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    The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

    Right. Let's set aside the various -gate scandals that are easily larger/better known than Gamergate (Deflategate, Spygate, CLimategate, Emailgate are all shoe-ins. And while some of the-gate stuffixesseem retarded, I would still place many of the events far ahead of Gamergame). The most...
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    The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

    Deflategate is currently a bigger part of the public consciousness than Gamergate. Tom Brady must be fucking pissed that Nintendo is attacking him like this.
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    You have 14 days. If after that time Tuconets have not been renamed to Tocunets, I am deleting my forum account and posting somewhere else.
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    Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?

    Go home scientist girl oh wait girls can't do science.
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    Brave Frontier

    Pretty close to quitting also, but I have 12ish summons left. I wanted to throw them at the second half of the new batch, just for the hell of it... Earth summons. Really. Zzzzzz.
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    Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Someone should make some sort of record of things that shouldn't be talked about in this thread.
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    MTG thread

    Gender Neutral Games
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    Brave Frontier

    3 Mariudeths, 3 Ahvels, 1 Darvanshel, 4 filler units, 0 Lilly. Yawn.
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    Brave Frontier

    I wish you guys would stop posting awesome rolls, I am trying to restrain myself for the 6* Lily/Darvanshel group (Assuming the 6*s are released in the same groupings).
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    Brave Frontier

    Attacker BB leveling is decent right now if you start right after an evolve. Adventurer's Prairie - Start of Adventure is 2 energy and you'll get a couple slimes each run. With the drop in energy rate, it can be run semi-continuously for a while. I did this last night, got a lv 1 Sodis up to...
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    Brave Frontier

    I was able to manage it with a rainbow team (~5000 hp per unit). If the floors are always the same, the first floor has two metal gods that are sort of annoying. They don't hit hard, but they hit 3-4 times a turn and the damage can add up. The other floors were filler. Killed Deemo in 4...
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    Brave Frontier

    10 rolls on this batch, zero of anything good, several dupes. Yawn. Back to gem hoarding mode.
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    Brave Frontier

    I just want to echo this. Beam spam is fun as hell. EDIT: Re lv 4 Alma. This team took it fairly easily, but it leans more towards towards "Blow shit up". Lv 79 6 star Lilith (Leader) Lv 80 5 star Lira Lv 55 5 star Ophelia Lv 55 6 star Rina Lv 73 6 star Lancia
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    Brave Frontier

    You can get the ticket and let it sit on the rare summon button until you are ready to use it.
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    Brave Frontier

    Bat Mimic - Brave Frontier Wiki Bat Mimic + metal ghost baby + metal ghost king + metal ghost god + 200k gold gets you your very own metal mimic. The mats are sort of high, but at least you definitely get one.
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    Brave Frontier

    I found one Metal Mimic in 3 runs of the middle level. I believe I was lucky to get that one. I think between making my own (mats + gold) versus running that middle dungeon (stamina + time), I'll be evolving into Metal Mimics in the future.
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    Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge

    Oh, okay.
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    Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge

    You should start lying about all the sex you're having, it will help you avoid the societal backlash in the future.
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    Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge

    You just don't get it.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

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    Brave Frontier

    Did the game download a small patch for you this morning?
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    Brave Frontier

    6-star Lilith, goooooooo~
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    And now for something completely different

    Spam spam spam spam
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    Brave Frontier

    6-star Lilith, where r u
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    MTG thread

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    Mayo or Miracle Whip?

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    Brave Frontier

    I got to evolve my Cyborg Lilith then dump a handful of Kings, Gods, and Crystals on her. Feels glorious.
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    Robin Williams dead at 63...

    What the fuck.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    I actually really like the idea of fusing different versions of gods together... But yeah, the reality of the idea is retarded. Padx does have links to twitter quotes that state the materials are being reevaluated, at least.
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    Border Issue

    I'm 80% sure Merlin is satire.
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    Health Care Thread

    I dunno, letting people choose when and how often to take their narcotics sounds like a wonderful plan.
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    LeBron back to Cleveland

    Lifelong Cleveland fan checking in.
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    Brave Frontier

    Are there any rare roll related events, or should I burn my gems freely?
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    The Monic Thread

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    Wizardhawk's memorial thread (a cautionary tale of dental care and garlic)

    Aaannnddd he's dead again.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Grape dragon, dark golem. I knew there was a reason I meant to avoid the REM until golems were removed.
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    I decided to roll once for fun, got Fairlio after farming them all week. And much fun was had.
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    NBA 2013?14 Season

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    NBA 2013?14 Season

    I just came here to witness someone throwing a tantrum that OKC lost, laying the entirety of the blame of the refs for manipulating the game to fit the evil whims of the NBA's shadow government. I am very, very disappointed in all of you.