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  1. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    meh, not really seeing any huge changes. It'll probably be fun to play for a month or two though. Not really sure if it's worth $60 + $30 for two months though.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Considering it gets 60-80% of priest casts Blizzard just made every disc priest 10% worse at minimum since they didn't buff any other spells. Also it's hilarious that they nerfed shadow with this change, which already had horrible survivability. Sort of irritating spending months to get...
  3. E

    38 studios Auction Nov 14th and 15th.

    Curt Schilling everyone
  4. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    The fastest way, if you are horde, is to go to ashran and do events / fragments (turn them in for NOT captain whistles) for 4 hours. You will be exalted fast. Plus you'll get more than enough conquest if you haven't already for at least 1-2 pieces of 660
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    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Are you guys horde? I've got a 645 disc priest on horde skullcrusher. If possible cross server I might want to heal on normal HM sometime.
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    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    Do the treasure hunter missions unlocked by inn lvl 3 add to the mission pool or take up existing spots in the mission pool?
  7. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Just go tag them. I've been tagging them with my lvl 90 alts and getting loot.
  8. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Yeah it looks like they fixed it. All my "double loots" are still on my characters from this morning though. I just tried drov after having killed tarlina yesterday and it didn't even let me loot (as if I had already killed it), so I guess they fixed that too unless it was a fluke.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    The world bosses also reset and you can get more loot from them too.
  10. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Blizzard screwed up when they did the hotfix today and reset the LFR loot stuff, so if you ran it last night you can run it again now and get more loot. Just got more loot on my priest doing this. It does appear they may have made then slightly harder and higher HP.
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    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    I'm getting the same issue with the salvage yard at level 3. Level 3 salvage: 42 missions and one +3 weapon upgrade and bunch of shit greens. And 8 draenic dust which is shit now. Level 2 salvage on alt: 36 missions and a shit ton of +3 upgrades, two 615 and one 630 I'm going to delete...
  12. E

    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    I highly recommend the addon "MasterPlan" for managing garrison missions. I'm at 25/25 with 21 100s and it makes it so much easier and less time consuming.
  13. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Healing in herioc, it seems to me in order of easiest to heal, pally > warrior > monk > druid > dk
  14. E

    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    People use it all the time in Ashran PVP (which btw, is still giving 625 honor every boss kill, 40k honor points earned for season so far). It puts a huge red target on the ground and waits several seconds before hitting.
  15. E

    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    I'm in the exact same boat as you and I've determined the only thing left to do is literally wait a week or two and collect the auto granted GR. I leveled 6 alts up to their garrisons and have been just collecting them once every 2 days as well, so whenever I play them they'll have a lot already.
  16. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I've been doing heroics, tanking on a 100 prot and healing on a 100 priest. This expansion is only difficult for healers. It's like a god damn job and not fun at all. e.g. I just did 35k hps and we still wiped on a boss.
  17. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Buy all cobalt, thorium and adamantite on your server < 15g a bar. Smelt all the cheaper ore into bars. Put bars up for 15.99 each. Cobalt can go up for 29.99 I've made over 50k in the last couple weeks doing this. Also buying any WoD tradeskill mat that falls under 2g and put back up for...
  18. E

    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    Get the handynotes addon with draenor added and grab all the extra junk while you quest. You'll have plenty of GR to spend on missions and garrison upgrades.
  19. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Says more "scheduled" maintenance tomorrow (saturday) for 6 hours.
  20. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Are ore/herb nodes per player or are they shared for all players? Seems like the nodes on pre-MOP zones are non-existent due to competition, but in MOP nodes are everywhere and available.
  21. E

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Just started back up for first time in 3 years. How do you get gear above iLevel 460 in order to do LFR? I can get through heroics at 90 just fine but don't seem to be getting that good of gear, and not getting any justice points or whatever.
  22. E

    Warhammer Online RIP

    This game was pretty fun to play when it came out. Favorite part was playing an ironbreaker in one of the PVP maps that had lava, and knocking them into the lava. Seems like another MMO had something similar to that but I can't think of it. This game was also my introduction to public quests...
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    MMO Glitches / Sploits

    Early stages of EQ1, forgot the exact method, but something like typing ||||||||||||| to someone in private message would crash their game. Also a flower pot in lower guk made you unkillable from the frogs.
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    Why did Rift fail?

    I wrote this back in April 2013 in the rift thread on why I thought it was bad, before it went F2P. Looking back on it I can see they increased the grinding required a lot in order to prepare it for F2P. It also makes sense that the talent is there but the management is self destructive.
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    Rift: Planes of Telara

    As a person who's got a lot of time into this game, I wouldn't. With the expansion, they managed to turn a good game into a shitty grind fest. It's just not fun. There's not as much to do at max level as there was previous to the expansion, which is stupid. It's like they took everything good...
  26. E

    38 Studios

    Very shitty NYT article on 38 studios: Includes this bullshit:
  27. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    At this point why don't they just up the exp more on regular servers to what it is on test, and add all these features like /resetAA?
  28. E

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Wildstar preview part 1 question about why the game looks and some of the design is similar to WoW
  29. E

    Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread Who was the guy that designed guk and sol dungeons? Last I heard he was working on Vanguard then disappeared.
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    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    What are the odds of EQ reverting bards to where they can AE kite again? Doesn't seem too OP now compared to headshot and swarming. That was always fun and challenging, although I died more than it was worth trying it whenever Velious came out on Stromm. Some guys were pretty good at it though...
  31. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    I've got a 59 SK and 75 SHM. What mercs should/can I get? I'm mostly interested in half assing things while I work and getting AA.
  32. E

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    How do you setup this for AFK? Do you use mercs/pets? Does the exp not get cut to nothing? Been a while since I've played.
  33. E

    Guild Wars 2

    How much gold is 4600 gems worth now? I traded all my gold for gems back in September when I quit figuring the price would go up.
  34. E

    Rift: Planes of Telara

    Everything they've done in this expansion and the updates since its release have made the game more of a grind. Reduced exp on pvp events, reduced exp on rift and invasion events, reduced exp and mobs on onslaughts. Paltry 20k exp rewards for 0/16 kill quests and 0/12 collect quests (that turn...
  35. E

    Rift: Planes of Telara

    Dungeon's aren't worth it either if you're going with the public. Questing is mindless and boring, I agree. Kill 0/16 or collect 0/12. If you're in a group that turns into collect 0/24 as it doesn't share. We skip all collect quests. The best experience is hitting rifts and invasion areas...
  36. E


    I'm not sure of your experience, your hosting, nor what kind of money you're working with, but bandwidth costs can soar in just a few minutes given the right conditions. If you're not working with that much money it might be worth mitigating the risk by disabling attachments for now and using...