
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    Brave Frontier

    I wish you guys would stop posting awesome rolls, I am trying to restrain myself for the 6* Lily/Darvanshel group (Assuming the 6*s are released in the same groupings).
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    Brave Frontier

    Attacker BB leveling is decent right now if you start right after an evolve. Adventurer's Prairie - Start of Adventure is 2 energy and you'll get a couple slimes each run. With the drop in energy rate, it can be run semi-continuously for a while. I did this last night, got a lv 1 Sodis up to...
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    Brave Frontier

    I was able to manage it with a rainbow team (~5000 hp per unit). If the floors are always the same, the first floor has two metal gods that are sort of annoying. They don't hit hard, but they hit 3-4 times a turn and the damage can add up. The other floors were filler. Killed Deemo in 4...
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    Brave Frontier

    10 rolls on this batch, zero of anything good, several dupes. Yawn. Back to gem hoarding mode.
  13. A

    Brave Frontier

    I just want to echo this. Beam spam is fun as hell. EDIT: Re lv 4 Alma. This team took it fairly easily, but it leans more towards towards "Blow shit up". Lv 79 6 star Lilith (Leader) Lv 80 5 star Lira Lv 55 5 star Ophelia Lv 55 6 star Rina Lv 73 6 star Lancia
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    Brave Frontier

    You can get the ticket and let it sit on the rare summon button until you are ready to use it.