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  1. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Killed Nathanos before they hot fixed the loot to be a cache, so I put in a ticket to ask if I could swap this sword I got for a dagger. First response was about the hotfix and that I could re-kill him again for a cache. So I went and killed him again and got nothing. So I responded to the...
  2. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Well finally got AOTC for the mount doing a 30 man tank run, shit is wild, but now I can do fuck all until shadowlands comes out. Still only 10/11 for the tier since you can't really do Il'gynoth with 30 tanks all that well and the mind control.
  3. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I'm playing my DH more and more over my warrior as it is just mindless fun and starting to dip into pugging Nyalotha. I guess people are still buying the BoEs if you they rolled the right corruption: Those were heroic boots that rolled T3 +%Haste from all sources and I also have another pair...
  4. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    The interview seemed promising but again what’s said and what actually happens are 2 different things.
  5. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Oh yeah by no means is playing Fury awful, it's probably the best rendition of Fury we've had. I just know the cap is there for a reason for that spec and if you've been playing it since BFA, then you're already used to playing with a cap. The wowhead comments of saying to either remove M+...
  6. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Yeah that is a very interesting change to push for now/again. I mean right now as a Fury warrior you're already capped at the amount of mobs you AoE/Cleave so really no change there, but of course Arms that's another story. As for this being a change to ensure the game doesn't shit itself, I...
  7. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Was making good progress until I got to the start of Hillsbrad and having to farm the bears/cats for the elixir quests and doing the human farm quests, felt like a slog. I got lucky with some guy PLing an alt and soaked up a couple levels from him doing SFK, so that was cool.
  8. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    This is the only must have WA for visions I'd say: Wago. There are other vision related WAs linked on that page, that you could check out as well.
  9. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I lost interest in playing alliance with my original group months back and been farming gold with my hunter doing solo jump runs, but that got boring after a while. I wish I could just faction/server transfer it over, but I rolled a warlock on Whitemane finally, who do I talk to for a guild...
  10. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I know this ring that has the T3 tank corruption that gives me Avoidance based off a percentage of my haste is the best corruption obviously!
  11. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Not having a mount for mythic KJ was a let down for the amount of effort required to do a kill each week. We only killed him a total of 5 times and never went back, but we got a bunch of people Gul’dan mounts. My DH has seen more corrupted gear in general than my warrior, albeit they’re not any...
  12. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    That is true about the addons really needing to be required when you are doing mythic progress. I haven't had experience with people who just out right refused or thought they didn't need either an addon or WeakAura to progress on a fight as that shit would hold you back. But than again my...
  13. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Did some horrific visions on my warrior today and I guess you can get an illusion mog from them or maybe when it's the Stormwind one:
  14. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    This won't age well, but I lol'd.
  15. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I just came back after taking a break from late into Uldir and been enjoying my warrior and trying to unlock flying. But I unlocked Zandalari Troll and paid to race change and these bastards have a 30% off on character services going on. I guess I am looking forward to trying out the horrific...
  16. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    "DON'T BE A KEK RUSH DREK" Makes me cringe every time I read it.
  17. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I am thinking about getting the Wintersaber again as it's just a real good looking mount, but I did it twice in vanilla and goddamn it really sucks. Going to especially suck even more now since there's way more people out there grinding for it as well.
  18. Zhro

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    If someone is on an older OS and needs a legit Windows 10 key, PM me. I have access to multiple activation keys for Win 10 Pro as I have a Visual Studio subscription (formerly MSDN subscription). Anyways I haven’t touched this in a few months. Is now the time to comeback and check it out or...
  19. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I am still holding out for Deathmaw as I’m in denial that I’ll have to eventually just settle for an SFK dog and having level it to max.
  20. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    It looks any of the Winterspring cats are all 1.5. I bit the bullet and went with one of the Swamp Jaguar from Swamp of Sorrows and had to level it all the way up, which kind of sucked. I've been also keeping an eye out for Deathmaw spawn as I'd have a 1.2 wolf for raids/groups, but haven't...
  21. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I tried and wasted so much time attempting to get Broken Tooth, so I just gave up. I feel if you weren't one of the first hunters to be at 37 to tame him and/or used layer hopping to have a better chance of seeing him spawn, then you're SOL. I just grabbed a 1.2 cat and been happy, but of course...
  22. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yeah like Harshaw said they patched out being able to set the nameplate max distance cvar with values like: "6e1", etc, that would allow you see beyond the 20 yard cap.
  23. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    So they'll keep in the scan targeting since classic is using a legion client as the base, but won't allow leeway on allowing us to increase nameplate view distance? Wish I could still see my nameplates from 41 yards away, first world hunter problems.
  24. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    You get 15 minutes in game before you're logged out to the character select, then another 30 minutes on character select before it disconnects you.
  25. Zhro

    Poll VOTE: The Top 10 All-Time Greatest FoH Drama/Incidents

    The J49 thread was such a wild ride, I couldn't believe it was real half the time. That's the one thread that has stuck with me.
  26. Zhro

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    1,100+ for Adamantoise, also had the launcher be completely unresponsive when I tried getting in the first couple times. I just restarted it a couple times and it worked.
  27. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Sometimes you get it and sometimes you get got.
  28. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Playing enhance in Cata was really fun throughout that entire xpac. With Dwarf shaman, you also had some pretty sick looking xmog too.
  29. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    He is using Corpsemaker, if I was hearing the casters correctly.
  30. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I’m right there with you and I’m not subscribing for just a chance. Blizzard only going to get my money when Classic comes out.
  31. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Take this with a grain of salt , but I’ve heard from 2 different people that have some insight into Blizz, say that they’ll be doing another wave of beta invites tomorrow. You’ll, again, have to make sure you have an active sub to WoW even if you’re considered to be on the friends & family list...
  32. Zhro

    WoW Classic - Guild

    It’s just his subtle British humor, it was supposed to make you laugh.
  33. Zhro

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    This is the only game that I’ve had the music on at all times and I’ve never felt like I had to turn it off as it never gets annoying like the music from fucking Gnomeregan. I just got caught up with all the class changes and DNC looks fun to play/try out and I love the DRG changes as that’s my...
  34. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I think he was only pinnacle of pvp in Vanilla, other than that he just seems real cringe to me and kind of clueless about things.
  35. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Seeing those names brings me back to seeing everyone running around in IF and Drow chilling at the cart. It also reminds me that guilds just had certain spots they all chilled at. Singularity would chill in a line next to the bridge to the auction house. Funny enough, even though I didn't play...
  36. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yeah it was most likely Srot as that dude was a mega loot whore. Drow was always getting the first kills ally side from what I can remember.
  37. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    If it wasn’t Drow the only other guild that I feel would have gotten Nef before them would’ve been Scorned, but I can’t remember if they fizzled out by then or not. The other Ally guilds on Doomhammer like Rising Anarchy/Rar/Entrada/Singularity etc were always trailing behind Drow/Scorned.
  38. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The guild I played in and raided with on Doomhammer (Tier Zero) already had a good number of people and just had a few slots left and would just spam trade chat when doing MC. So I joined them on a few MC runs and was asked to join the guild. After they got enough for a consistent 40 , we never...
  39. Zhro

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I just did all Warrior and DK ones and really just had some trouble with Fury right when it came out and on DK as tank as it was my alt and really under geared. But it what such a good feeling of accomplishment when I completed them. I’ve only ever felt that same way when I did all gold...