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  1. B

    E3 2016

    I look at Nintendo completely differently. Nintendo is doing just fine as a company. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since N64 but that's ok too. They're profitable and they serve the younger niche market very well. There's no reason they can't release a Nintendo 'Wii U Too' or whatever...
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    Rainbow Six Siege

    Pick an operator you like and pick the fastest firing gun, because headshots still kill no matter the gun or how far away or the armor class. Barring that, the rest is strategy and learning the best ambush spots on each map.
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    Dark Souls 3

    I one shot a lot of invaders with a 64 int, crystal soul spear, steady chant, 4 rings. Of course, if they're not compeltely retarded then they can dodge the spells by merely breathing but If i'm in a 2v1 vs an invader, that bitch melts as soon as he engages my teammate.
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    Dark Souls 3

    The Dark Souls 2 PC port was worlds better than Dark Souls 1. The only way that DS3 port will suck is if they shitcanned all their talent, which isn't out of the realm of possibility.
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    Tom Clancy's The Division

    So is this like... Borderlands with a more realistic shader mod?
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    Fallout 4

    The whole 'omg more Gamebryo' rage is so tiresome to keep seeing the same misinformation. A game engine isn't some mystical misunderstood thing, like your average honest politician, bigfoot or woman. There's game logic, a render pipeline, possible netcode, sound processing, etc but it's all...
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    Rainbow Six Siege

    It's decent. Worst of it is the random disconnects and crashes, otherwise the terrorist hunt/pvp game modes are fairly fun.
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    League Of Legends

    Nothing more painful to watch than a grown boy cry.
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    League Of Legends

    Turtle is the only guy on TSM i can stand. I wouldn't doubt if he did that on purpose to make the decision to leave (replaced by the chimp) easy.
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    League Of Legends

    Well I couldn't be any happier with how that must have wiped the smug smiles off Reggie and Dyrus' face.
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    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    Chicago is trying your Utopian gun-banning ideas. I hear it's one of the safest cities now in the country. Oh wait, no, it's one of the most dangerous and deadly places to be in the US right now. Along with liberal run Detroit. The simple truth is that if you give people a privilege to...
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    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    This kid needed Jesus, literally. He had a severe god-complex judging from the first few pages of his manifesto. He praises his intelligence, how early he was a traveler, etc. He felt so incredibly proud of himself and it's that pride that blinded him. He had major blind-spots and...
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    ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead

    This guy's video is flat out pathetic. His thought process is like the writers of Batman and Dexter became one and lost all sense of reality or morality.
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    Thief (2014)

    Ok I didn't think I would rant about this game, nor do most people care about this anymore, but I have to let it e-out after hesitantly buying it at full price. TL;DR? Canadians are assholes. Storywise the game is just a big bore. I see major parallel's between Thief and Bioshock...
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    League Of Legends

    I never first time a champ even in normal. I don't hate other people that much.
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    Bioshock Infinite

    Bioshock 1 had soul.
  17. B

    League Of Legends

    Done, i'll do another cpl games tonight if you're still around.
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    League Of Legends

    Ranked Solo queue is such ass. I never did ranked in S3 but finally decided to try it. I qualified into Silver IV, got silver II a day later. Now, i can barely level. I play almost nothing but support. Usually Taric, Leona, Annie. Me and my adc win our lane at least 80% of the time. Last...
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Why? Because it's destined to be a money grab game. Zenimax suit 1: Hey, we need more money! Why haven't we made one of those EM EM OH's yet? Zenimax designer 1: We have standards? We have pride? Zenimax suit 1, 2, 3, 4: YOU'RE FIRED! Zenimax suit 2: Now then, how is our next cash...
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    Your most disappointing/worst game of 2013

    Bioshock Infinite. Like it was made by Blizzard. Or, at the very least, it was worked on a by a lot of WoW junkies.
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    League Of Legends

    Whatever happened to the pre-made meta queue idea? Sick of assholes autolocking into a lane at the start without looking at what the rest of the team is going.
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    League Of Legends

    What kind of limitations do you guys think exist in the game engine? What could they do with a "full re-write" that they aren't doing already?
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    League Of Legends

    Their servers suck on ice lately.
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    League Of Legends

    Don't know what you call that, but it's not sarcasm and I feel dumber now because of it...
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    WTF is wrong with you people?
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    Fallout 4

    EA or Activision will buy Zenimax and we'll have an MMO of every franchise. Count on it!
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    Fallout 4

    I know, me either. I'll probably take a few days off and just veg out.
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    Fallout 4

    They've had 2 years now to improve the engine even more and have seemingly been waiting for the next-gen consoles. I'm thinking at least as big of a jump, tempered only because I think FO3 was already a nice improvement over Oblivion in a number of ways.
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    Fallout 4

    Should we just shoot up this opiate or wait till all the DLC are out and then overdose on the biggest deluge of gaming bliss all at once?
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    League Of Legends

    Are they trying to be cheesy?
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    Dark Souls 2

    The story is very mature, not in a sexual way though. When you explore the levels there is deep mystery and a sense of awe for the environments. You don't get that in a game that tells you to go collect bear asses, putting something like that in Dark Souls would ruin it entirely, trust me...
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    How would you re-socialize MMOs?

    The number one killer is instancing. Easy progression, virtually no consequences of a bad attitude (just put out those deeps) and unlimited chances at wealth and you have a very unrealistic, anti-social concept. I despise "button rotation" games like WoW and most other MMO's. I'm not...
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    Dark Souls 2

    Can not wait for this but I hate what i'm hearing about the PVP. I absolutely cannot stand PVP in Dark Souls, it's so gay because the ping differences make it absolutely ridiculous for one. So often I land successful backstabs on players that either do 0 damage or they backstab me when they...
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    League Of Legends

    Support is fine. It attracts different players, it's a different play style for different people. Leave it alone.
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    League Of Legends

    Your story doesn't add up, you liar!
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I hope this game fails hard. They are f'ing up their franchise with this stupid WoW Wanna-be.
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    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    New IP is born as a single player phenomenon. There's enough multiplayer games out there, if they want to do MP they should make a separate product not F over the franchise (Edit: More).
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    League Of Legends

    Is there a ladder page with the results of that NA MLG tourney?
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    League Of Legends

    Those announcers put the R in retarded. I find them so cheesy it's painful to watch and I make sure nobody is around me if i have the sound on. PS, dont mind their commentary but during battles they go full-retard.