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  1. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Trying to clean up on Omniscient multiplayer last night really reaffirmed how completely moronic the general public is. Joining with 1 or 2 physical DPS just makes me want to cry. Actually trying to start your own group with 2 physical DPS, good luck with that!
  2. Thengel

    Ark: Survival Evolved

    The early access tag is pretty much meaningless anyhow. It's been a year since I bought Ark, and I would say it was more complete at the time I bought it than many games when they "release." I don't know if Ark will ever release, what does that even mean at this point?
  3. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Black banner gave 2 garbage supers, as expected. White gave 2 BSBs. Ovelia, which seems very solid and....Tiny Bee. At least I finally pulled something worthwhile, only took 8 pulls of complete garbage to get there. Now to save up, apparently there's some hot banners coming soon?
  4. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Pulled on the summoner lucky draw, all garbage. 6 pulls in a row with nothing better than a super. Getting very bored, honestly. Can't beat the 220 raid boss, as people just won't wear water resist. Funny watching them just get destroyed, to a point, then it gets old.
  5. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Last 4 pulls have all been 1/11, with the 1 being some unique or super. Getting extremely frustrating. Was really pumped for X banners because I desperately need water or ice damage. Got jack shit on 2 pulls. MEH.
  6. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I've gotten that and restarting my phone fixed it.
  7. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    For Cid's RM you have to be in FF7 dungeons. Can just do Mako Reactor No. 1 repeatedly for 3 stam each, or the ice & non-elemental dungeon on Saturday should work.
  8. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Obviously it depends what the modifier is on the attacks you're using. Some attacks hit more times but for less, those would be the ones more worth using in this case. For example last night on Orthros I got to run double damage dealers - Kain and Reno. Kain's commands are 2x 3.09 and...
  9. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I have Ramza shout and his other SSB, which adds 50% crit damage. Combine with Eiko's BSB for crit rate buff, and OK buff or similar, might be fun!
  10. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    The Orthros fight has been particularly painful because it's so very long. With the lag it's just incredibly long. Twice we had Apoc almost down when it crashed out. Finally got it down, but haven't tried A++ yet. Don't really want to.
  11. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Yes, MP has been extremely frustrating lately. Had a similar experience with the mandragoras, only 2 left both with a sliver and...crash. Not cool.
  12. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Wow, all the anniversary event stuff is back/extended. Every banner open, every spring dungeon open, all extended until the 13th. The only thing I see that wasn't reopened / extended is Shadow Lord, I still need to take out Apocalypse. Going to be hard to decide what to do again! Edit: The...
  13. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I can't imagine ever needing a bunch of R5 abilities. Was there a time when R4 just wasn't enough, or are you just a completionist?
  14. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Have had some highs and lows during event. I've pulled just about once on each banner so far. Low was definitely the imbue lucky draw, in which I pulled Exdeath single target unique. I think that was actually the worst pull possible on that banner. I did pull some great stuff though...
  15. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Got Kuja burst which I love since he was a mainstay of mine a long time ago, but has since really fallen out of favor. Making a come-back!
  16. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Lucky pulls have been pretty terrible for me lately, yet I can't help but pull on all of them. 1/11 again on this one, at least it was Quistis BSB (dress) which seems pretty cool, plus it's armor which is always good. Infuse with the power of poison, do I need to hone Bioga and chain Bioga now?
  17. Thengel

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    This game gets pretty difficult at the higher levels. Seems like you really need a great team structure, or you end up doing literally zero damage and getting one shot. Problem of course is it seems impossible to actually build up options, due to the lack of exp and feathers.
  18. Thengel

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    This game has a lot of problems, but I'm still plunking away for now. Pros: 1. It's Fire Emblem. 2. I enjoy the combat. I actually like the small quick boards, the rock/paper/scissors style. Not sure how well it'll hold up over a long period of time. 3. Their gatcha seems relatively generous...
  19. Thengel

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    The pre-register actually popped up a notification on my phone when it was ready to download. Might have gotten it a few minutes earlier otherwise, but seemed to work fine.
  20. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    What makes Cid Raines so OP? I mean it looks good but is there something I'm missing? Also, are there any other BSB like Cloud's, that have the AE on the first command? I love using Cloud RWs so much for autoing through daily dungeons, but I haven't seen any others like his.
  21. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Only had 50 mythril so I had to choose between summoner and FFT. Well, I only have ONE FFT relic, so I went with that. 1/11. What did I get? Ovelia's fucking robe, the ONE FFT relic I already had and the absolute shittiest relic in the pool. Fuck ya'll.
  22. Thengel

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    Just found out this game will apparently have one global server. I like that this means we won't have the JP vs. Global crap that most of these games have. I find that knowing what's coming down the pipe in these types of games really ruins a lot of the fun. The bad part is obviously it'll be...
  23. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I'm slacking, and just finished up the IX event last night. Jecht BSB is one of the first BSBs I got, and I've never been horribly impressed with it nor used it much. It's 8 random dark attacks and attach dark, with super basic 4 hit dark single target and 2 hit dark AE commands, with no...
  24. Thengel

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    It's really interesting how broad the range is between F2P friendly and P2W. Games like Final Fantasy Record Keeper are super F2P friendly. Spending money almost seems pointless. Other games you can basically buy literally everything. Will be interested to see what this looks like, crossing...
  25. Thengel

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    Pre-registered, definitely in on mobile fire emblem! ROY!
  26. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    I've been using slow macros that do TM and level your LBs while I do Cecil's TM. He's still 3*. Even still, leveling LB is HORRIBLY slow. I guess I should just dump pots in him and get it over with if I want to use him in 2017?
  27. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Sorry that was my 4 minutes off being daddy, busy again!
  28. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Decided to go for it since I can't save for shit. Papa and Yda bsb. I ain't sad. Finally got around to doing the exdeath U++ since I left it until after orb fest. Holy crap counter ae dispel was horrible. Finally took him out but that was a tight fight for me.
  29. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Thoughts on xiv 2nd banner? I pulled once on the first, didn't get ysh bsb but got 4 other 5*. Not sure I want to pull it again or try on 2nd banner. Or save, which is not my strong suit.
  30. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

  31. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    TM grinding without zidane sucks. In fact, everything without zidane sucks. Seems like a pretty shit part of this game so far that dual wield is the end-all, be-all, and nothing else comes close.
  32. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    What is this welfare trial and how do I get a zidane from it?
  33. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Got sword, gloves, doublet, and 2nd thyrus. Would have preferred either other bsb, but can't complain about 4 rainbows. Edit: 1 pull.
  34. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    I want a banner with mage DAMAGE. I have multiples of every mage support other than quick cast. They are super stingy with mage damage, seems like 1 per banner at best. The xiv banner seems no better, sadly.
  35. Thengel

    College Football 2016-2017 Season

    I get criticizing the QB, but the O was grinding it out while the D was giving up big play after big play. Really the opposite of the rest of M's season.
  36. Thengel

    College Football 2016-2017 Season

    It's because the competition in the SEC is so rough and the teams really beat each other up during the regular season. Right?
  37. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    Nice! He's really silly in arena. Everyone was worried about ice flask when his abilities were released, but fire flask is the real business.
  38. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    Oh, Orlandu, that makes sense. I guess I had just never heard the name TG Cid for him before. Sounds like the XIV banner is the one for me, I'm really desperate for mage relics, and this OSB fest really doesn't seem to have a good banner for them, with only one or two scattered around.
  39. Thengel

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    You are absolutely right about this. So I went ahead and blew a few tickets anyhow, and pulled a Noctis. Immediately fed him the 100ish gigantuars from the maze and maxed him out. He's just dumb in arena, but at least now he's on my side! 8000 lapis is discouraging. I was planning to...