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  1. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Orcs don't do anything in half measure looks like.
  2. F

    Elite: Dangerous

    I looked through the threads and couldn't fine one on this. BBC tech podcast was talking about this said it was a cross between EVE and Privateer. It's massively multiplayer but it also has a single player mode. This game has been around forever but this version will be the first MMO...
  3. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Maybe the MoP timeline Garrosh met the WoD timeline Garrosh who could've been a kid at the time and told him how things would play out. So the WoD timeline Garrosh would be Grom's kid and they would know each other. Never liked timeline or alternate timeline stories.
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    The Legend of Korra

    Yeah, and Boomie trying to survive the lava guy. Lava guy should be able to pick up lava and use it like tentacles. Lava tentacles.
  5. F

    EQ Never

    I wouldn't mind an older player pop on the server.
  6. F

    EQ Never

    What would you say the median age for the audience was? I'm guessing 35.
  7. F

    EQ Never

    Reading that, I wonder if a guild will keep clearing the caverns hoping to get the dragon that drops sword X to spawn?
  8. F

    Older Anime Series Worth Watching

    Thanks for the Texhnolyze suggestion. It's pretty good for seinen anime. One of the protagonists is a boxer. He keeps getting the crap beat out of him to the point that it's comical. The manga version no doubt has a lot more naked chicks and blood.
  9. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Something like that, it's time travel.
  10. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Say what you want about WoW but they sure know how make a cinematic.
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    EQ Never

    Story Bricks sound like they will be impossible to secure. Some player will figure out how to exploit them and Story Bricks will be nerfed.
  12. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    @spronk, I thought that was from the movie for a second.
  13. F

    Royal Quest

    I like the artwork.
  14. F

    Older Anime Series Worth Watching

    Noein has to be the highest quality anime I've ever watched.
  15. F

    Older Anime Series Worth Watching

    Yeah, that's it, Kurozuka. Thanks. It was a pretty good series if memory serves. Aimed at adults.
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    Older Anime Series Worth Watching

    What was that anime series... Starts off with two samurai who got to kill a witch, turns out she's a vampire, she bites one samurai and turns him into a vampire. Centuries pass, it's now futuristic Tokyo, the samurai vampire is still alive. For some reason he gets mix up with the government...
  17. F

    Older Anime Series Worth Watching images Most anime is about kids, your typical 14 year old. Tatami Galaxy is about college students. It's quirky and they don't tell you what the series is about, you have to puzzle it out. A lot of people who would enjoy this might not...
  18. F

    Robin Williams found dead

    Gave me a lot of laughs over the years.
  19. F

    The Last Ship

    The patriotism in Last Ship seems a lot like the patriotism in 24.
  20. F

    Good Anime Movies

    Watched Tekkon Kinkreet. Very good, wonder why I've never heard about it? It's focused on two kids but it has adults and they act like adults. The art is stylized a bit but I like it, characters look more Japanese than European. Maybe it had licensing issues? Also the director has a...
  21. F

    EQ Never

    If it's completely different from EQ, it doesn't make much sense to call it EQ. Save the IP for an EQ like game.
  22. F

    EQ Never

    At least Sony is trying something different and the next big thing will be different. They should'nt've called it Everquest and came up with a new name like eQuest. It's not going to bare much resemblance to EQ.
  23. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    I can't see how a person could over hype this. Did you think they were going to give you a hand job during the movie?
  24. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    They whine about everything and I mean shit you'd think nobody would ever whine about. The April Fools joke where they showed that derpy looking femal draenei model? The forums exploded with 'how could you play such a mean joke on us!?' Seriously? The joke was funny. It's APRIL FOOLS!
  25. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    I can just see some 80 year old black woman, the widow of some long dead singer getting a big check in the mail. "Who the fuck is iTunes?"
  26. F

    RWBY Anybody watch this? Looks like a web production. Only reason I bring it up is that is supposed to have gone viral and I never heard about it. Looks like it's done in the anime style. images Must have good writing or something...
  27. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    I'd like to see both in their own movie.
  28. F

    WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream

    I remember when you could put conditional statements in a macro, a loop that would find the most wounded player, target him and then you'd heal him. I'm going to have to roll a character on ED one of these days.
  29. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    I wonder how all those old songs are doing on spotify right now.
  30. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    I haven't laughed so hard during a movie in a long time.
  31. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Down 800K subs Q2. Might mean that the game is stabilizing.
  32. F

    Good Anime Movies

    I take it back about the patlabor 2 movie. It's adult, but the story is really dry with all of the action in the last 20 minutes. Well animated and lots of cool robots. Going to watch Doomed Megalopolis tonight.
  33. F

    Good Anime Movies

    Hayao Miyazaki is what 75? Japanese are like elves though and 75 is like 35 in the U.S. And besides him there is one other great animator at Ghibli, I think he did Grave of the Fireflies. I've been listening to some anime podcasts and to get a profit on some of these movies, it's not as...
  34. F

    Good Anime Movies images Patlabor 2 Movie. You can get the older Patlabor stuff too, but its old.
  35. F

    EQ Never

    Are there any youtube videos of where the game is currently?
  36. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Back when WoW launched there were EQ players who loathed WoW and would flame anyone who said anything positive about it. Most of them played WoW themselves under assumed names. It was like closet WoW Sexuals.
  37. F

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    My friend is into comics, he's married with kids and people make fun of him for being the old dude in the comic shop. He is so fucking happy the comic films are doing so well. He feels vindicated. He says, "well, it made a ton of money at the box office."
  38. F

    Good Anime Movies

    Just watched Wings of Honneamise on hulu. Great movie. The attempted rape scene was a little much. lol
  39. F

    Good Anime Movies

    Macross Frontier is pretty good. I think there were 3 movies and a 26 episode series? Images Don't know where you can get it easily.
  40. F

    Good Anime Movies

    Back in the 1980's anime was a lot different. There was a lot of stuff for adult men. From Wikipedia, Makie is taken prisoner by a tentacle to be punished for her "crimes" against the Black World by being repeatedly raped Good...