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  1. P

    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    Rem is best girl. He chose wrong.
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    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    Seriously, Subaru needs to man up and accept his fate. The main char from "All you need is kill" manned up pretty quick and got shit done after he figured out what was happening.
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    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    I want to like Subaru, I really do. He just keeps making it harder and harder to find a reason to like him.
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    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    Eh I give him credit for at least trying this episode instead of just shutting down. Even if he loses major points for the piss poor job he tried to do.
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    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    I remember them talking about the fog earlier like 2 episodes ago and how they couldn't travel through it. The great whale's fog or something? Possibly one of the great spirits? And yeah I'm annoyed at Subaru's lack of progress. He is at such an advantage with his reset ability but it too stupid...
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    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    As for the giant Spirit in Re:zero.
  7. P

    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    Just watched the latest episode of Re:Zero. Wtf just happened?
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    Summer 2016 Anime Thread

    The new Puzzles and Dragon anime has my interested piqued after the first episode. Pretty cool seeing the monsters I used to play with being used.
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    Dark Souls Boardgame

    alert icon Wasn't sure where else to put this so I'm gonna put it here. Been following this for a week and it's popularity has exploded like crazy. It was fully funded in under 3 minutes I think I read somewhere. The miniatures they have for it looks amazing and with just the one pledge...
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    Spring Anime 2016 Thread

    After watching 4 episodes of Macross Delta I still don't know how I feel aboutnit. I want to like it, it's got great animation and old school zentradi battle pods and such. The focus though seems so much more about singing and music than previously. Much more in your face than frontier was...
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    [manga] Everything Else

    Looks like Fairy Tail is going all final Naruto war now bringing back all these dead bosses.
  12. P

    Winter 2016 Anime Thread

    Figure I'll post this here. Season 2 premieres November 2016: Amai Mask to defeat Saitama? : Trending News : Lawyer Herald
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    Star Wars : Rogue One

    You know, it would be amazing if we see Vader in Rogue One following the plans. We see an organized army of rebels against Vader himself. Not 20 or 30, but hundreds fighting against him and his army. The commander says something about how the entire army needs to stay to hold back Vader and his...
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    Winter 2016 Anime Thread

    Well that was an interesting twist at the end of PSO this episode. Wonder where they are going to take that.
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    Winter 2016 Anime Thread

    Grimgar is definitely slow paced. I'm enjoying it but wish things would move along slightly quicker. Kinda feel like they are in some kind of Inception like dream world where they have shared mind link like in the bottom of the slums. It just kind of erases your mind from before plugging in...
  16. P

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Got spoiled a bit by some random douchbag on facebook posting in EVERY thread of a page I followed. Still can't wait to see this tonight in Imax. Freaking rest of the world getting the movie before the US. Should a been a global release at the same time.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    I wonder if there is a 4d theatre with Star Wars here in Texas somewhere. I know Moody Gardens in Galveston has one but no planned showings for Star Wars.
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    WarCraft (2016)

    Some of you guys are acting like this movie should have been the next Lord of the Rings as far as production and cgi goes. I never expected perfect realistic cgi in the warcraft movie from the moment I heard they were making a movie. It's obvious the environment of the world would make it nearly...
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    WarCraft (2016)

    I personally think it looks pretty good and captures the feeling of the games pretty well. While yes the Lich King storyline would have been an awesome movie to make, I feel this is a pretty good starting point for a series of movies if done right.
  20. P

    Summer 2015 Anime Thread

    God Eater 8 has been up since Sunday on Horriblesubs. It's kinda meh but I enjoy the music. Shokugeki ending makes me sad and hope they have another season soon.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Really the only thing I liked about the special edition episode IV is the small conversation with Biggs before the battle of Yavin when they are in the hanger and the launching of the fighters from the base. That was about it. Didn't need the Han shot second, or the Jabba scene or anything else.
  22. P

    Summer 2015 Anime Thread

    Please tell me there's at least one more episode of Overlord to come! That fucking cliffhanger. I seriously think Shalltear ended up being reset to basic NPC status when they used that magic on her. Lord Ains plan is to get her back to being "real" and had to setup an intricate plan to do it.
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    Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)

    I've heard rumors it's because some big wig I think with Legendary pictures was taking all the credit for the movies success because he chose to fund it and that didn't set well with alot of people.
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    Transformers 5

    Transformers 4 had some semi decent moments. It was mostly just a pile of crap though. I expect the same for number 5, but I'll probably go see it in theatres anyway.
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    And this thread has gone so far off the rail lol. Still can't believe we only have 3 months left till the movie releases and we haven't been given a solid trailer yet. We've got 2 long teasers that show us some good stuff but no real clue as to the direction of the story.
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    Summer 2015 Anime Thread

    Ehh I don't think it's becoming that. Sure the priest chick gets wet when battle is around but that's just her thing. She will return to normal soon enough when she is mindlessly killing people. Shokugeki was pretty interesting though. Can't wait to see what Soma and Megumi make. Although...
  27. P

    Summer 2015 Anime Thread

    Seriously! I've been waiting to see what he can really do when he cuts loose but it just hasn't happened yet.
  28. P

    Avengers: Age of Ultron

    After watching the scene with Stark looking at the bodies of all the Avengers on the rock, it looks like the extras on the rock are just fallen SHIELD combat troops. I remember the rumor floating around the scene hid some sort of Easter egg about the future. It is possible that the scene could...
  29. P

    Summer 2015 Anime Thread

    God Eater hasn't revealed the true origins of the Aragami yet in the anime. The blonde haired man that is the director of Fenrir is also the the same doctor as the one experimenting in the flashbacks in the black and white portions at the end of the episodes. They were experimenting on the...
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    Pen & Paper/Traditional RPGs

    I've been with my current D&D group for about 2 years now. We've played both 3.5 (what we started with) and since it's been released, 5th edition. 3.5 allows far more complexity and customization than 5th edition does. Mostly due to rules and the amount of splat books available. However...
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    Ant Man. July 2015

    Just saw the movie and gotta say it was pretty awesome. Obviously not up to Iron Man 1 or Avengers 1 but definately up there. Loved the fight with the train at the end as well as the pet.
  32. P

    Summer 2015 Anime Thread

    Everytime I think Shimoneta can't top itself, it straps me to a rocket and sends me to a whole other level. The love letters, the cookies, and the sparkling trail and rainbow. It's all just so amazingly hilarious. I just can't look away.
  33. P

    Terminator Genisys (2015)

    Just saw it tonight. Never saw the TV series but I would rate it above Salvation a bit and below one and two. It has a few plot holes left unexplained which may be filled in with sequal's planned. Overall I enjoyed the action and the twists in the time lines and how they weave together. Would...
  34. P

    Spring 2015 Anime Thread

    God bless UBW for giving me inspiration for my D&D character who basically fights just like Gilgamesh. So much win in this episode! Seraph ended retarded I do agree. Was hoping to get some small information about what happened but meh.
  35. P

    Spring 2015 Anime Thread

    I look forward to Danmachi and Shokugeki more than Fate, Seraph, and Gunslinger every week. Which is kinda sad. Fate has been more just straight talking and Archer being emo for the past 3 or 4 episodes. Hope the next few give us some really good fights.
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    "How many 5 year olds can you take on!" The movie. Looks funny. Might see it in theatres may not. Depends on future trailers.
  37. P

    Comic Books

    If you wanna get into them you kinda have to go back to the beginning of IDW transformer comics. It's been a single storyline for about 5 years.
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    Comic Books

    Transformer comics continue to be amazing to read nowadays. Even if I'm not a fan of the art of Livio Ramondelli. Hate the style but the story makes me want to read it. It's premise plays out well and actually gives background on alot of the recent releases of transformer toys. Wish the...
  39. P

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    So did anyone else notice that when he says "my father has it", "I have it", "my sister has it", they all show scenes of the family in question without revealing exactly who it is. Vader mask, Luke's mechanical hand, and possibly Leia taking or giving the Lightsaber to someone. plus I find it...
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    Furious 7 (2015)

    The ending of three leads into this movie. It's been a few years since Paul's kid is older. Vin racing the southern kid at the end takes place about mid movie in 7.