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  1. C


    First 12 win arena, pretty stoked. Final boss was a mage (of course) and it came down to a topdeck war but I prevailed. Got 2 decks and 395 gold out of it, not bad! The Black Knight won me several matches outright since no one expects him in arena.
  2. C


    Looking for people on US server to spectate for the daily. Carino#1727
  3. C

    DOTA 2

    Bruno got hired by valve so he won't be at ti5 as a caster. It's likely he'll make an appearance at some point during the tournament though.
  4. C

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    You're probably thinking of Lithose talking about the third Matrix moviehere(post 50 in that thread)
  5. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Gonna have to pull out of the raids today and tomorrow. I'm on the overnight shift right now and will be incredibly busy the next few days. I may be able to make next Friday night's raid but next Saturday morning is a no-go for me.
  6. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    AMR logs from today's raid:Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  7. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Congrats noodle!
  8. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I'll be here tonight for at least a few hours, but unfortunately I'll be missing the Saturday raid this week. The good news is that I'll be able to make the Friday and Saturday raids for the next two weeks after that!
  9. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Sorry guys for the no-show. My new work schedule is killing me. I got off work at 8am and tried to sneak in a nap before raid time but I ended up oversleeping
  10. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I think we should consider stepping into heroic full time as soon as blackhand is down. Other than set pieces I don't think there is much people need from normal anymore.
  11. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    In that case we might have been killing the tank too quickly. We were operating under the assumption that we would have to soak one of the Marked for Death sets each time a tank came out or else we would get firebombs on us, since that's what the video I saw suggested (fatboss). If we don't have...
  12. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Logs from tonight's run:Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  13. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I'll be here on Friday, but it looks like I won't be able to make it this Saturday, sorry! I hope you guys can find someone with a good tanking set to step in.
  14. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Good run today guys Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  15. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Logs from H Highmaul: Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft
  16. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Yeah I had some suspicions about Oregorger two weeks back but wasn't able to confirm them until this past week's raid. Our strat will work just fine if the offtank is the one closest to Oregorger. For Hanz and Franz I thought you knew that both tanks get hit for a ton from the suplex! The...
  17. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I'll be there to tank friday night. I still need aotc also.
  18. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    7/10, nice job everyone! Logs:Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  19. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Logs for tonight starting at brackenspore:Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  20. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Sorry about showing up late! Group ended up doing pretty well all things considered. I don't mind tanking next week since I finally finished my abrogator stones on the druid. Hopefully we'll be able to go at least 6/7. If we get some good extra dps then imp is a real possibility.
  21. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Good job today guys! Log for the run:Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  22. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    My tavern achievement bugged and gave me credit when I had only done about half of them. You might be just as lucky!
  23. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    logs from normal highmaul tonight (starting at brackenspore):Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  24. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I can tank or heal that tonight.
  25. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Log for noodle crewdle run today:Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  26. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Logs for our normal run (didn't start logging until brackenspore):Combat Log - Ask Mr. Robot - World of Warcraft
  27. C

    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    Pretty happy with that normal raid. Zero wipes on the first 6 bosses where all three healers were below 640 ilvl, and for two of us it was the first time raid healing. The Imperator kill felt extremely clean as well. Hopefully this Saturday we'll get imperator down so my main can catch back up...
  28. C

    Tell us your Mippo Tales

    I posted on the same messageboard as Curt Shilling.
  29. C

    DOTA 2

    PPD mentioned in his hotbid interview that if his team won 500k, each player would end up getting around 60-70k each.
  30. C

    First World Problems

    I level up so fast in Dota 2 due to compendium bonuses that I keep forgetting to open the present every 5 levels
  31. C

    DOTA 2

    What a clusterfuck. Looks like the outcome will be Era playing in TI4, which no one wants. If Era hadn't sent that first email to Valve everything would have been fine, but he's an 18 year old kid so you can't really expect him to realize the repercussions of writing an email like that. Moral of...
  32. C

    First World Problems

    I prefer to lay on my right side while reading my nook in bed, but I had to lay on my left side last night because it was almost out of batteries and the nearest outlet is on the left side of my bed.
  33. C

    DOTA 2

    A majority of people seem to agree that each of the 16 teams in ti4 should get some small fraction of the prize pool. Even 0.5% of a $6,500,000 pool is $32,500, more than teams get for first place in almost every other tournament. Just make 9th-16th get 0.5% each and take the 4% evenly from the...
  34. C

    DOTA 2

    It's impossible to solo queue on us east without running into tons of peruvians. It's the single most frustrating thing about this game right now, and it seems like valve has no interest in trying to fix the problem.
  35. C

    The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread

    Added everyone. 2681-0640-5528
  36. C

    DayZ, Arma2, Arma3

    Caved in and bought this. Can one of you invite me to the group? Steam ID is carino3
  37. C

    DOTA 2

    Solo queueing on U.S. east, primetime, I was the only player on both teams to speak English. And of course they blame me for everything that goes wrong. My jimmies are rustled. Valve needs to bring back solo matchmaking. That way you don't end up part of a 4 stack of terrible brazilians vs a...
  38. C

    DOTA 2

    navi vs fnatic, what a game.
  39. C


    Just a reminder, I'm not gonna be playing in the next town, so I left my coalition. Since I was the leader, it disbanded it, so you guys will have to reform it and find a hero who can join the next town.